The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 104 - Wide Open (End)

A new rumour was circulating in the entire Institute. The newly admitted freshman, the Regional Tournament winner, the boyfriend of Randalvine Magic Institute's Ice Queen, Iliana, was a lunatic.

At first, they dubbed Basil as someone who wasn't meant to be poked. However, upon hearing the story of his fierceness, everyone agreed he was a lunatic. On top of breaking the rule to never declare a [Blood Decree], he had also almost killed his senior.

What was even scarier was the fact he had survived the backlash of the forcefully broken [Blood Decree]. Only a lucky person, or a complete monster could do that. Judging by what he had done, they considered Basil was the latter.

Surely, the one in the center of attention was currently unaware of the currently circulating rumour about him — even if he knew, he wouldn't care. He was sitting in Lawson's office, while surrounded by everyone from the Student Council.

A black haired young man with lean body, and a moderately attractive appearance looked down at Basil sternly. Although he was only 181 cm tall — considerably shorter than Basil — it didn't affect the might he was exuding.

He was Darius Ashbury, the President of Randalvine Magic Institute's Student Council.

"You are obligated to provide us a believable reason on why you just did your act, Mr. Pacifer."

Basil, whose gaze remained on Lawson since he had entered the room, looked up at Darius. He faced Darius' stern gaze unwaveringly.

"I have explained this to your Vice, Iliana, before. It was a fair and square Battle."

"A fair and square Battle doesn't risk one's life, Mr. Pacifer."

"It is not in my responsibility that you lack the knowledge about the outside world, Ashbury."

"I am aware about what you are talking. However, once you step your foot inside our institute, you are obligated to follow our rules, not the outside world's."

Basil quirked his eyebrow, and looked at Darius in faint amusement. "An idealist has always been the first one to die in battlefield, Ashbury." He said that sincerely, because he had been also almost dead due to his idealism in his past life.

Unfortunately, Darius didn't know. He thought Basil had just sent him a jab. "I stand true to my principal. Attempting to kill someone in our Institute is an unforgivable act." Fortunately, he was a cool headed person.

"There you go, President. You have understood the situation." Basil smiled faintly.

"Excuse me? What are you...?"

"I have just 'attempted' to kill someone in our Institute. Everyone also does the same thing in every Battle. In my case, the only difference lays in our Institute's late intervention."

Darius' eyes widened. Basil had just basically said he didn't do anything wrong at all, because he hadn't killed anyone. If the Institute insisted he was in the wrong, he could basically point it had been the Institute's inability to intervene in the right time.

That way, Basil would be free of charge, and Randalvine Magic Institute would receive harsh criticism. The case would also be the same if Basil had managed to kill Eugene. It would be counted as an accident, and the blame would still be on Randalvine Magic Institute.

"Enough the two of you. We are here to discuss, not to debate," Lawson interjected Darius who was about to speak.

Iliana smirked. She had thought Basil didn't think it through when he had decided to declare a [Blood Decree]. It seemed she was wrong. Still, she hadn't expected Basil would dare to throw all the blame on Randalvine Magic Institute.

"I will have to ask you about your reason of declaring a [Blood Decree], Basil."

"I did it to prevent a future problem, Mr. Lawson."

"What do you mean?"

"A rumour about me going out with Iliana has sparked the fire of jealousy of every man in this Institute, apparently. I have just wanted to make an example out of him." Basil stated casually.

"By killing your senior? Are you high?" Darius asked in disbelief.

Basil quirked his eyebrow, and turned to Darius. "My late adoptive father was problematic. He managed to perform a sickening atrocity, before he died. That's what happens when you let a possible problem to bud."

"And, killing your senior is your way to remove this 'possible problem'?" Darius laughed in disbelief.

"You have seemed to forget I have killed my own adoptive father, who had known me since I was a child. Do you think I will have an emotional attachment to the senior I don't even know?"

The room instantly went quiet.

The students of Randalvine Magic Institute always saw someone by their achievement, not their status. It was the reason why they forgot who Basil was.

He had been the one who had ended Cobham Internal Strife, he had rejected his father's legacy because he wanted to achieve rather than receiving. Such a decisive person wouldn't have any doubt about the decision he made.

"Kuhum! As I have said before, we are here to discuss not to debate among ourselves." Lawson reminded Basil and Darius once again. "Fu-fu. It is not a debate if there are only two people speaking," Iliana added.

Ignoring Iliana's comment, Lawson continued, "I'm not going to pursue this matter, nor will I punish you for this—"

"Mr. Lawson, you can't just do that. Mr. Pacifer here has tried to kill his fellow students. He shouldn't be left unpunished!" Darius sternly exclaimed. "Then, should I also demand a punishment on you for trying to kill me?" Basil casually replied.

Darius wanted to retort, but he soon reminded of the forcefully broken [Blood Decree]. Instantly, he turned quiet.

Iliana laughed. "Fu-fu-fu. It seems Darius has met his opponent."

