The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 121 - Eyes Without Vision (4)

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After successfully passing three obstacles, the nine people finally arrived at the last obstacle. It was the exact opposite of the first obstacle.

If the first obstacle required them to cross the trench by using wooden poles and steppingstone, the last one required them to cross the trench with the ropes dangling from the ceiling of the tunnel.

At a casual glance, one could easily deduce it would be a labor to Mages. However, the three Mages coming with the Knights of Hauler were different. They could just repeat the stunt they had performed earlier.

However this time, none of them dare to move forward. The reason was simple. Basil hadn't moved a single step from his position.

"What do you see?" Thompson asked. "What kind of Bewitchment this obstacle has?" Whitney added.

Basil frowned lightly. The closer he got to the Dungeon, the harder it got for him to use his Mana Sense. In result, determining the truth behind the Bewitchment was getting trickier.

Something was disturbing the work of his Mana Sense, or to be exact, it was another person's Mana Sense.

It didn't take a genius to deduce who was disturbing his Mana Sense. Only rookies couldn't notice it. A Sixth Circle Mage and above would be able to tell it easily. Sadly, none of them went to an Exploration.

It was like a silent agreement that no Six Circle Mage and above went to Dungeon anymore. It was as if they were afraid to find the ghost from the past was still human all along.

They were still denying Kinslayers were, in fact, still alive.

Basil cleared his mind from any unnecessary thought for the current situation. He needed to enter the Dungeon first.

'Guide, what is the truth behind the Bewitchment the Rune is showing me?'


[Clearing the Host's ignorance...]

[Initiating Visualization!]

That was the last thing Basil heard, before the real scenery of the obstacle was projected in his mind.

Basil had pretty much figured out the best way to utilize the Guide, after spending eight months with it.

First, he figured that everytime the question he asked couldn't be answered literally, the Guide would provide him a visual answer. Second, he could literally ask everything. Even something as trivial as what his mood was.

Therefore, he had to be witty on his question.

By the time Basil finished seeing the visualization of the obstacle's real look, he clicked his tongue inaudibly. He prided himself in his knowledge. It always left a bitter taste in his mouth, whenever he was required to ask something to the Guide.

Still, he was quick to get over it. He reminded himself everytime, the Guide was a part of him. Therefore, he wasn't depending on anyone but himself.

Basil stepped forward, and he alerted everyone by his action. No one bothered him by asking him a question. Whenever they asked a question, he always ignored them. He had led them safely so far, and all they did was following him.

Therefore, they were just watching Basil's every action carefully like usual.

The closer Basil got to the trench, the weirder their expression became. They had expected Basil to go on a beast mode like what he had done previously. However, he didn't do anything of the sort currently.

He was so relax in his action, he didn't even have any thought to grab any of the dangling ropes!

Whitney couldn't believe what he was seeing. He had expected Basil to fly through the trench or just crossed it swiftly the Knight way. However, he didn't. He completely ignored the rope, and kept walking to the trench as if he wanted to commit a suicide.

"Basil, what are you do— eh?"

The next scene he saw was even more bewildering. Logically, Basil should fall when he stepped on to the hollow ground without grasping the rope. However, he didn't.

He was now walking on the air like what he had done in the first obstacles instead.

This time however, the air didn't turn to ground. It kept being air. Thus, the bewilderment was amplified.

Hearing no footstep behind him, Basil turned his head to the people. "What are you waiting for? Follow me."

Upon hearing that, Cray quickly prepared himself to fly over the trench. "Don't fly through it. You do not know which rope will trigger a trap." Basil's word completely crushed Cray's intention. He was bold, not suicidal.

The right people lined themselves up in one row, and closely followed behind Basil. Along the way, they did everything their best to not touch the dangling ropes. They didn't want something bad happening to them.

Especially, Sylvia, who had triggered so many traps herself. Walking on baseless ground was enough to creep her. She didn't want to trigger another life endangering trap.

Upon arriving to the other end of the trench, everyone sighed in relief. Even Whitney was no exception. He didn't expect the Exploration would be this hard. He also didn't expect Basil, his junior, would be more useful than him!

Everyone had the same urge to turn themselves toward the obstacle they had just passed. It was instinctual. However, when they did, they hummed in unison.

