The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 463 Finding Home (4)

"Excuse me, Lord Anthony!"

Anthony and Mei Qi turned to the door of the tent and collectively sighed. They didn't need to hear what the soldier wanted to say to know what he would say. They could feel it. When someone strong wanted to take a life, his power would alert everyone. The Ninth Circle Mage had mobilized his army.

"Come in!"


The door of the tent was opened and a hooded figure came in. Anthony blinked his eyes in confusion. He couldn't feel the presence of the hooded figure and didn't recognize his aura. The soldier who had notified him earlier came in and his eyes naturally landed on the said soldier. 'Who is this?' his eyes conveyed.

The soldier looked at him awkwardly before smiling. He nodded his head, further confusing Anthony who didn't know what that meant.

Quickly deciding that asking the hooded figure directly would be best, he turned to the hooded figure. He was about to say something when the hooded figure pulled down her hood.

"Lord Basil asked us to help you out in this battle. He said you would know how to make us of our prowess the best and I am afraid he might have overestimated you."

Anthony's mouth closed and opened like a fish taking water in and out. In front of him, a beautiful woman with lioness-like features stood. He knew what she was—a Demi-Human—but he couldn't believe he could see one there. He wondered what Basil had done to make the stubborn Demi-Human Emperor send his army this soon.

"The distance between here and Werspien is quite far. I think you need to—"

"We are superior to humans. We can run for a week straight and even do it as we sleep. We don't need a rest. We will function just fine," the Demi-Human interjected.

"That is a nice thing to hear," Anthony quickly accepted. "Well, why don't we get out and put you in your position? I believe the enemy has been alerted by your arrival."

"We are just as good, if not better, at stealth as the Elf. There is no way for the enemy to notice our arrival."

Just a second after the Demi-Human said that, an explosion was heard. It was a fairly strong one since the ground shook noticeably because of it.

"Well, the problem is that our enemy has a Ninth Circle Mage on their side. no matter how capable you are, I am sure you won't be able to defeat that monster," Anthony said as he walked out of the tent.

The Demi-Human frowned but said nothing. She immediately realized she was being stupid by being confident in herself too much. Demi-Humans might be hot-headed, yet they were not stupid. As long as their battle instinct didn't overtake them, they would think better than most humans.

Upon being outside, Anthony was greeted by a Legion of Demi-Humans. He didn't wonder why the Demi-Human Emperor only sent a Legion because he could feel their aura. They no longer hold it back after the enemy launched their attack. It was overwhelming. Anthony could tell they were the best out of the best.

"Aaron, Cassandra, Carlyle, Glen, take a thousand of them and put them to help your Legion!" Anthony shouted.

"Yes!" the said Legion Commanders replied sternly, appearing out of nowhere.
The Demi-Human Legion Commander watched as the warriors she brought were taken by the Legion Commanders. None of the Legion Commanders casually chose the warriors—they inspected each of them carefully before ushering them to their Legions like they didn't even care.

The Demi-Human was mildly impressed. Humans weren't as incompetent as she thought. Although she knew it would be a stretch, there might be someone close to Basil in competence amongst the humans.

"May I know who you are, Miss lioness?" Anthony turned to the Demi-Human Legion Commander.

"Shura, the First Legion Commander. I am a Werelion," the said Demi-Human replied.

"I know what you are, Shura." Anthony smiled. "Let's get the rest of you to join the army, shall we? Ah, do you mind being led by a human?"

"I don't see races when it comes to competence."

"Glad to hear it."

Anthony immediately summoned his soldiers. Four thousand soldiers gathered before his tent in the blink of an eye, all ready to fight. Anthony asked some questions regarding the Demi-Human warriors' specialities. When he stopped asking, he immediately assigned them to eight different groups.

Shura watched this process in fascination. She knew what Anthony was doing and he was doing it correctly. Deciding formations and assigning tasks were not her strong suit. She never did that because every Demi-Human warrior knew what they should do.

When it came to battles, the warrior would adjust to the situation quickly. They only needed to see how the other was faring to decide what they should do—they relied heavily on their instinct and incredible spatial awareness.

What Anthony did wasn't new to her but still something to revel at. After all, it had always been a gather-and-go for her.

"We are going to fight on the front line, so clench your arse. You don't want to shit your pants in the middle of the fight," Anthony said to Shura.

Unbothered by the sentence, Shura responded, "So, that is the reason why you have fewer soldiers than others do."

