The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 49 - An Egg Needs To Be Incubated To Hatch (End)

A few weeks prior to Basil's trip back to Woster County — roughly after his return from Lone Mountain — Deacon had told something to him. He had said he had been feeling something weird happened to his body.

Being an experienced man, Basil had instantly figured out what had happened to him. It was the process of Evolution. Finally, Hormonal Rush — the nurturing pill Basil had given Deacon — had taken effect.

The hard fight with Yamata no Orochi might have also played a big role in pushing Deacon's Evolution. Hormones might be able to push the growth of a Magical Beast forward, however external stimulation was also needed.

After facing a life and death situation, Deacon's instinct to survive might have gotten activated, thus pushing his body forward to suit his harsh living condition. It would then lead to Evolution.

Basil had intentionally let Deacon go to somewhere private so he could evolve peacefully. Surely, he was evolving at the place Basil had recommended. It was a forest on the outskirts of Fortescher County.

It contained some of the low-class Magical Beast that would help his Evolution, and was rarely visited by human. Therefore, it was a fairly safe place.

After some time passed, Basil finally arrived at the designated place. He didn't bother to enter the forest as he could feel Deacon was approaching his location fast. He smirked a little as he could feel Deacon's speed was faster than before

He didn't need to wait long for Deacon to come out of the forest. A regal looking 3 meters tall Saberwolf with shorter yet thicker and sharper fangs was revealed. It was none other than Deacon who had grown for two times as big.

He was very elated at seeing Basil as he was eager to show his might to his Master. When he arrived in front of his Master, he quickly lowered his head and let his Master petted him.

Good work.

It was conveyed clearly in his mind. Deacon was ecstatic. His master had never been a very emotional person. Getting a reaction out of him was so hard he wouldn't be surprised if his Master could slap a dragon's butt casually.

However, that Master of his had praised him! He couldn't even be any happier. Not even his newfound power could excite him anymore. Actually, it could still excite him. However it was still incomparable to his Master's praise!

"You have become a King Saberwolf. With this, you are officially a Middle Rank Third Class Magical Beast."

Basil brushed Deacon's fur in faint pride. He felt like a parent who was seeing his child growing. Deacon had really turned bigger. Not even anyone in his former horde could match his size.

Unfortunately, according to the standard of a King Saberwolf, he was still in the smaller size. However, it didn't matter as Basil had no intention to let Deacon fight like a Beast. He would train him to fight with intelligence not instinct.

"It is time to go. We need to visit the academy."

Basil stopped brushing his fur and Deacon let Basil mounted him. He righted himself up, and his ecstatic face couldn't be seen anywhere. Then, he galloped forward with regality. He looked mighty and fearsome.

Surely, it wasn't the only thing he could show. Deacon's speed was now enough to blow away a normal person just by passing by them. Thus, the trip continued.


I can feel it. Our family situation has changed. It is not like it used to be anymore. I wonder what happened. Father is busy with something I can't figure, while mother is getting distant lately.

Just what happen? Is it because Brother? But, why? Are they afraid about Brother having a grudge against them? Ridiculous!

Brother doesn't even care about them since the beginning. Why would he bother to hold a grudge against them?

Like usual, I am having my dose of pondering. Although I have distracted myself with study and Magic practice, the matter regarding my family can't be overlooked easily. It is a really shocking experience for me.

Brother's rise in power, my realization over my parents' treatment over Brother, and the change of mood in the family start to take a toll on my mind. I really need to see Brother. He is the only one who can ease my mind at this point.

"Good Morning, Dear."

"Good Morning, my daughter."

A nod is the best I can give them. I don't really feel like responding their pleasantries. I had thought I was really bless being born in a noble family. How naive that thought was. Only now that I realize how sucks being a noble.

My family has finally become a real noble family. Meaning, we are merely living in the same house without any bond or whatsoever.

"Any interesting things happened at academy yesterday, Honey?"


I know what is Father talking about. He must be curious about Brother's whereabouts. Why would he care? He was the one who chased Brother away! It's very unmanly of him.

Well, it seems Julia is rubbing off on me more than I think. It's very easy to spew a snarky comment out of my mouth lately.

I shake my head and glance at Father. "If you think that the rumour about my friend, Daniel is about to get a new mother is interesting, then there is the only interesting thing I can think of." Woah, I didn't know I could say that!

Father's face briefly contorted, before returning back to his usual expression. He sighs and nods his head before saying, "I think there was nothing interesting happened. However, I am a bit curious about the thing you said earlier."

