The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 202 - How It Feels To Be The Loser (11)


A strong wind blow coming from the area that was covered with the dense mist swept over the surrounding area like an explosion. The dense mist that had previously covered an area of roughly 70 square meters was blown away by this very wind.

Naturally, when such a phenomenon occured, everyone's attention was attracted to it. Of course, for Iliana and the Knights bunch, the reason why they were attracted to the phenomenon was more than that; Iliana could feel Mana being utilized, and the Knights could feel the ominous aura coming at them.

When the wind blow died down—when everyone could see the area that had previously been covered by the dense mist, all of them could finally understand what had caused such a commotion.

An 8 meter tall white giant was standing straightly facing their way, while showcasing its eight hands with sharp metal claws. They could see Cray was standing not far away from it, and Basil—the one who had produced the wind blow—was right in front of the cage that entrapped the civilians.

"This Monster is... What kind of Monster is this?" Sylvia, who was not far away from Thompson and Iliana, frowned at the Silencer's appearance. She had never seen or heard anything about it.

Jake, the more experienced out of the two, quickly grabbed Sylvia's shoulder. "Let's regroup with Thompson. This guy is not something we can defeat alone."

Although it was his first time seeing it directly with his own eyes, he knew what it was. "It's Silencer, a Middle Grade Monster." Sylvia nodded wordlessly, and quickly moved toward Thompson along with Jake.

When she looked around her, she could finally notice that the battlefield was actually silent as if something had purposely stopped it. She could even see the Middle Class Demons were looking at the gigantic Silencer.

By the time she arrived right beside Thompson, she briefly saw the feet of the Silencer twitched, and that was the last thing she could see before the Silencer was nowhere to be found.

She was equally bewildered and confused at the disappearance of the Silencer, but a strong pull on her shoulder immediately awakened her from her daze.

"Watch out!"


It all happened in a flash: Thompson pulled Sylvia his way, and the Silencer's claw carved a trench on the ground in the next moment. Her eyes quickly widened in shock, and her heart beat crazily as adrenaline finally rushed through her vein.


"Leave it to me!" Jake lifted his gigantic axe, and smashed the ground with it. "Uwoh! Eat it, Monster!"


As his Aura Ability, [Unfathomable Strength], was activated, the power that was put behind the axe was enough to part the ground. Not only that, the parted ground also brought a shockwave that was enough to turn any Demon in its way to paste.

Sadly, it wasn't fast enough to reach the Silencer in time; the Silencer had moved to another place by the time the shockwave hit the place where it should have been.

Also at that moment, the battlefield became rowdier than ever. The temporarily stopped fight started again, and a new type of Demon that none of the people knew had even been there showed themselves.

All of them had a womanly figure and a hideous face that could scare even an adult man just by looking at it.

There were around twenty of them, and one could easily tell they were of a higher standing Demon by the way the other Middle Class Demons parted just to give them way.

The newly appeared Demons stared at the battlefield briefly, before the frontmost of their group—their leader—raised its hand. Upon seeing the gesture, the other woman-like Demons opened their mouth so wide, a head could fit in it.

Then, an uncomfortable noise assaulted everyone's ears.


These Demons, who were producing a noise that messed with those who heard it physically and mentally, were called Banshee. They were the most troublesome Middle Class Demons to deal with.

Aside from possessing a baffling agility, their scream could permanently destroy any weak-minded individuals. What made them troublesome however, was the fact that their scream wasn't their ace card; they could scream anytime they wanted to.

Meanings, they could mess with their opponent's mind while in the middle of a fight. Even if one had a strong mind, one wouldn't be able to focus on the fight as one would be too occupied with protecting one's eardrums to prevent them from exploding.

"SlAy the HumANs!"

The leader of the Banshee loudly declared, once it noticed that they had gotten the attention of the humans. The Banshees were quick to take action, as they dashed toward he closest group of humans they could see—Iliana and the three Knights.

Whitney, who was watching the scene from afar, cursed loudly. "Darn it! The Low Grade Monsters are now coming their way. We need to move!" He didn't want to let Iliana and the others fight the horde of Demons by themselves. He didn't want them to die.

