"You tell me, how do you deal with? Don't you want to see her privately?"

Mo Qi saw her ideas at a glance.

"You fight the woman, I don't allow you to do such a dangerous thing."

"I know, I will not be prepared to look for her," Tong Jiumei looked at him.

"If you dare to hurt you half of it, I killed her." Mo Qi mulled tooth.

Tong Jiu Mo reached out his big hand and said, "Mu Jingqing should be sanctions by law, do not need us to do."

Reversible, Tong Jiu Mo's eyebrows, "But it seems that she is sanctioned by law, I and Sophie will be sanctions."

"No one dares to grab you into the prison." Mo Qi touched her small head, sitting down on the side, "Even if you en arrive in prison, you will not be tired to you."

Tong Jiu Milou was injured in the ward and raised it for a week, and I feel that the feet of the gypsum it hurt again.

She reached out to unlock the gypsum.

Mo Jue came in a bag of fruit from the outside, looked at the children's ninemobile, he was arrow, and his hands were on, "What are you doing?"

"I am a feet itchy." Tong Jiu fooled him.

"Doctors will give you itching, you don't mess up." Mount Military took her little hand, "You have to listen to the doctor."

"I have been in the hospital a week, my parents are coming to feed every day, I want to go to bed, I will turn into a fat man without exercise." Tong Jiucao felt a lot of faces.

"Where is you fat?" Mo Qi did not look at her, reached out her little face, said, "You are also true, it is not fat, just say that you are fat, then you let me How to live more than one hundred pounds? "

"You are a man, how is it?" Tong Jiubo put his feet on his leg, reached his clothes, "Husband, do you want to ask for a doctor? Help me remove the gypsum?"

Looking at her spoiled look, he really could not refuse, but for her body, he can't do this.

Cold face, "No, you still have to stay for a week before you can discharge, you still have internal injuries, you can't go down."

"My parents are all going home?" Tong Jiu Milou asked Mon.

"Well, just returned, brought two babies back." Mo Jue said.

"Husband, let you accompany me in the hospital every day, you even move your work to the hospital." Tong Jihuang looked at him.

"Silly girl." Mo Qi reached out to stroked her little head, "I just sign a word, occasionally look at the stock market."

Tong Jiumo's wards in separate VIP wards, only children's ninematings in the whole floor, unless Mo Qijue called doctor to give Tong Jiubo, there is a doctor's nurse.

No one dares to come up with us.

"Husband, my body seems to be itchy, do you help me rub it?" Tong Jihuang little finger poked his body, and his eyes looked at him.

Mo Jue is a shock, looking at her in a difficult place, "Momo, do you want to punish me?"

"I just let you help me, is a reward you, how is it to punish you, now there is a beautiful body to see, you should be very honored." Tong Jiubo said with a smile.

"Momo, I can only see, can't touch, this is punishment." Mo Qi was shook his head without helplessness, but said in his mouth, but it took the water.

When he came out, he saw Tong Jiemif that took off his clothes.

He frowned, put the water plate aside, reach out to put her clothes, "Momo, what do you do!"

"How do you give you a son?" Tong Jiu Mo looked at him.

PS: Recommend the message of the little brother "Sweet wife kisses addictive: Sharow, gently pet"

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