The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 168 - Extermination

Lucilla stared at the petrified Legion Commanders in front of her with a hum. "Hmm... You are stronger than I initially thought." She was genuinely impressed at the humans.

Although they were Middle Grade, the Curses she had thrown at the Legion Commanders had been successfully deflected by the now dead two Mage Commanders whose heads were in her hand. This is the reason why she had deemed them as the more troublesome opponents for the Demons.

Of course, that doesn't mean the others were so powerless, they couldn't even fight back. She was forced to get out of the formation, as Dunstan swung his glowing Sword Relic at her.


She disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the ground she had been standing on gained a trench upon receiving Dunstan's attack that he had intended at her. "Bastard!" A chivalrous shout escaped out of Dunstan's mouth—he was pissed.

Quickly turning his body to the front—toward the place where Lucilla had reappeared—he made another hand motion to renew the formation.

As the other Commanders quickly heed his advice and immediately positioned themselves in a v-line, Lucilla threw away the heads of the Mage Commanders she had brought with her.

"What has happened?" Dunstan softly muttered to the Commander beside him. It was the one whose Aura Ability was [Sky Shaker].

"She teleported to the middle of our formation, right after you killed the last Minotaur Warrior." A stern yet feminine voice was heard. Anyone would surely be surprised upon knowing the Commander's gender with how her armour was designed.

Of course, as someone who had known her for long, Dunstan wasn't surprised in the least bit; to be a warrior gender doesn't matter. Beside, that was one of the purposes of the armour: to hide one's gender.

"Tsk. We have been played then." Dunstan's low muttering was heard by all of the other Commanders, and they agreed with him; Lucilla could finish them anytime, but she decided to toy with them first.

Gazing at his fellow Commanders, Dunstan sighed. "Huuh... Notify the Kingdom. Today shall be our end." Even at Dunstan's outrageous word, no one made a fuss; they merely did what he said.

As a Commander of the Royal Army, they had been trained to sacrifice themselves for the Kingdom—they didn't mind it in the slightest. "Let us establish a [Blood Link]!" At Dunstan's word, everyone quickly stabbed their sword to the ground.

They drew the Qi from their Blue Core, and cut their wrist open with Qi Blade. Blood oozed out of the open skin, and they dropped it to the hilt of their sword that was stabbed in the ground.

A blue, shining line suddenly appeared on the ground, connecting every stabbed sword, and Qi overwhelmed their surrounding area.

When their sword shone in the same color as the line connecting their sword with each other, they immediately put their hand on the hilt of their sword. The light was transferred to them, then blue veins immediately decorated their entire white armour.

[Blood Link] was established! It was a Technique Knights would use whenever they knew they were going to die.

That way, they shared their Qi with each other; whenever one of them was dead, a half of the dead person's power would be distributed evenly to the other people.

The process took only 10 seconds, and in that 10 seconds Lucilla should've been able to kill them. However, she didn't do any of that—she had merely watched them in interest—because she wanted to play with them.

"Entertain me, puny humans!" That was the cue of the start of the battle.


Dunstan utilized his Movement Technique, and dashed at Lucilla in a flash. He reappeared right beside her, and swung his sword in a speed that surpassed the speed of sound. Still, Lucilla managed to dodge it.


She had even the time to swat him. Of course, he managed to dodge it. In return however, a long trench was made on the ground where he had been previously at.

Upon looking at the ground, Dunstan's heart turned cold; he couldn't imagine such a casual hand gesture could produce that result. Of course, that display from Lucilla didn't stop him and the other to attack her.

"[Sky Shaker]!" The female Commander made the air behind her vibrate, sending her directly in front of Lucilla. Lucilla wanted to slap the female Commander away, but she quickly pulled her raised hand down.

She could see the vibrating air surrounding the female Commander, and she knew it would shred her hand upon contact. In result, the female Commander's Sword Relic managed to hit her.


The ground below Lucilla cratered, but that was all. The only thing the female Commander had managed to damage was Lucilla's shoulder pad—the place where the female Commander's sword landed on.

Thrusting her hand forward in an insane speed, Lucilla tried to grab the female Commander's throat. However, the latter was also quick to react as she quickly moved away from Lucilla's vicinity.

Lucilla was slightly annoyed, but upon sensing someone was already behind her, she quickly widened her eyes. "[Master of Combustion]!" By the time she turned her body around, the tip of the Commander's sword immediately touched her solar plexus.


Instead of puncturing her, it was blowing her away. Of course, the power behind the explosion wasn't just something anyone could brush off. The sound it produced alone was reverberated through the entire battlefield, attracting everyone's attention.

Lucilla was thrown away to the air like a bullet, but none of the Legion Commanders intended to merely watch that. "[Earth Bender]!" An extremely pointy and sturdy earth spike rose from the ground, ready to skewer Lucilla's body.

