The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 253 Too Much Rain Causes A Flood

Legacy—it was anything that was left behind by every great Mage for the next generation. Some were passed down in their family, while some were passed down to anyone who was lucky to find it.

As for the Legacy Basil was looking for, although he didn't know what kind of Legacy was kept there, he knew that it would be able to help the current him.

The Legacy should have been left by, at least, a Seventh Circle Mage, so it was definitely enough to help him. Although he knew where the more helpful Artefacts were located, he couldn't visit the site yet, so the Legacy should suffice.

"This is ... Spatial Magic? That Rune earlier sent us to an Alternate Dimension!"

"Calm down, Iliana."

It was much to his bafflement that the legacy he found was something that had been belonged to an absurdly great Mage.

Although he didn't know who the Mage was yet, just the fact that said Mage could pull something as ridiculous as sending them to an Alternate Dimension was enough indication that the Mage must have been from the Age of Chaos.

Alternate Dimension was the highest level of Spatial Magic that could only be utilized by a Ninth Circle Mage. Considering that none of the currently breathing Ninth Circle Mages used Spatial Magic, this Mage was definitely from the Age of Chaos.

'If his legacy is kept here, there is a high possibility that it belonged to one of the Betrayers of the Lord. Regardless, I am sure he must have been, at least, at the same level as Caesar,' Basil mused to himself as he looked around.

An Alternate Dimension was usually created to be a secret vault; it was used to store some of the Creator's important stuffs. Since it was also bound to the Created, it usually disappeared the moment the Creator died.

Although Basil wasn't very versed in Spatial Magic in his past life, he had learnt how to create an Alternate Dimension to store his things.

He didn't like to be robbed, so he had decided to cast away his Spatial Rings and Spatial Bracelets and moved everything inside them to his Alternate Dimension.

He was well versed in using an Alternate Dimension, but using it as a vault was the only thing he could do with it. Since he wasn't very interested in learning it, he didn't know that an Alternate Dimension could be maintained.

"Oh, so that is the case... This is a Temporary Dimension."

As Basil pondered about how this mysterious Mage could do something like this, he finally realized that the Alternate Dimension wasn't maintained, but was newly created.

"To think that such thing can be achieved through Runes ... Amazing."

Basil rarely praised people, but he couldn't help admitting the skill of the mysterious Mage. Although Temporary Dimensions had a time limit to exist, it wasn't that easy to create it—even more if it was through Runes.

Basil's curiosity of what was actually written in the Rune peaked, but he realized that he needed to do something first—claiming the Legacy. Although there was no direction in the blank, white Alternate Dimension, he knew where to go.

"Let's go."

Basil took Iliana's hand, and immediately turned to her the moment he felt she didn't budge in the slightest. Iliana, on the other hand, was frowning to herself.

"My Mana Sense is not working, so that means the Alternate Dimension is blocking us from the rest of the world."

"It's an Alternate Dimension for a reason, Iliana."
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"No, that's not what I mean." Iliana shook her head faintly. "I can't find the exit of this dimension—there is no way leading us outside."

"Hoh? Then, you must not know of it yet."

"What? What do I not know?"

Basil faintly smiled at Iliana's confusion, and silently dragged her with him to the direction that was calling him. He wasn't actually being called, but his Mana Sense was sensing something interesting in the direction he was heading to.

'If the Legacy is being secured this much ... There might be a possibility that it is intended for a High Class Magician.'

As Basil walked to the direction that was calling him, he mused about how foolproof the Alternate Dimension keeping the Legacy was. For an experienced veteran like him, it was easy to notice that it was a Maze.

Although there wasn't any wall obstructing them, as a former owner of an Alternate Dimension himself, he knew that he must choose the right "aura" that was calling him to be able to reach his destination.

There were so many of them he could feel around him, so it was similar to how a Maze worked. The only difference was, there was no dead end—they could still get lost though.

For someone like Iliana, who had only heard and read the theory about Alternate Dimension, she couldn't feel the "aura" Basil was feeling.

She wasn't even sure that they were moving forward, as there was no change of scenery since then. Everything was white just like how it was in the beginning.

"Where are we actually heading to?"

"Can't you feel it?"

"I have told you that my Mana Sense doesn't work."

"Don't try to find the exit—feel what is inside."

