The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 954 acquiring its own company

When Tongle Le and the Stone Division left the school to stroll, they were surrounded by a group of suits.

They are eating ice cream.

Tongle is asked while eating, "I will leave it, which is this?"

"The babies are too handsome." The stranger drew the ice cream, and took a small mouth, and then slammed the cake.

He elegantly pulled out his handkerchief, not slowly wipe Tongle's smear.

"Les, you see you, eat the mouth is dirty." Strange said.

"Well!" Tong Lele rose his mouth, enjoying the stranger to give him mouth.

And their interaction, in a group of bodyguards, but hit a cold, looking at everyone with each other.

Even I don't know what happened, I dare not ask.

These two children have seen them so fierce, why is so calm?

Really not afraid of them?

"Children, are you not afraid of us?" Asked for a strong man with a strong man.

The stranger sinking a small face, put Tongle music behind him, the voice is cold, "What do you want to do?"

"Of course, stealing children!"

Zhuanghan said, playing a thoughts, others have begun to hold two babies!

I got a black luxury car.

The stranger and Tongle music were taken.

The stranger touched the mobile phone in your pocket and pressed the emergency contact.

After he pressed, the current information immediately sent it to the captain's mobile phone.

When the captain received the emergency information of the stranger, the face became paleble.

I quickly told the information from other four people.

After the other four people received the information, they hurriedly came to the collection.

"My family is caught?" Believers were very excited.

"My family is also caught!" The captain waved the handwritten hand.

"What are you waiting for, to save the boss!" The clouds were deeply sinking.

"I am going to prepare the car!" The prince said and ran to drive.

"According to the display, Aisal is seemingly caught in the new sea terminal." The captain traces the position.

"New Sea Terminal? Isn't it a place where a organization is?" Yunxiao heard the words, frowned, "this group of people is very wolf! And I have been attacking Mr. ... Do you know that two babies are Mr. Heir? "

"Do you want to inform Mo Qi?" I asked.

"Let's rescue, if you can't do it, we will inform Mo Qi." Yuxiang said.

"Why is this trouble?" Asked the captain.

"Because Ale is over, it is not allowed to expose their identity before Mo Jue ... If you know, Mo Jue knows who is the person who has acquired his own companies." Yun thoughtfully learned Tongle Will.

"Your boss also acquired a company company company? Do you want to rush!" The captain didn't believe it.

"Yeah, your family is a border." Yun said deeply.

They also thought they organized more bovine, who knew that Ale acquired is their own company, there is nothing to be terrible.

I found it by Mori Queon, and the top more is awkward.

Mo Qi has such a pitted baby, it is also pitiful enough.

With the daily day of the two cute pits, they will learn how to protect their children.

However, they didn't have this kind of child who had a bombed child.

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