"Kuhum. I think it is better to rebuke me after I complete my sentence, Darius." Lawson turned his eyes to Darius, and Darius merely bowed his head in shame.

Lawson turned his head back to Basil, and resumed, "I will rest this case if you promise me to not actively sought Eugene right after this."

"You should be telling that to Eugene, instead of me, Mr. Lawson."

"Very well." Lawson nodded his head.

Lawson took that as a confirmation. He had heard enough from Blake, Basil had never actively sought problem. Therefore, as long as he managed to stop the other party, he believed Basil wouldn't cause any problem in the near future.

When Basil was about to leave Lawson's office, Darius stopped him. "Wait! I am sorry for my words earlier." He bowed to Basil. Quirking his eyebrow, Basil merely replied, "Sticking to one's principal is not a bad thing. However, one must still think practically."

He didn't have any grudge against Darius. He was just righteous by nature, and Basil didn't actually hate that. Therefore, he gave him an advice that would absolutely prolong the kid's life.

Of course, Basil wouldn't say he liked Darius either.

Darius raised his head, and looked curiously to Basil. However, Basil didn't have any intention to explain himself. He merely turned his back, and exit Lawson's office.

"I will accompany him to the dorm!" Iliana said, before storming toward the door.

The secretary of the Council, Annabeth looked to Lawson, "Shouldn't we, at the very least, give him a slap in the wrist, Mr. Lawson?"

Lawson turned to the petite young woman with red hair. "Having to deal with Iliana is already more than a punishment to him, Anna." Lawson shook his head.

"Huh, what do you...?" It was also at this moment, Annabeth understood what Lawson meant.

Silently, the other people in the room nodded their head. Basil would surely have a rough time dealing with Iliana. They were sure about it.


"Are you really sure you don't need to go to an infirmary?"



Basil stopped his footstep, and looked at Iliana deep in her eyes. He conjured a wind blade, then slashed his forehead until it was bleeding.

"Do you think I will need it?" Basil showed her his rapidly healing forehead. "Hoh, fascinating. Will that be also the case if I cut your neck?" Iliana took out her sword from her Spatial Bracelet.

"Rather than minding about that, why don't we make sure whose head will fall first?" Basil replied with a smirk. Iliana smiled, and exclaimed, "I like your guts. You have become the first man I met in this Magic Institute."

Basil smiled softly, before turning his back on her. Contrary to Lawson and the others' expectation, Basil knew how to deal with Iliana's antics. He had spent a decade to learn how to deal with them.

They proceed to walk back to the dorm. No words were exchanged in the way, but the silence wasn't uncomfortable.

By the time they reached the dorm, Basil was greeted by the waiting Deacon, and the curious gaze of the people. As they wanted to make sure whether the rumour was true or not, they had waited for Basil's return.

Lo and behold, true to the rumour, Basil was indeed Iliana's boyfriend. Surely, Basil and Iliana, who didn't even care about what the people said, didn't feel any obligation to explain themselves.

"Although not the best, today's date was surprisingly fine." Iliana smirked with a wink. Basil quirked his eyebrow, before smiling softly. "You can expect better tomorrow." He kissed two of his right hand's fingers, before putting them on Iliana's lips.


The crowd went crazy, and Iliana faltered slightly. Basil kept his soft smile. A girl wanted to tease him, an 'experienced' man? That was one of the things that could actually make him laugh.

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Iliana also didn't want to lose. She stood on her toes, and kissed Basil's cheek, before swiftly leaving the vicinity. Unfortunately though, Basil wasn't flustered or anything. He had expected Iliana would resort to that thing.

Just like that, Basil's second day at Randalvine Magic Institute ended.

Basil and Iliana met again the next day, and they had a tour around the Magic Institute for the whole day. Surely, Deacon also joined their "date".

Another day passed, and it was already time for the start of the new term. Every newly admitted student had just received the notice to gather in the hall in this morning.

Upon coming to the hall, all of them without exception, admired the grandeur of the hall. It was so big, it could easily house 10,000 people, and there was still many space left.

The 300 newly admitted students were gathered in the middle of the hall, creating a quite awkward scene in the incredibly big hall. Some students kept themselves away from others, while some had formed their group.

Surprisingly, Basil didn't belong to the former category. He had Xiu Li, and also the unexpected Kimberley with him.

"Brother, why can't I see our professor and our senior?"

Instead of Basil, Kimberley was the one who responded Xiu Li. "We are all in the same status, a new student. How can Mr. Pacifer here know about it?" She shot Basil a stinging gaze. She still resented him for the "humiliation" he had inflicted upon her in the tournament.

"Just wait and see. You are familiar with it," Basil replied casually.

Xiu Li was puzzled, and he wanted to ask Basil what he meant. However, right before he spoke, a familiar sound entered his ears.


[Attention to all of our freshmen!]

Basil opened his eyes. Today, everyone would be taught the harshness of the world. Today, the inexperienced would be given the experience. Today, the dreaming children would be awaken.

Today, they would have their eyes wide open.

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