The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 934, you ... is our boss?

Tongle, "..." Laozi is your boss, do you dare to play Laozi?

"Wow! It is really very familiar!" Prince also looked at Tongle, "It seems that when we deal with the old man of the old man to deal with the old man near the name, the baby seen nearby!"

"No, then you will be two babies! This only one!" Yun Shen also thought of this.

"Yes! It is he is him!" The prince is also called.

"Is him he is his friend, why!" I don't know why, the mercenaries behind him suddenly sang a song.

Tongle, "..."

Is his people a group of teasings?

"Little brother, your doll? Why didn't you come with you? Who are you? How can you appear here?" Yunxiao asked Tongle.

Little brother?

Tong Lele heard this word, he turned a white eye.

"Laozi is your boss!" Tongle music is cold, said.

"Oh ... hahaha! I am still your old child!" Yunxiao put Tongle music on the car, pinching his little face.

Tongle, "..."

He is a child, what can he do?

But he is their boss!

"Do you know who we are? How did you come in? Whose children are you?" Prince also touched a Tongle music, touched up and down, like a metamorphosis.

"Prince, you dare to touch me again, be careful, I am smashed with your hand." Tongle looked at himself by a group of people, touched, pinched.

Mom, I touched him, he didn't want his face?

"Hey, listening is not bad, knowing my name is proud." Prince listened to Tongle music to call himself, picking the eyebrows, and couldn't help but pinched the little butt of the children's happy micro-tunes, "the feel is very good." ! "

"Hey, this is so handsome baby, I didn't expect it to meet again!" The believers said, "It is very suitable for me to hug home to raise big, do my little, you look at this proud little eyes It is simply a proud! "

Tongle music, "I believe you are rebellion? You can do this ... If you play the idea of ​​the Laozi, I will invade you East Asian oil tycoon, love the small mistress, and the Minister of Security, the scandal of the scandal of the small scorpion Let the petroleum tycoon them to kill you! "

Believers, there is a cold in the back, "How do you know my secret?"

This secret, only the prince of the cloud and the boss know.

No one knows.

"You ... really is our boss?" The believers were trembling, and asked uncertainly.

"Laozi is a liquefied thing?" Tong Lele must be blown up.

He just came to party, why do they touch him this?

What did he do wrong? I will encounter a group of teasings!

I know that they metamorphic, but I didn't expect to metamorphosis!

Yunxiao and the prince heard the words, scared a jump, even after the busy retired, "Old, boss?"

No way!

A little fart?

"Why, I don't match your boss?" Tong Lele clamped her eyebrows, and worked in the chest.

"It's not worth it, just when you are today? Our boss can be a big man, long is ugly! No you are so handsome!" Said prince.

"You know what to pretend to be boss, what is it?" I believe in an eyebrows and asked provocative.

"Believers, I have a lot of black materials in my hand. Do you want to listen? If you don't want your face, I can publish it in the mercenaries.

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