Hm? Father is usually not very privy about trivial things like that. What has happened to him? Well, I can't care less. If he wants a story, I will tell him one.

"If you want to know, I will let you know. So, last day a friend of mine said she had spotted Viscount Escher walking together with a woman. The rumour goes on saying that woman could possibly be Daniel's new mother."

"I believe she was just a prostitute."

"Eh.. we have talked about that too. But, my friend said they were too close. There is not a Noble would have such closeness with a prostitute."

"Hmm.. as far as I know Justin is—"


"You two..."

Silence descends upon the room after Mother's intervention. I was almost hyped up seeing that Father could somehow engage himself in the conversation. But, it was ruined by Mother!

I turn my head at Mother with slight disgruntlement. She looks at me back with the sternest expression I have ever seen on her face. I am slightly taken aback by that, but I receive that look unfazed.

"It is not good talking about a false rumour on someone. I didn't know my daughter was such a person."

"Then, what kind of person am I pictured in your mind, Mother?"

Oops! Julia is really rubbing off on me! I didn't mean to say that for real. Was that my frustration? Yes, it should be. The toll on my mental is starting to get unbearable lately.

"That.. that is..."

I know it's not good. But, I got a satisfaction out Mother's reaction. I didn't know it was so good to see the one who made you taken aback got taken aback back. Wow, what a nice word play!

"Kuhum. I have always seen you as a respectable young lady who will never dwell on rumours."

"I guess it is spot on? I didn't dwell on that rumour too much, Mother. You are the one who seems to concern about it."

Mother's eyes widened in disbelief. Of course, she will. Even I am taken aback by my words. I have tried my best to hold that words from coming out, but I let it out nonetheless.

"Enough, the two of you."

Luckily, our war doesn't have to proceed even more. Father quickly interrupts us as he can see the situation is starting to get out of hands. Mother is forced to close her mouth, but her eyes are still planted on me.

An indescribable feeling is conveyed through her eyes. It is something different from her that I have never seen before. We are becoming distant each days, but now I can't say that I know my mother

Mother can't possibly...?

I shake my head to clear that thought. The more I think about it the worse my thought become. I'm scared my thought will someday proven to be true.

Quickly finishing my food, I hurry to the academy without even saying my farewell.


Nicholas looked at his daughter's disappearing back in silence. He shook his head bitterly right after that. He was aware of the distance growing between them. However, he could do nothing. He was busy with protecting his assets.

He looked at his wife and muttered, "You should not have done that. I have heard from Irene she has been concentrating herself in improving her Magic skills. She must be quite burdened."

"I merely did the thing a mother should do when her daughter speaks nonsense."

"I knew you meant that. However, you looked like you were blaming her and defending Justin instead. Or maybe, the prostitute?"

Catherine's hand twitched very faintly. She was boiling at the unintended jab sent at her. She forcefully calmed herself down to not create any suspicion from her husband.

"Huuh... I think it was my bad. I will spend some of my time with her later." She sighed and shook her head faintly. Nicholas looked at that and couldn't help but asked, "Don't you have another gatherings tonight?"

At this, she nodded her head and said, "I do. However, I seem to get distant from her lately. Spending my time with my daughter is more precious than the gathering."

Moreover, her 'business' was in danger. If she wasn't careful, every dirt she had hidden would be uncovered for the world to see. She needed to be more discreet from now on.

Both of the two people gazed at each other's eyes, faint smiles were plastered on their faces. However, none of their eyes contained the feeling a smile should convey.

'No one can stand on my way."

At least, their thoughts were the same.


{Stardust Academy}

"You looked worn."

"Thank you for the compliment..?"

Shirley had already arrived at the academy and was slumping on her desk. Julia who was already there before her, looked at her and couldn't help but commenting. Just like usual, they were bantering against each other.

"Woah.. If you were the previous Shirley, you wouldn't be able to say that."

"How is the previous me anyway?"

"Well.. bratty, haughty, and stupid... I guess?"

"Yeah, can't refute that."

"Wow. You are really worn."

Julia shook her head and patted Shirley's head. She could see her friend had her mind burdened by something. However, she didn't dare to ask. The news of Shirley's brother who was chased away from his own house was already known after all.

Furthermore, his absence and unknown whereabouts sparked many rumours, and none of them was pleasant. Julia could somehow understand the agony Shirley suffered even without asking.

At least, her friend had finally opened her eyes to the world. She didn't act bratty and high on her horse anymore. She didn't care about having those 'lackeys' anymore as she finally decided to live as her own individual, not as a noble.

