"Mommy, I will talk to you, you return home, the baby hugged home is ! He told me when he was talking to me when he was calling. You are a love for Mommy!" Tong Lele said the secret of the stranger.

Mr. Wei said, Xiao face is red.

"I will say, why did my son suddenly become so cool, and they don't have a bag. Do housework is also more chaotic! It turned out to be my big treasure bib!" Tong Jiu Milou held a stranger Small face, a pro.

The stranger was so sudden affair, and the whole person was fluttering.

"Yes! And I often say goodbye to Mommy, I want to be a life together with Mommy." Tongle is loudly.

"Well, this child has no white hurt, knows love mommy." Moshi is also very pleased with the feelings of Jiubo.

Tong Lele heard the voice of the Mo, twisted his head, and landed Blingbling on the Mo Jue.

Monastery was stared at his brow by his son. "Do you stare at me? Dad is handsome, you don't have to jeal."

Tongle is happy, "Dad is better, you really have a good time! I have a small news to give you, about Ash and your story, or listen?"

Mo Jue is awarded, "" What is the story? "He is quite curious.

"At the beginning, I found that my black dad was as an ask. I was still not awkward. Then Agi helped me hide, I can go soon, is it a good surprise?" Tongle music picked up her eyebrows, and smiled badly.

Looking at the stranger, the face is getting colder, Tongle is very enjoyable.

Mo Jue is a face, saying, "Momo, this child is not familiar, I think I am raising a white-eyed wolf, actually fighting with Ale, I am pitting my money."

Mo Qi felt that he was too faceless! I still feel that my son is understanding! Now ... the white eye is a small!

"Pit, we also pay it to Mommy. Ale will change the magims every day to hit a private house!" The stranger said proudly.

"I have the opportunity to save your room, I will know if I hide the money Mommy." Tongle is a little bitter, "Baby wants a small treasure."

Said, re-embarking on the Qi Qi's body, and then asked, "Dad is more than a private house?"

At this point in private room, Mori Qi Tong and the stranger are consistent ideas. "What private houses are hidden?"

Tongle is a face, "Are you not hiding?"

Mo Qi said, "My wife is in charge of the right to financial power, I don't need to hide."

"Dad is better, you have been going out like this!" Tongle said whispered.

"The man hides private houses without face." Mo Qi's words correct Tongle, "I want to have a love with my love, I have to give her money to her, so that life can be happy, if next time I found that you sneak the private house, I would have to pP. "

"Mommy, I said that I am a white-eyed wolf. I am not oh!" The stranger was in the arms of Tong Yifa, and the Submit is Said selling.

Tong Jiun first saw the cold little baby to spoiled with himself, and the heart was melted!


This baby is spoiled, but it is also possible to Meng!

"Lying! I will be spoiled? Are you spoiled? It is also ... too cute!" Tongle looked at the stranger to sell, don't mention more excited!

"Son, sell Meng Shame!" Mo Qi Jue looked at the son and sold Meng, you can get the kiss of the Tong Dynasty, his face is black.

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