The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 924 often gives you hints

The stranger is very envious, "Mommy, I really envy me, there is you, you are so protecting him!"

Tong Jiu Mo fooled his hand and died, "You are a little scorpion, there is no Mommy, hey, actually and Ale badges to deceive Mommy, and exchange the identity!"

The stranger was pinched with a small face by Tong Jiu Milou. He pointed to Tongle music, "It is Ale to interchange the identity, it is not my mother."

Ale is the main funeral, he is just a border.

He also felt that the deceived Mummy was wrong.

But Ale is a reason to convince him.

Who let him be your brother?

"Ale, you are doing a little scorpion, but your ass must be itchy." Tong Jiu Mo reached out of Tongle.

"Mommy, is your IQ you and the IQ! We all hinted that you still have a baby in countless times, you just choose to indifferent! How can I blame me!" Tongle is helplessly shrug.

"When are you suggesting?" Tong Jiun did not recognize it.

"There is! I am still talking to you, I am in the summer camp, I have encountered a baby as me, you all say that I am eye-catching, I also ask you that there is no brother brother, you also said no Oh. "Tongle said.


"Mommy, can you think about it?" Tongle was pinched with a small face by Mommy, he didn't dare to move.

"Mummy, I am not right, deceive you!" The stranger is serious, and I am busy apologizing to Mommy's apology. "We will be ignorant in the future! I will never let you worry about us."

"Mommy, I think you still have to comfort your old public ... I lost a favorite man, but what happened, you are careful!" Tongle Lele refers to the living room. Sleepy man said.

"Mommy, don't worry about me, he is so love to pinch, I am not so big, my child is not so big, he is good ..." The stranger did not force him to vomit him.

"I will give you a meal."

Tong Jihuang looked at the living room, who knew that Mo Jue was gone.

"Where are you going?" Tong Jiu Milou asked.

"I don't know." Tongle music shook his head, "I just saw him sitting there." Don't I fly? "

"It's actually quite pitiful ..." Tongle is sigh.

"Why don't I think it is pitiful?"

"Hey ... But the family is not hurting, the grandfather is too grandmother, he does not pet him, grandparents don't love him ..."

"But I have a favorite of Mommy! He still wants to go to the sky? Tai Grandpa is too grandmother, they don't like it, just because he snatched their grandchildren's daughter-in-law ... change me, I don't like it. Diha! He snatched my mommy. "Strange said.

"The old man who is not loved by the family ... Mommy, hard you!" Tongle reached out and took a small hand of the children's ninem.

"You have dinked, and you will start doing homework." Tong Jihuang was also full, and said to make a egg fried rice in the kitchen.

"Today, I am going to do my homework." Tongle took the small head of Xiaoshi.

"Why is it today? Yesterday is me, the day before yesterday is also me, big day or me!" Strange offers.

"Yesterday, yesterday is you, the day before yesterday is you, big day or you, so today is you! No hairy?" Asked Tongle.

"There is no problem." Stir away.

"Well, Hey." Tongle was very popular, touched the small head of the division.

Like a puppy, I ran away.

When there is no reaction in Ais.

When Tongle is slipping to the restaurant door, the stranger is awake, I am awake, I'm going to the Tongle music that is running away, "Tong Hang! You have a routine!"

Tongle is looking forward to the stranger, "I am slightly a little! My family as Baby is always in my pit to slow half!"

Strange, "..."

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