The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 174 - Different Scenario (4)

"We are not going to reject anyone this time!"

At that word, everyone's head turned to the speaker. She was an attractive violet haired young woman with a lean build. This young woman was Clarissa's best friend, and her assistant baker, Poppy.

The reason why none of the Familia Hotel's employees had spoken up when the people inside had rejected everyone who had stumbled upon the hotel in daytime was due to safety reasons.

The situation in daytime had been pretty much chaotic; the people inside could literally see Demons passing by in front of the hotel from the hotel's window. They had been constantly praying the Demons would never see them.

Luckily, the Barrier that was protecting the hotel didn't only strike back when it was attack, but it also hid them from the eyes of the onlookers; only some lucky individuals could ever stumble upon the hotel.

Therefore, none of the Familia Hotel's employees had said a word when the "vocal" people staying inside had outrightly rejected the people who had stumbled upon the hotel by coincidence; they, too, didn't want to risk getting noticed by the Demons.

"Night has come, and the situation has already calmed down a little bit. Anyone who stumbles upon our hotel must be a survivor of the terror; we can help them prolong their life by allowing them to enter."

At night however, they couldn't see anymore Demons passing by in front of the hotel; they could allow the lucky survivor who stumbled upon the hotel in without risking anyone.

"Hahahaha! I think you misunderstood me, young lady." The Orange Core Knight laughed in humour. "Listen, Miss..." He scrutinized Poppy's name tag, "Poppy. I don't mind allowing the people out there in; we have enough space." He gestured at his surrounding.

"But as I have said earlier, we don't have an enough food supply to feed everyone here. Instead of allowing people in, we should throw people out; it's for our survival."

Poppy sneered, "You said that like you know how much supply we have." Walking toward him, she continued, "You don't have any right to make a decision here, brute. Let go of Miss. Cecilia, and I will let you keep your chance to stay here."

Although Poppy was significantly shorter than the Knight, she could keep her glare even after arriving in front of him. She didn't even waver when the Knight exuded a little bit of his Qi to pressure her.

"Ha-ha! I like you." Letting go of Cecilia, the Knight extended his hand. "My name is Scott. Nice to meet you, Poppy."

Poppy glanced at the extended hand briefly, before turning her gaze to Cecilia who was glaring at Scott like she wanted to murder him. "Miss Cecilia, can you help the other staff prepare dinner for everyone? I bet they would really appreciate it."

Cecilia turned her gaze to Poppy, before nodding her head without a fuss. Turning her body to the direction of the kitchen, she whispered to Poppy. "Be careful of this savage."

Poppy merely waved her hand mildly as if saying, 'I'm used to this kind of crap.' Turning her gaze back to Scott, although his smile faltered ever so slightly, she could see he was still confident on being able to get inside her pants.

Shrugging once, she passed Scott, and headed to the door; he was completely ignored. Putting his hand down, and wiping the smile off his face, he looked at his surrounding.

With a hand gesture, eight people stepped forward. All of them were a part of the clique he had just established.


There were around 20 people in the lobby watching the unfolding scene nervously. All of them were civilians, and they wouldn't be able to do anything if something bad happened to the brave young lady, Poppy.

Looking at Poppy, they dearly wished Poppy would stop in her step—they didn't want to see her get hurt. Unfortunately, Poppy didn't have any intention to stop; she kept moving toward the door despite knowing there were nine lustful men right behind her back.

Knock. Knock.

"Hold on for a second, I will immediately—"

"No, you won't!" Scott grabbed Poppy's mouth from the back to stop her from talking any further." Looking down at Poppy who was in his hold, Scott grinned in delight. "Now, now. I don't care whether you have enough supply; I don't like interference."

Turning his head to the eight people, he commanded, "Tell the idiot to screw off." Gesturing at Poppy, he continued, "We'll enjoy this gorgeous meat later." He smirked along with the others.

Knock. Knock.

Scott became even more irked as the person behind the door was really adamant on entering the hotel. When he was about to command his friends to kill the person behind the door instead of just telling them to screw off, everyone in the lobby heard a voice.