Iliana still couldn't get what Basil was saying, so she looked at him with an expression that demanded a more thorough explanation. Basil merely chuckled at that, then motioned at his surrounding.

Sighing slightly in exasperation, Iliana did what Basil had instructed her earlier. She spread her Mana Sense to her surrounding, and tried to feel everything that was inside the Alternate Dimension.

"These are ... What are these?"

Much to her surprise, she really did feel something. She couldn't feel it earlier since she had been focusing her Mana Sense in one spot, but now that she had spread it to the whole dimension, she could feel something sucking her Mana Sense.

Basil gave Iliana nothing but a small smile when she noticed that they were heading towards one of the spots where she could feel her Mana Sense was being sucked into.

"An Alternate Dimension looks infinite, but it is just as limited as a room. The amount of things it can store makes us believe that it is limitless, but in actuality, it is still nothing but a patch of empty dimension we take from the Infinite Space."

"You seem to know about Spatial Magic, so please talk to me in Human Language."

"Theses spots you are confused about are called Dimension Sections. Each Section contains a dimension itself, and this is what makes Alternate Dimension special: you can create countless of another dimensions inside it."

Hearing no response from Iliana, Basil turned his head towards her. She blinked her eyes in confusion when their eyes met, and Basil couldn't help shaking his head in amusement and bitterness.
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He couldn't blame her for her confusion since what he had explained about was not something that a Senior Mage like her should know. However still, he didn't expect that he would be able to see Iliana's clueless expression this soon.

"Imagine an Alternate Dimension as a bubble, and you can create another bubble inside it. Each bubble you have created inside will touch against each other, and the area where each of the small bubble inside meets is what you call Dimension Section."

"Oh... So, that means we are inside one of the small bubbles now?"


"Doesn't it make Alternate Dimension infinite then?"

"Dimension is limited—space is not. The space inside an Alternate Dimension is infinite, however we can still find the end of the dimension."

Basil stopped in his track, then extended his hand forward. Iliana, who was expecting Basil to explain more, was looking at what he was doing in curiosity; she didn't know why he was extending his hand to the void.

It was only when Basil's hand was blocked by something did Iliana know there really was something in front of them. Although, unlike Basil, she couldn't see or feel what was in front of them, she knew that what Basil was looking for was ahead.

"Just like a bubble that is nothing compared to the universe, an Alternate Dimension is just a grain of sand compared to the Infinite Space out there ... Behind this Section, is the end of this Dimension."

As Basil infused his Mana to the Dimension Section in front of him, the space around them began to tremble. Iliana also felt an uncomfortable sense of distortion as she lost her control over her body.

She even almost fell to the ground, but luckily Basil was there to catch her before she fell. She then immediately gritted her teeth at how weak she had been portraying herself in Basil's eyes for all this time.

Even though she didn't do it intentionally, her pride was still hurt. She immediately closed her eyes as she tried to regain her control over her body, but the uncomfortable sense of distortion disappeared in the same moment.

"Are you all right?"

"Yes..." Iliana blinked her eyes. "I am all right."

"That is good. Dimensional Travel is not something that you can get easily used to after all."

"Dimension Travel? Do you mean like Teleportation?"

"Teleportation merely moves you to another place in the same dimension, meanwhile Dimension Travel is equal to moving to a new world."

Iliana frowned as she couldn't quite understand Basil's explanation yet again, but the moment she looked around her, her understanding of what Basil had explained her raised exponentially.

The place she was currently in was a vast hall, slightly similar to the Cell Chamber in Death Howl Dungeon. This place however looked well maintained, and was filled with countless of treasures.

Everything about this place was uncannily off, and it really made her feel like she was indeed in a different world.

"We only have another half an hour to collect all of these treasures, so we have to work quickly."

"A-Are you going to let me take them too—these gold coins?"

Although Iliana was by no means poor, unlike Basil who had owned every land he stepped his foot on in his past life, she hadn't seen that much gold in her life—she was overwhelmed!

"Your things are bound to be mine and vice versa. Why do you hesitate?"

"Ah... L-Let me prepare my heart first ... This guy, is he really serious?"

Iliana was about to ask Basil about how serious he was on their made-up relationship, but he had immediately taken off to the middle of the room.

There was something that attracted his attention.

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