"How to say?"

Tongle is looking at dad, I am in peace.

He knows him safe.

Just also look at how dad is to save them.

"The sacrifice is too big, I can't think of it." Said the stranger.

"So you are touched by Dad?" Tongle was asked.

It is really difficult to see the frank expressions. It is really difficult!

His family is open, a little cool face on a day.

Like Dad.

Not as well as he jumped.

"That is not to see it. This ugly uncle's goal is a place, we are tired of being tired ... Hey! It is now more room for it, nothing like him. Style. "The stranger sighed a small gas.

In the past, the means was tough, and the thunder was popular, and the grass was screened.

But recently, I have been in hand of this new sea pier.

Now give yourself a disaster?

I have to catch him and Le ...

So hanging so long, is it really fun?

What's more, he and Lestern are high!

Mo Qi rides the lift to the springboard.

The New Sea first looked at Mo Jue in such a close time, and the new sea almost stood!

Mono Queu is powerful and powerful, people don't dare to get close to one step.

Mo Qi also has a scruple, especially he has a single Q Pixa. The surrounding is a sniper. He has two children being controlled. If he dares to shoot, his child is dangerous.

"Mo Qi, I only want your chip, wait for us to evacuate, you can naturally save your child." The new sea strongly suffered from the inner fear, said to the Mo Jue.

Mo Qi handed the chip box to the new sea.

When the new sea took it, the hands were shaking very powerful.

The box is falling on the ground.

The new sea is busy, and said to the Mo Qi, "Mono Qi, this chip is my future."

"It is useless to give you." Mo Qi said coldly, "Let your people withdraw, put my child!"

"No problem." The new sea took a chip, but for his own safety, he left.

However, when the new sea was sitting on the rising down, the latent sniper was solved several.

The new sea discovery is not right, he stands on the platform, angry, watching the stranger, "Mo Jue, you said the police?"

"Since you have alarm, I will not let your child!" The new sea said, press the remote control in his hand, and the two children will fall.

"Ah! Dad is better!"

"Ah! Hey!"

Two Meng Bao's screams came down.

"Help -"

"Help -"

Two Mengbao's voice broke their sound!

"New Sea, you dare to move my child!"

The movement of the new sea completely irritated the stranger, and the stranger placed the new sea from a few meters high before.

The new sea is close to the chip of the hand falls into the water.

When Mo Jue, when I saw two children, I quickly reached out to grabbed the rope.

And the two ropes are a bit distance, fortunately, he grabs the rope in his hands is not too powerful.

"Dad, you will let go!"

Two Mengbao suddenly stopped in half.

It turned out to catch them.

"Dad took you up now." Mo Jue will take the rope a little bit.

At this time, Tong Jiumo has also arrived.

When I saw Tong Jiumo, Mo Que was a glimp.

Seeing two children were hanging, they didn't work.

Tong Jihuang looked around and put the life-saving strip in two children.

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