Because the other party asked to let Mo Qi empty hand, it cannot be alarm.

Tell the ticket if the alarm is alarm.

On the way, the sealed house will report another thing, "Young master, at the young master, before the small master, we were acquired by a company overseas."

This company is almost the source of Mo Jue in the overseas.

Complete supply.

Even monopolizing the market.

"First saving Ashle is tight." In his opinion, these are all foreign objects.

Saving your son is the business.

Although he disadvantages two sons, this is the best gift for him to give him the best gift.

Is his heart treasure.

How to tolerate them to be hidden by half.

"Happy!" Momi Qi is a little impatient.

Even if he strategizs, he is in his own bone, his heart is panicked and scared.

"Yes, young master!" The seal is put on the speed.

At the new sea terminal.

The radio sound will sound in the air.

"Mo Qi, listening, the pier is full of sniper, if you have alarm, your two children will fall from here."

"Young master, you see! Ash and Ale Little Master!" The seal is also getting off, and he saw two young masters being in half.

Almost 30 meters high.

The Mo Jue is also noted that the sons are in the air.

He is eyebrow, suppressing anger in the body, "Give the ransom to me."

"Young master, is it sure? This chip can be the soul of the Mr. China ... Once gave the new sea, our group will do something!" The seal house has a pale.

This chip is the core of the group.

The Mr. Group has its own technology research and development, and the technology chip leads the world.

The world science and technology tyrants want to rule out the Mr. International Group, but the group is growing day and night.

Constantly powerful.

There is a hard work of scientific and technicians behind.

"With the strength of the group, you can also develop better again, there is nothing more important than my child." The voice of the Qijue is sinking.

Since after having a child and his wife, he put his life in the first place, he could not do something, he would be strong enough to protect his wife and children.

"Young master, but the other party has sniper, we will do it too much, will not be too risky ..." The capping is worried.

The mobile phone of Mo Jue is suddenly sounded.

It is a new sea.

"New Sea, if my child wants less hair, you want the chip and technology core here." Momi said faintly.

"You hold the chip and core technology to change your two children's life." The new sea said in the phone.

Mo Qi took the box with chips, step by step.

The two children were poured.

It is leisurely.

"I don't worry, baby, I will find a rescue, I will protect you." Tongle stretched his hand, opened the microcomputer on the wrist, put his specific location and the surrounding environment, and each The exact location of the sniper sends it to the clouds in the cloud.

"Les, you are fine?" The stranger worried about Tongle.

After all, his happy music is high.

"Nothing! It is the baby, this is shaking, it is not very clear, , baby is afraid ... Baby is still afraid ..."

The stranger swayed.

"I am doing, what are you doing? Don't shake, your baby looks at the eyes ..." Tongle Lee grinding teeth, he did not report this hatred, he is not a small brother of Ash!

"I want to hug you." The stranger only wanted to hug Lau, so Lesco would not be afraid.

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