"It's close to two minutes, and no one opens the door yet? What happened to the well-mannered Familia Hotel's employees?!" The voice seemed to belong to a young man whose personality was too bright for his own good.

However, that wasn't the only voice they could hear.

"Well, you can't expect them to just open the door in this kind of situation." This voice was heavier than the previous one, and they could deduce the owner of the voice was a reasonable person from his tone. "We just have to barge in." Or not.

"What are these idiot spouting about? Don't they know they can't just enter—"


Even before Scott finished his word, the door of the hotel was opened, revealing the four people behind it.

One of them was an incredibly beautiful purple-haired woman whose glare was enough to pierce one's head, literally; she was pissed for whatever reason.

Two of them were a blond haired young man duo with the exact opposite personality. One of them was serious-looking, and the other one was too bright for someone his age.

Finally, the last one was the one whose bearing alone screamed, 'I am not someone whom even your mother dare to slap.' He had a brown hair that was handsomely swept back, and an undeniably attractive face.

These four people were Iliana, Whitney, Cray, and Basil respectively. They had just been freed from the barrage of Nightcrawlers and many other Demons, and the aura they were exuding was alarmingly terrifying due to it.

"W-Who are you? H-How can you open the door?!" Scott was pointing his Sword Relic at Basil who was already a few steps in front of him.

Poppy, who was still in Scott's hold, looked up at Basil awkwardly, and Basil glanced at her briefly. "You have a bad taste in men." Basil didn't even conceal the disdain in his tone. 'This bastard is not my man!' Naturally, Poppy's retort was muffled.

Basil paid no attention to her, as he merely passed Scott like he wasn't even there. Iliana was the first one to follow suit, and she still looked grumpy. Cray shrugged lightly then walked away, leaving Whitney to lock the door.

"[Szayel kye]!" As the spell was uttered, the door shone briefly, before being perfectly locked. Turning his body around, Whitney, too, passed Scott as if he was air.


No one dare to move from their spot; even the other eight Knights could only shrink their shoulders upon being glared by Iliana for blocking her path. They could instinctively know they could never poke the four students.

Poppy, who was still held "hostage," blinked her eyes. 'Why do I feel like my worth is less than a door?' She had seen Whitney minded to lock the door; she was simply bewildered at how they could easily ignore her.

Luckily for her, she was pardoned from her role as a "hostage" in the next moment. "My friends and I are hungry. I heard from Clarissa you are an acceptable cook; I want you to cook for us, Poppy."

'I can't! This retard is holding me!' was her muffled answer.

Basil, who was close to reach the stairs to the upper floors, stopped in his track, then turned his body slightly toward the people. He stared at the back of Scott's head, and it made Scott quiver in his place.

"Are you so smitten by her, you can't let go of her for a second?" Basil asked neutrally.

Mustering his courage, Scott answered without turning his head. "S-Shut up! Who are you to order me around?!" While the regulars already knew the identity of Basil, Scott, who was new to Familia Hotel was not.

"What are you doing standing there like an imbecile?! Take him down!" He shouted at his clique indignantly.

The eight Knights looked at each other hesitantly, before facing Basil's way. They could see the four people were looking at them with different expressions. Iliana was looking at them in annoyance, Whitney in curiosity, and Cray in excitement.

Turning their gaze to Basil, they could see him looking at them in mild amusement "I am the owner of this place." Casually waving his hand, he said to Poppy, "Organize some staffs to clean the mess later."

No one understood what he meant by that, but when Basil turned his body around, the twenty civilians tried their best to suppress their scream of terror.

Thud! Thud!

Nine heads that belonged to the nine troublemakers dropped to the ground helplessly; Basil's wind blades had cut them right after Basil waved his hand.

Along with that, was a fountain of blood.


The body also fell in the next second, but none of the people registered that as they were too shocked by the gruesome scene.

Poppy, whose half of her body was drenched in Scott's blood, couldn't properly react at first. As she had witnessed a murder once however, it took her only ten seconds to regain her composure.

Ignoring the stench in the air, she quickly looked for the available staffs that could clean the mess up. Then, she proceeded to cook for Basil and his fellow students.

Right after that night, no one dare to be a troublemaker.

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