The Lord is so Fierce: Kiss My Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 965 of the son of the potholes

"Scan code is swept here." The stranger is very good as Tongle's performance. It immediately took a mobile phone to open the QR code to handle the cloud.

Yunxiao, "..."

These two babies are really super pit!

The pit is finished in their mouths.

But who makes them powerful!

"The phone didn't have ... Can you credit?" Yunxiao smoked asked.

"Credit will add interest." Tongle said.

"Boss, you are too pit!" The cloud couldn't help but spit.

On the side of the stranger, I watched the children's nine Mo, asked, "Wife, I didn't listen to it, the big back man worked, my son is called the boss?"

Tong Jiu Mo has a very innocent look, "What do you say? I can't understand anything."

"Wife, still put it?" Moshi stared at the children's nine.

After you know that your wife is a person, his heart is already strong.

Tong Jiu Mo said, "What am I installed? I really don't know them."

"Your son may know." Mo Jue said.

"Then you can say to your son." Tong Jiu Milou Yangli, indicating that he went to find Tongle and the stranger.

Mo Jue hugs with the waist of Tong Yimo, and went to the body of the two sons, sinking, "Ais Aller, you know these five uncle?"

"Mr. Mr. Mr., what uncle? So we also saved you twice! We are so young and handsome, called a brother, can you?

Yunxiao thought that he was the total standard.

When I saw a Mo Qi, I knew what the real overbearing president.

The master president like Mo Qi, one appearance is the gas field of the two meters, no one can't.

The gas field is simply rolling everyone.

"Uncle, you can leave! Thank you for protecting us! We really have a stranger's light!" Tongle Le Ling machine moved, reminding the clouds to leave.

But Mo Jue is not planning to let go, "What is your relationship with my son?"

How do son know how strong these harmful people?

"We have no relationship." The cloud is deeply off.

"Is it? Then your gold organization is estimated to live." Mo Qi Lu said.

"Dad is better! What can you say! How can my gold medal organization live? Just starting well!" Tongle music heard his dad, he was going to his gold medal, he pushed his waist, milk The fierce milled murder is full of strange, "Dad, how can you deal with your son?"

The stranger reached out to pull the clothes of the Tong Le Le, and if you want to say that Tongle is not said.

Seeing the stranger, I said, "I don't want to pull me, I have to say my dad, I have to deal with my organization today. What should I do? "

"I won't let this happen! You can rest assured!"

In addition to Mo Jue, others fall!

Ale is not taking care!

Also fully recruited!

"So, the two s and l hats are you?"

"Yes!" Tongle Music fork, holding his dad.

"Very good ..." Mo Jue's face smoked.

His heart can't stand it!

Is the two sons actually work with him?

Have you stole him?


How did his wife give him a son?

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