"Why, our home does not admire the world?" Tong Lele clam the eyebrows.

His identity has been scared, if it is said that the top four of the world's super hacker list is their family, they will definitely be magical?

Forget it, don't bring them frightened again.

"Boss, your home gene is also very good! What is your father, what is your sister? I also want to have a super baby!" Yunxiao continued to ask.

"My father is the only child." Tongle is shrugged, and the boat said, "And, the IQ genetic, the expert studies have shown that it is related to the mother, and the father is nothing."

"It is my mommy to give me so smart."

"Then your Mommy has a sister and sister!"

The clouds are deep, believers and princes asked in concert.

"It seems that there is a slag girl? But look at the IQ, do you want?" Tongle is trying to recall, his Mommy seems to have a slag girl.

"How is it so far?" Yunxiao asked.

"Because it is not a mother, do you think is a woman's child is smart?" Tongle is not to spit, "You, you have to have a good time to have a good girl, the child is God gave it, so you have to give yourself a blessing to have a chance to have a lovely baby. "

The clouds are busy in the middle of the cloud.

It seems to be such a thing.

Listening to the boss is right.

Believers immediately took out the little book and began to record Tongle music.

"What are you doing?" Tong Lele looked at the believers who took this child and asked.

"Take a notes, I have to be re-being, for the future, I have to give a smart baby, I have to cultivate a small magic!" I believe in vowed.

"I believe in, I will return to me!" Said the prince.

"Give me a copy." Yu Shen also said.

As they are like a good friend, they do notpt them carefully, and the other two will directly copy after class.

Tongle, "..."

"Right, the boss, what is your mom? What is the characteristic hobby?" Asked the believers.

"When we went to rescue the Qi Quan, when he was the beautiful girl, the beautiful girl should be a boss!" Yun Shen recalled the way.

"Yeah, that is my Mommy, beautiful young lady, perfect goddess, a world famous university double doctor, learning the gods." Tongle said.

"Recommend, have you recorded it?" Yunxiao looks at the believers who do notices.

"I am remembering." I remembered notes, asked, "Where is the girl going?"

"Yeah, can we go where to lead such a small sister?" Yunxiao also asked.

"Or, do you have a little girl classmate? Tell us?" The prince sorted down the clothes, and I was asked.

"My Mommy is a little girl, the child is born ... You have no chance." Tong Lele love said.

That Sophie is indeed good, medical skills are high.

Unfortunately, it is already married.

"How do others be so good!" Believers crazy, "Why didn't I encounter such a girl?"

"You like the chest and brainless goblin ... And like the girl like the old Mummy, you don't seem to be able to match." The cloud is deep and vomiting.

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