While being dispirited all the time, Shirley could somehow pass the class. Together with Julia, she went to the cafeteria to buy some food and eat it later on the Battle Arena. It was her favorite place as it was quiet there.

"Can I have your time for a bit?"


Julia and Shirley were surprised they were stopped by someone out of the blue. Shirley looked up and saw a confident face of a very familiar young man. He was fairly good looking, however that fact seemed to get on his head.

Shirley already had her face contorted. She could somehow guess what was about to happen. She sighed and decided to end it quickly.

"I am sorry. I am not interested in increasing my parents' assets."


The young man was taken aback. He seemed to understand what she meant. He was none other than Harold Woster, the one Basil had beaten to a pulp. After knowing Basil had been banished out of his house, his grudge against him was slightly eased.

Imagine his surprise when he found out that Basil had a beautiful sister. Things couldn't get any even better. He wanted to try his luck as he could see a chance on getting in her pants.

"I am sorry. But, I am sincerely asking you to give me a chance on having a relationship with me."


The surrounding crowd gasped in surprise at Harold's rather sincere tone. Shirley frowned her forehead. Julia wasn't any different as she seemed ready to swing her fist at any moment.

"Well, I am sorry. I know someone who is clearly better than you. So... I think you have no chance."


Shirley is so fierce!

While the crowd was gaping their mouth in awe at her bluntness. Julia was trying her best to hold her laughter back. Especially, when she looked at Harold's comical reaction. She could proudly claim her teaching on Shirley was successful.

"What! Who is this person? I can't recall any other person more amazing than me aside from my brothers."

"Well, to be honest, you are not awesome. Secondly, as far as I know, your brothers are considered average according to the Capital's standard."


The crowd was now openly admiring her. They had wanted to slap that reality on Harold's face since a long time ago, however they didn't have the courage. Now that they had seen someone who dared to, they couldn't help their awe.

"Audacious! How dare you, a mere glorified harlot looking down on my family!"

"Excuse me?!"

Instead of Shirley, Julia was the one who got angry. Harold's word was harsh.

It was the reality of most of the noble women faced as they were married off to another noble family, whether they were willing or not. It was the sole purpose of their existence.

Harold couldn't hold his rage back. Here he was lowering his head talking politely to a mere Viscount's daughter, yet he was treated with audacity? He couldn't accept it!

He raised his hand and was about to slap Shirley when suddenly a heavy pressure descended upon the cafeteria.


Some of the people who couldn't bear the pressure even kneeled themselves. They knew instinctively the pressure wasn't aimed at them, however the aftereffect alone was enough to wash them with terror.

Harold, who was in the middle of it had his pupils constricted. He was assaulted with fear. He was already doing his best to not let his face touch the ground. He was sweating bullets while his body was trembling ceaselessly.

"It seems this place has become rowdier in the time I have gone for a while, Mr. Chester."

"Well... At least, don't pressure your friend too much."

"Hm? I am not pressuring them, Mr. Chester. They are just lacking."

Chester looked at Basil and shook his head bitterly. Basil's voice was echoed through the whole cafeteria, and everyone could hear him. Luckily, Basil heeded his advice to retract the pressure.

As if a lie, the heavy pressure disappeared into thin air. Aside from Harold, all of them could now breathe normally. However, no one dared to throw their heads at the perpetrator. They were extremely familiar with the voice of the person.

Julia and Shirley were gaping at the person who was approaching them. They knew who was the equally pretty and handsome young man. They didn't even register the fact they weren't affected by the pressure he had exuded.

Pat. Pat. Pat.

"You could have a fly enter your mouth, if you are gaping too much."


Still no response. Shirley was still looking at Basil in a daze. She was amazed at the fact how much her brother had grown over the two months he had been gone to who knows where. He became even more handsome than before!


As if she was afraid he was a mere illusion, she hugged him tightly. Fortunately, Basil was a gentleman. He hugged her back and gave her the warmest hug she had ever gotten.

The crowd was amazed by two facts. First, their unnatural closeness that was already breaching the boundary of siblings. Second, the two majestic Magic Circles floating behind Basil.

Chester looked at Basil and shook his head again. He had coerced him to show his Magic Progress to no avail.

However, Basil had casually revealed his power when he had seen his sister had been about to be hit — which he was very sure wouldn't have even happened.

An egg needs to be incubated to hatch. However, Basil didn't merely incubate it, he was also magically training it even before it hatched.. Chester was astounded by his inhumane growth.

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