The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 437 The 108th

Tower of Legacy was only two kilometres tall, which was one-third times smaller than the average Obelisk. Like any other Obelisk, however, it was exuding overwhelming pressure. The only difference lies in the fact that the presence was not ominous. It was far from repulsive yet one would still think twice before approaching it.


Zimo tapped the ground with his staff, which no one knew when he had taken it out, gaining the ten people's attention. They focused their gaze on him and waited for the thing he was about to say.

"No murder shall be allowed inside the tower! Doing it will be considered disrespecting our ancestors and thus is punishable. No one will die alone. If you have any intention to kill, prepare yourself for death!"

Gazing over the ten winners who were listening to him attentively, Zimo continued, "Focus on climbing the tower. The higher you climb, the more precious the legacy you may get. Obstruct not people's way. One has his fate settled already; your action won't affect another's destiny."

Stepping aside, Zimo let them through. Despite being in the front, Basil and Chang Yu waited until everyone was inside the tower. Zimo quirked his eyebrow at that, meanwhile, Chang Yu turned to Basil in confusion. The person herself merely smiled as she looked up.

"Ah...this is the 72nd Obelisk--the Obelisk of Valac. It was built right under the Star Devouring, the Star Devouring Arena was built to--"

"It is enough, lass," Zimo interjected sternly but softly. "Just go and enter the tower."

Basil turned her head slowly to Zimo and faintly smiled. "I am waiting for my Uncle and Sect Master. You can't be the only one watching the tower while we are inside, no?"

"So, you don't trust me, huh?" Zimo scoffed. "Fine with me."

Basil merely smiled and said nothing. She kept looking around in wonder and nodding her head from time to time as if she was enlightened by merely looking at the scenery in her surroundings.

'What a weird lass,' Zimo noted in his mind. Shaking his head, he turned to his left when he sensed a disturbance in the air. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Basil also looking in the same direction. This time, he was baffled; he couldn't help wondering how sensitive Basil's sense was.

In the blink of an eye, Yan Xueyi and Yang Tian Long appeared out of thin air. The six Daoists of the Top 10 Daoists who attended the tournament joined them a second late. Xueyi nodded her head and Basil nodded back. Under everyone's curious gaze, she entered the Tower of Legacy with Chang Yu.


"Ugh...this feeling always messes with my stomach," Chang Yu grumbled after passing through the entrance of the tower.

"You are not used to spatial movement, are you?"

"No--and I never will."

Looking around, the two were greeted by a room entirely made out of crystal. It was polished so well that one could see one's reflection on it.

Basil looked down and remarked, "Yellow."


"Your underwear--it's yellow."


Basil looked at Chang Yu weirdly. "I have the same thing down there--why are you so flustered?"

"W-Well...because you were a...a..."

"I've seen it even when I was physically a man."

Chang Yu crouched, hugged her legs and buried her burning face. Basil would like to point out that she could see Chang Yu's underwear clearer than ever from the reflection but spared Chang Yu from the embarrassment and threw Chang Yu a pair of trousers and a set of an upper garment.
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"This is why I don't like wearing a dress."

Chang Yu said nothing and immediately wore her new clothes, meanwhile, Basil changed into her usual outfit--a black suit and a pair of tight trousers that accentuated her heavenly sculpted figure. When they were done, they immediately climbed the stairs that were on the side of the room.

"I look like a Westerner," Chang Yu remarked as she admired her long-sleeved white shirt underneath her khaki vest. "It feels more comfortable than it looks."

"Why did you think that it was uncomfortable?"

Looking at Basil up and down, Chang Yu explained, " always looks suffocating whenever you wear it." She looked down at her chest and then remarked, "Wow...I didn't know they were this big."

"Do you have something in your mind?" Basil asked.

"Ah, no! He-He-He."

Ignoring her, Basil focused on climbing the stairs. There were one hundred and eight floors in the Tower of Legacy and the Artefacts that were part of Solomon's 9 seals were located on the sixty-ninth floor.

She didn't bother to wonder why Solomon put it there. Considering the eccentric Mage's personality, there was a high chance it was part of his gags that she couldn't find funny.

She was, however, curious about what kind of legacy the one-hundred-and-eighth floor contained. She would like to climb higher after retrieving the two Artefacts; however, given her tight schedule, she knew she would never make it.

Time passed as fast as a shooting star when one had one's mind focused on what one was doing. Basil and Chang Yu were already on the sixty-fifth floor; they had passed four other winners who had chosen to stop climbing.

"Chang Yu, from the sixty-ninth floor onwards, you have to climb by yourself. The thing I am looking for is on the said floor."

"All right, Sister Hou. I will do my best!"