The scene they were seeing currently was different than the scene they had seen previously. There was no trench in front of them. It was a 100 meters long white floor instead. The dangling ropes they had seen also didn't exist.

Cray decided to be crazy and stepped on the white floor he was seeing. Upon stepping on it, he didn't fall. It turned out to be real. He waved his hand wildly in the air, and he felt nothing obstructed it. So, there were no dangling ropes either.

Instantly, everyone concluded the scene they were seeing was the real look of the obstacle.

Everyone turned to Basil. They felt betrayed.

'D-did we just get tricked by him?'

'THAT Basil, who is as expressionless as a Golem, has just pranked us?'

'We were lied to... Unbelievable!'

Still, no one said their thought out loud. Basil was messing with them a little, and they were sensible enough to not rage over a prank.

Basil turned to the people. "This door is the only thing that separates us with the Main Dungeon." Basil gestured toward the big door in front of him. "There are Dungeon Monsters behind this door. What will you do next?"

Thompson was slightly taken aback. Not even a minute had passed, yet Basil had grasped the situation behind the door.

"We will advance, of course." Thompson nodded his head. Turning his head to his party members, "Everyone, get into formation!"

The Knights of Hauler quickly assumed their position. Thompson and Steven were in the front. Jake was alone in the back. Sequentially from the right to the left, Norman, Sylvia, and Effie were in the middle of the formation.

Cray whistled in amazement. Although it wasn't his first time seeing Knights assuming their formation, he couldn't help but admiring it.

As a Mage, he always fought individually. Seeing a group of people being so organized was a unique phenomenon to him. He still couldn't believe people could get so organized.

Cray turned to Whitney. "Should we organize ourselves too?" Of course, he knew the answer would be no. He had said that jokingly.

However, he had never expected Basil's response. "Yes. We should get into a formation too."

"Huh? Seriously?"

Basil merely nodded at Cray's question. Whitney gazed at Basil for a moment, before nodding his head in confirmation.

"Let us do an Isolation. With your control over Earth Element, it should be easy for you," Basil said to Whitney.

Whitney merely nodded his head. He didn't have any problem to that. He was actually glad for it. He could finally fulfil his task, which was looking over his fellow students.

"What about me?" Cray asked enthusiastically.

"You will be the Slayer."

"Oh, that is cool! I like the name! So, what do I do?"

Basil turned to Whitney, and quirked his eyebrow. Whitney coughed in embarrassment, before saying, "Formal education is not our main focus. So, he is not very well educated on that aspect."

Basil nodded his head. He was just slightly surprised Cray didn't know something as basic as the roles in Mage formation.

"As the Slayer, you will go around the area killing every enemies you see. The Overseer will protect you, so you don't have to be afraid of any unexpected attack from the enemies. Your job is only one. Kill."

Cray's eyes lit up. "Oh! I like that role! It suits me perfectly!" Basil nodded his head at Cray's enthusiasm. When he was about to turn his head to notify the others their team was ready, Cray asked him something. "What is your role?"

Basil's answer was instant. "I will become the Madman."

"Eh? You won't become the Guardian?" Whitney was seriously taken aback.

Guardian had one role, and that was to protect the Overseer. However, Madman did nothing but rampaging in the battlefield. It was a very dangerous role, as Madman had no one to cover them. Only people who were sure of their ability dare to take the role.

Seeing no response from Basil, Whitney decided to drop the matter. If something unwanted were to happen, he would be there to save Basil.

"Very well... I guess it suits you more." Whitney nodded in acceptance. This time, instead of Basil, Whitney was the one who notified the others. "We are ready!"

Thompson and his party nodded. As a Knight, they had to be the one in the lead. Therefore, all of them quickly positioned themselves in front of the door, while maintaining the formation.

Thompson exhaled lightly, and faced his party. "Are you ready, everyone?"


"Okay." He turned his body to the door once again. "Here we go." He infused his Qi to the door, and it opened slowly by itself.


The ground trembled, before the door was completely opened, revealing the hideous creatures inside.

They were as short as a five year old toddler. They had a long and sharp nose, and a greyish green skin. They communicated among themselves by shrieking.

Upon noticing the door opened, they turned their head toward it. With their eerie eyes shining in red, they looked at Thompson and his party.

Then, all hell broke loose.

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