Tong Ji Mo sighed, said, "Mu Jingqing is all stranger, is my mother knows her plan, so when you fight with others, I will hurt you behind you, put my mother's body in your Around it, you have created you to kill my mother. I will take this way to do things for her, my eyes, and the things of her ship, it is what she is doing this. "

Su Feyi swallowed, tears swayed in the eyes, "Momo, I am sorry, I will hurt you so much to hurt your things."

"I have passed, you will seriously seriously." Tong Jihuang comforted Sophie, "You are still my good sister."

"Momo, thank you." Sophie was excited to hold the children's Jiu Miliu.

"Hey, Feifei Aunt, don't hug my mom! I will be jealous!" Tongle music is very hostile to Sophie, and the child's voice is inserted between Tong Jiumo and Sophie.

How can Tongle will have no hostility for Sophie.

"Momo, your son seems to have a good time to me ..." Sophie also understood people, and he saw Tongle to hostile her.

Just two children, she can't divide which one is to raise with my father, which one is to raise my mother.

"This is Ale, and the most look at the lively is Ale, watching the cold is Ash, I am two babies." Tong Jiubo said.

"You damn a woman, why do you want to dismantle us a family of four." Mo Jue was cold and asked.

When Sophie received the cold eyes of Mo Qi, the body was smashed, saying in small, "I worry that you are unfavorable to Momo, plus so many people to catch Momo, I can only lie to her and deceived You, I also hope that Momo can stay away from these disputes and harm. "

She only used this approach to save the foam.

Manufacturing death information, and one of them gave a stranger, and there was a child's Mo Jue who did not take the child's ninemurns really dead.

She and Children's Jiubo lied the first child to die, but also wants to leave the child.

She knows that this is cruel.

But this is the only way out of the year.

"Hey, you can't forgive her." Tongle is holding the long legs of the Qi Qi, "Fifi is very bad, did not take me out to make me brother."

"Ale, you are stupid, if you put it out first, you will live with the slag, and live with Mommy is me."

The stranger came over and shrugged. "If this is the case, I would rather exchange for you, you have to live with Mom to live for five years, but also a favorite."

Mr. Mi is super envious of children.

From the first day of encounter Tongle, he envy Ale.

Every growth of Ale has the participation of Mommy.

And he is only a cold and ice.

"Ash, what kind of slag ..." Momi Qi Lu is green.

"Ash, you can't say this, in fact, you and you are also very happy, I listened to the goverber said, you are a big urinary strip, never Fakers in people. "Tong Jiubo went to the side of the stranger, squatting down, stretching softly, stranger the little face," Ash, a big man with a child is not easy. "

"Mommy is not easy, a girl is forced to escape from exotic, one person has a child, must be very hard." Stir away from the eyes of red, full of distressed, "If you make sorry Mommy's thing, I will never let him go. "

Tong Jihuang heard the words, gently laughed, and kissed the quite of the stranger, "My Ash, Mommy loves you."

Tongle is jealous, let go of the little hand holding a stranger long legs, flying to the child's ninem, one hugged the body of the child, "Mommy, there is a baby!"

PS: Recommended Sanchuan's Mengben "Sweet Wife Kiss Addiction: Jue Sharp, Gently"

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