Anthony shrugged lightly and then ordered his soldiers to turn around. He jumped over them and stood before them for a few seconds before leading them to leave the camp. Shura was left behind but quick to catch up. A glance at the back allowed her to see the other soldiers following them closely behind.

She returned her gaze to the front and watched as the Empire Army rushed at them. From their muscles, she could tell the humans were tense, yet she couldn't sense any fear from them. They were sure they would win. She wondered why because it wasn't her Legion's arrival.


Galvin D'Arch, the Ninth Circle Mage that the Empire sent looked at the scene before him in contemplation. The battle was too easy. He wondered if that Basil Pacifer had something in store for him. The lad was quirky, so he pondered if he should take the risk and dominate the battlefield.


Another Magic Arrow flew at him. It was sent by the eight senior Pacifer's Servants who huddled up together in a Magic Battle Formation. He scoffed at the arrow and cast a Spell to counter it. He sent his Magic Arrow to the incoming arrow, stopping it before neutralizing it.


The explosion didn't hurt him in the slightest but swayed his body slightly. 'How the tables have turned,' he remarked mentally. He had never met any of the senior Pacifer's Servants, yet he had heard of their might from his grandfather. His grandfather had bragged about how he crippled the rival he could never surpass and put the said rival into the Dungeon.

It was mind-boggling to think how quick it was for one's life to change. If the eight servants were still in their prime, Galvin was sure he had no chance of winning. Fortunately, they no longer were, so facing them was not a challenge. As unfair as the situation might be, he would still technically kill eight legends.

"I think it is worth it now that I think about it that way," Galvin muttered. "Galvin The Ancient Genius Killer doesn't sound too bad."

Smirking to himself, Galvin materialized his nine Magic Circles and dashed at the eight senior Pacifer's Servants. The eight servants' expressions immediately darkened, knowing full well what the result of their clash would be.

The Monsters that Dantalion had created turned their attention away from the Empire's soldiers to Galvin. They rushed at him madly, ignoring any attack from the soldiers they passed even if it harmed them.

"Focus on your fight!" Galvin shouted. He remained unfazed even though he would face tens of thousands of Monsters by himself.

Clasping his hands, he then pulled them apart, creating a short sword from Mana as he did so. He grabbed the handle of the short sword afterwards and then threw it into the air. He snapped his fingers, prompting the short sword to multiply. They cut through the air faster than bullets, heading to the Monsters in the air.

Lifting his arms and holding them horizontally, he swung them to the front at the same time. A small, curved Mana Blade cut through the air, rushing at the incoming Monsters like an arrow shot by a Peak Stage Blue Core Knight. It got wider and bigger the closer it got to its target. By the time it reached the target, it was big enough to kill them all at once.


The Monsters on the land whose bodies were bisected fell to the ground first. Followed by that, the aerial Monsters who had been hit by Galvin's short swords fell one by one. The battle was disrupted since everyone had to mind the falling bodies, lest they would be crushed by them. Galvin was, of course, unaffected.

"Hm? A cat dares to come at me?" Galvin quirked an eyebrow as he saw Shura rushing at him. "As insulting as it is, I will still kill her. She has killed a lot of soldiers, so I shall teach her a lesson."

Teleporting before Shura, he shocked the said Demi-Human. He was not a Battle Mage but he was not afraid of fighting at close range. The main reason was, of course, that he was facing Shura. He wouldn't take a chance if he fought someone of his calibre.

Driving his hand into Shura's stomach, a ball of energy formed in it. Shura already accepted her fate, so she didn't bother trying to run away. She swung her hand and attempted to scratch Galvin's face. She failed, unfortunately, but it wasn't because she died first.


"Fucking hell, kitty. What the heck are you thinking taking that monster head-on?"

Anthony saved her from her demise.

"Let monsters fight with monsters."

He gestured at the eight senior Pacifer's Servants who were approaching Galvin. Sensing no response, he looked down at the Demi-Human he was holding like a sack of potatoes. The said Demi-Human looked up at him. A smirk crept up her face.

"I heard you have a harem. Mind adding another member to it?"

"Hell, no. I can't handle more than two lionesses."


"I am, unfortunately."

Anthony chuckled and put Shura down. They turned their heads to the other side of the battlefield where Galvin was fighting the eight servants and decided to remain in their place. It had only been a few seconds, yet the area in their surroundings had been obliterated. They didn't hear anything, so an explosion didn't cause it.

Spatial Magic, something that only Ninth Circle Mages were good at, had been involved. Hearts beating in utter nervousness, the two gulped dryly.

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