Lucilla could see that, but she merely clutched her scorched stomach to heal it as if she didn't even care about the earth spike. When she was already close to getting skewered by the earth spike, she turned her body around, fully intending on circle-kicking it.

However upon turning her body around, the earth spike was already gone. "Tch. Crafty little bugs." She could sense it: Dunstan's Qi Blades were coming at her from below. Twisting her body in the air, she managed to dodge three of the five Qi Blades.

The two Qi Blades grazed her stomach—the part of her body that wasn't protected by her armour—tearing her highly resilient clothes, and opening the skin of her stomach. Blue blood oozed out of the wound, but not for long; it quickly stopped in the next moment.

When Lucilla was about to fall down, she suddenly felt someone's presence above her—it was another Commander. "[Sky Stepper]!" The Commander was standing in the air, as if he got something to step on due to his Aura Ability.

Of course, his Aura Ability didn't do just that. Aiming his feet at Lucilla, he thrust it at her, sending her body down to earth along with him.


The air split due to how fast both of them were traveling down. At this point, Lucilla was starting to run out of patience. Quickly grabbing the Commander's foot, she used her Demonic Mana to empower her grab this time.


The bone of the Commander's grabbed foot immediately shattered in her grasp. Despite so, the Commander didn't flinch or try to pry his foot off her grasp; he even smiled under his helmet.

By the time Lucilla realized there was something wrong with him, the distance between them and the ground was merely two meters. "This is the first sacrifice," the Commander muttered. As Lucilla tried to teleport herself, the Commander had already exploded his Core.


An explosion of Qi occured, and a blue gaseous substance immediately obstructed everyone's vision on her. The atmosphere thickened as it was overwhelmed with the condensed Qi of the Commander's Core.

When the condensed Qi dispersed in the air, the remaining five Commanders felt their power was increased. Along with that, Lucilla's visage could once again be seen.

Although she and managed to teleport herself in the last moment, she was still injured. Her Vanadium armour was steaming, a part of her face was charred, and the clothing covering her arm was tattered. Even so, she still looked as beautiful as ever.

Glaring at the remaining five Commanders coldly, her charred skin slowly healed itself.

"That was a very decisive attack." She looked around, and found that they were already away from the other fighting people. She snorted coldly. "Hmph! Taking me away from your subordinates doesn't make any difference. They will still die in the end."

"We are aware of that. That's why we take you here: we don't want to see them die, and we don't want to let them witness our death," was Dunstan's immediate reply.

Lucilla smirked coldly. "At least you know you are going to die." None of the Commanders made a fuss about it, as what she had said was true: they were all going to die. Therefore, they would die in their way—by bringing her with them.

One of the Commanders who hadn't activated his Aura Ability yet, activated his considerably ordinary Aura Ability. "[Spiritual Armour]!" A blue jade like full armour replaced the white armour he was wearing; his Qi quickly overwhelmed the air around him.

Kicking the ground, he shot toward Lucilla like a bullet. Due to his speed, a blue trail was made in the air he passed.

Lucilla pointed her finger at the incoming Commander, and sent a curse at him. "[Scorching Pores]!" A black Miasma soon covered the Commander's entire existence.

The effect of the Curse should be making one's poor expel a corrosive gas, thus destroying the cursed from the inside and the outside. However, as the Commander had a [Spiritual Armour] on him, it was the one that was being corroded.

Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Lucilla strengthened her hands with Demonic Mana, and decided to face the incoming Commander with them. When the Commander arrived in front of her, he swung his broad Relic Sword at her vigorously.



Although they were trembling, Lucilla managed to stop it with her bare hands. Quick in her action, she held the sword with one hand, and smashed it with the other hand.


Everyone watched the bewildering scene of Lucilla destroying a Sword Relic with her bare hand clearly. The air even exploded due to the stored Qi inside. The Commander in question quickly let go of his sword hilt, then clenched his hand.

Before he managed to swing it at her however, Lucilla had already slipped in his defense, and punched him right in the guts. His [Sprit Armour] shattered, allowing the Curse to take effect; He was also thrown away at the other Commanders due to the impact of the punch.

While in the air, his pores widened, before expelling corrosive gas that melted his skin. Even if he was suffering from the Curse, he knew he would endanger his fellow Commanders if he didn't do anything.

Therefore, he took out a Return Stone, a high grade Relic that not just everyone could get, from his Spatial Ring to teleport himself beside Lucilla.


Upon reappearing right beside Lucia, he quickly hugged her, then exploded his Core. Lucia didn't have time to move away, so she merely coated herself with Demonic Mana powered Magic Barrier to ensure her survival.


The remaining four Commanders' power was increased yet again.

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