On the way back, Tong Jiubo walked directly to the Qi Qi.

After the Mo Qi followed behind, he said carefully, "Wife, I really don't know that the person is not you, I smell the fragrance, think is yours."

The death, the woman dared to use my wife's share of perfume, but also want to seduce me! Seeing that I don't let the seal the house to kill her!

Read and this, Mo Jue is on the front and the children's Jiubo walking.

He has been apologizing, "Wife, don't be angry, I really didn't have to do something."

Tong Jiubo has been walking, ignored him.

The Qi Quan is really afraid that she is not awkward, walking in front of her, pouring walking, reaching out, pulling her clothes, carefully said, "Wife, you talk, is it good?"

Tong Jiu Milou looked at him soft and hard, it was still a deadlock for a long time, said, "Go back and pack you."

Looking at my wife, I finally talkped with myself, and I have fun.

Rushing her sweetly, "Wife, what do you like? I bought it."

"Hey." Tong Jihuang is just awkward.

"What do you want to buy?"

Mo Qi Jue is busy, "Buying bags, buying a car, buying a house, buy diamonds, buying a company ..."

"Vulgar!" Tong Jihao said him.

"Would you like me to give you a few small dishes?" Mo Qi asked villaa.

"I am a kitchen." Tong Jiubo looked at him.

"Momo, the starting point of you is too high, I really can't be married, I will never do something wrong." Mo Qi also grabbed the hair and said very sad.

His wife has the ability, and it is an overbearpist president of the kitchen. It can reach the point where men do not need men.

Fortunately, his wife chose him.

"Mo Qi, your son is right, your heart is stupid." Tong Jiu Mo said.


Mo Qi's important thing is three times. "My wife is so good, if I dare to derail, I am still a man? I don't want to be! What is the same?"

"Then you don't know if you are close to you." Tong Jiu Mo's eyebrows.

"Wife, this is really ignorant, she spurting the same perfume as you."

Mo Qi frowned, very angry, "Let's not mention, I have ordered it, except my wife, no one can close me! I see what the devil must have to seduce me! So deliberate to buy you usually spray Perfume, then take the opportunity to seduce me! "

"I am! I still want to seduce me like her? I don't look at the mirror! Just like this, I can see the school's men's eyes!"

Mo Jue said that he said, very poisonous tongue, not in love.

Tong Jiuyao listened, the mood was a big half, but a serious face, "Listen to your tone, it seems to be blame me?"

"Yes, blame you! There is a special perfume, why do you use these popular luxury brands?"

"I like it very much, this is classic."

Tong Jiu Mo said.

"No, you are a woman in the Qi Ming, how can you use the same thing with other women? Different Nanjue wife came to your restaurant and his husband candlelight dinner, she didn't give you a special set of deliberately Exclusive perfume? Why don't you use it? If not, you don't give the sake of the south! "

Mo Qi squad pinned her little face.

"Momi Qi, are you really drunk or a false drunk? Refutably gets up the head is the way, just do you deliberately let Lin Zhi is close to your?"

Tong Jiu Milou looked at him charming handsome, straightforward, how can her mother have so handsome man! Fortunately, my husband!

Moreover, Tong Jihuang doesn't know that Momi is really drunk or fallen, and the whole person is relying on her shoulders.

PS: Recommend the message of the little brother "Sweet wife kisses addictive: Sharow, gently pet"

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