"Understood!" Robert, Alexandra, and Jocelyn were also quick to move; they took out their Transportation Artefact, and got down the wall they were standing on in the next moment. Despite in a hurry, they made sure to not break their formation.

"Keep attacking them! The closest Monsters to Iliana are the priority!" Whitney wasn't just ordering his fellow students; he was also preparing his own Spell that he was going to send at the running horde of Low Class Demons.

Boom! Boom!

Countless of Low Class Demons were blown up in the process, but they still didn't look back even once. They were so eager to regroup with the Middle Class Demons, they didn't even mind being attacked from behind.

Effie, who was in the area between the Low Class Demons and the area where the Middle Class Demons stationed themselves at, gazed at the incoming Low Class Demons sharply as she took her bow out of her Spatial Ring.

When she put her hand on the string, a unique shaped arrow was formed out of her Qi. She then pulled the string, until the bow was bent to the point it looked like it was on the verge of breaking.

Aiming the arrow at the incoming horde, she released it the moment her Aura Ability was fully activated.

[Archer of Doom]!


The unique shaped blue arrow that was made from her Qi traveled through the air with an insane speed. It was so fast, it looked just like a flash. Even when the ground where it landed exploded, the trail of light it left behind still remained in the air.


Tens of Demons were killed in a single attack, and many that were close to the area of attack were injured. Still, for the thousands of Demons, losing slightly more than a hundred of their fellows wasn't something they needed to worry about.

None of them even looked back at their fallen brethrens. They kept moving forward, as if they would only truly die if they didn't reach the Middle Class Demons.

"It has started—the conclusion battle," Basil muttered. He was calmly looking at the unfolding scene, as if he wasn't the part of the battle all along. Turning to the people in the cage, he told the people, "I have found a safe place for you, so I will release you now."

"I-Is it really safe for us to get out in this state, O benevolent Mage?"

"It is not, if you are charging at the battlefield, that is. You are going to somewhere else—a place where it supposed to have no Monsters—so you should be fine."

"S-Supposed to have no Demon? ..." The elderly man, who had been talking with Basil—the defacto representative of the people—caressed his beard, while looking down at the little girl hugging his thigh. "Is it safe for children, O benevolent Mage?"

Basil met the elderly man's pleading gaze with his neutral gaze. "Anything, and anywhere can be dangerous for children. They are weak—they have not the power to take on this world yet. In times like this, you shall not worry about such thing."

"P-P-Pardon me for my impudence."

The elderly man immediately bowed his head, while gulping dryly at Basil's cold answer. He had never expected much from a Mage since the very beginning, but he didn't expect such a young man like Basil would be that cold.

Basil lightly snorted to himself, as he looked at the expression of the people. He was well aware of what was hidden behind the obedient and courteous look: contempt, anger, and curses.

'Look at these people. Once you show an intention to save them, they quickly think you have the obligation to do so.' It had also been the case in his past life, and he couldn't help a sneer from forming upon seeing the scene he was very familiar with.

"Stay back, unless you want my sword to cut you in half."

Still, he didn't have any plan to leave them behind, and joined the battle with the others; he needed them for his plan. Raising his Sealing Sword, he infused his Qi into it, and casually swung it at the door like part of the cage.


It happened so fast, none of the people's eyes could perceive what actually happened. By the time they realized it, the door of the cage was already split in two, and Basil was motioning them to get out of the cage.

The people wordlessly got out of the cage, and closely lined themselves behind Basil. On the one hand, they were glad that they were finally out of the cage, but on the other hand they were afraid of what they were about to face.

"My friends are doing a good job to keep the Monsters away from you, so stop wasting time. None of them will be able to reach you as long as you quickly follow me." At Basil's word, the 99 people quickly nodded their head.

"Please, lead the way, O benevolent Mage." The elderly man was looking at Basil in determination with the little girl who had been hugging his thigh in his embrace. "We will try our best to keep up with you."


Another clash between the Mages and the Demons produced an overwhelming explosion of Mana, and it easily scared the group of civilians. Uncaring to their state of mind, Basil turned his back, and dashed forward.

"Halt! Let me guide them instead."

Basil hadn't even moved a single step when the voice stopped him. Instead of getting irked however, he developed a smirk on his face. 'As I expected, you bite the bait...' He turned around, and met the one who had stopped him.. "Iliana."

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