Nodding her head, Basil ushered Chang Yu forward. "Then, get used to the pressure."

Chang Yu looked confused but immediately followed Basil's instructions. As soon as she was standing before Basil, she was almost blown away by the sheer pressure the tower put on her for climbing the stairs.

Gritting her teeth, she asked, "Have you been shielding me from this pressure?" Basil didn't answer but she could see Basil nodding her head lightly. "I will shield you from it from now on."

"No, you don't have to."

"I insist," Chang Yu said sternly. "Besides, there are only five floors left until the floor of your destination."

Not bothering to persuade Chang Yu any longer, Basil shrugged and let her do what she wanted. The next fifteen minutes were extremely arduous for Chang Yu. She didn't only need to climb but also shelter Basil from the pressure. She almost wanted to quit, however, she did it.

"Woohoo! I did it!"

? "Good work." Basil patted Chang Yu's head with a light smile. Retracting her hand, she said, "It is time to part then. I am going this way," she pointed to the door on the ceiling, "and you should climb until you can't climb any longer."

"I will do my best!" Chang Yu replied in determination.

Basil watched as she continued climbing for a few seconds before minding her business. Kicking the ground, she jumped into the air and used Wind Magic to push her body upwards until she could touch the door.

The moment she laid her hand on the door, it spread open. She pushed her body past through the doorway and the door closed itself. It merged with the wall afterwards, prompting her to get on the ground. Looking around the room, an empty white space greeted her silently.

Since it wasn't her first time entering a realm that Solomon had created, she walked forward. She was looking for the "tingle" that signified the presence of Solomon's Soul Fragment.

She kept scanning the room as she walked forward. A few minutes passed and she immediately stopped in her tracks as she had returned to the point where she started; she knew it because she had marked it with her Mana.

"Hm...weird. Even after walking in this boring white room for a hundred years, you still have no urge to strip."
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Turning around to face the owner of the voice, Basil was met with a grey-haired man in his mid-fifties. The said man's gaze was focused on her chest as he caressed his well-trimmed grey beard.

"Nice ti--"


Even before the man finished his sentence, Basil's slap sent him flying to the left side of the room. He rolled on the ground as soon as his body landed on it and then was greeted by Basil's foot as soon as he stopped rolling.

"Awh...step on me more, mis--"


Basil's foot cracked open the man's skull. No blood came out of his head because he immediately turned into dust as soon as it cracked open.

"Are Pacifer women all like you? No wonder no one dares to marry you lot--you can't handle jokes well."

Basil turned around and was met with the same man whose head she had just cracked open. The man was crossing his hands before his chest with a smirk on his face.

"Now, Miss. Intruder, tell me how you can enter the space that only the Fated Child can enter."

"I am the--"

"No shit, hot chick. My memory never fails me, so I am sure that the Fated Child should have a di--keuk!"

The man couldn't finish his sentence as Basil suddenly appeared before him, kicking him in his crotch. He keeled over, put his hands between his nether region and then groaned in pain under Basil's disdainful eyes.


" have finally spoken." Slowly, the man lifted his head. "I am Solomon, by the way. It is a pleasure to meet you." Like nothing happened, he then stood uprightly. "Tell me what you seek."

"Athena's Earrings."


Solomon looked at Basil weirdly, frowned and then scratched his head in absolute bewilderment.

"What in the bloody hell happened? You ARE the Fated Child?" He approached Basil and extended his hand toward her chest, which she stopped. "I want to make sure if those babies are...I am sorry."

Basil's gaze was so murderous that it was bewildering she hadn't ripped Solomon apart. Fortunately, the eccentric Mage had enough brain cells to tell that it was time for him to back down.

"Kuhum! Seriously, though, I can't believe what I am seeing. The fact that you know what kind of treasure is stored here means that you already have the First Lady and Caliburn with you. Only the Fated Child can obtain those two, so I am wondering how can a female...don't tell me..."

Realization dawned on Solomon late. "What the heck? What forced you to use that accursed Dao Art?"

"I inherited a Dragon Curse."

"...fair enough." Solomon nodded his head. Opening his palm, he showed Basil a pair of earrings with small, intricate star ornaments. As Basil took them, he said, "They will clear your mind, make you run faster and, most importantly, help you regain your Yang Energy back."

Basil put the earrings on her earlobes and they immediately attached themselves to her earlobes. Nodding her head lightly, she said thank you and immediately walked away...until Solomon stopped her.

"What are you doing? The one-hundred-and-eighth floor is ahead. I know you are in a hurry but, trust me, it will be worth the lateness."

Basil contemplated for a few seconds before nodding her head. She walked in the direction that Solomon was pointing to until she arrived at the one-hundred-and-eighth floor.

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