The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 69 - Hands Have The Most Sins (2)

The participants who managed to pass the Selection Stage were waiting in the room designated for them only. It wasn't that different from the waiting room, however the size was noticeably smaller.

They could still see the vast Arena in front of them, however none of them could get out of the room. They were stuck yet again. They couldn't even hear the sound of the crowd due to how good of a Sealing Rune that had been put on the room.


[The preparation is over! We hope that each participants have observed their potential opponents well.]

The wanted announcement was heard. However, not a little of them were bewildered by what was announced.

"So, the preparation is for us?!"

"What do you mean by 'observe'?!"

"This bloody committee is playing with us, huh?"

Still, the announcer couldn't hear that. Therefore, the announcement continued regardless what the people said.

[The gate to the Arena will be opened immediately. Therefore, we hope you can line up in accordance with your rankings. The rankings will be announce soon.]

[Top 5 list: Basil Pacifer, Kinsey, Jackson, Belen Kingsbury, and Kimberley Bulmer. Please, step forward and line yourself in reverse. The lowest ranked one will be in the first line.]

The top 5 scorer moved their steps wordlessly. At least, most of them did. Kinsey and Jackson were still at it as they still couldn't decide who was the real psychopath. The other people parted to give them a way. No one obstructed them.

Still, there were still some with glinting eyes among them. Basil had naturally realized that as he was still keeping his eyes on the people. With Kimberley in the frontmost, the top 5 scorers lined themselves.

[Prepare for your call. The gate will be opened in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...]

As soon as the announcer finished the countdown, the gate opened itself. Each time the gate raised itself, they could feel the wind from the outside caressing their faces. They were thrilled because of it. Not even the loud duo could keep their argument.

[Kimberley Bulmer, please step forward.]

When her name was finally called, Kimberley inhaled a deep breath and exhaled softly. "Let's do this," she muttered under her breath. Straightening her posture, she moved her feet and stepped forward graciously.


The wind that she could only feel from the inside of the room before could be felt clearly now. Whenever she took a breath, she could feel her soul was getting cleansed.

The feeling she got was the exact opposite of what she had felt earlier. The atmosphere back then at the room had been suffocating. Right now, it was so refreshingly free.

[Greet our fifth place, Kimberley Bulmer!]


Surely, the wind wouldn't be any more refreshing without the crowd's cheers. She could feel every eyes on her right after the announcer said her name. Therefore, she walked more gallantly than before.

Her heart was beating. She liked the cheer of the people for her. Therefore, she didn't want to disappoint them. Stopping her step, she sat herself on a stone made armchair where her number was engraved on it. When she sat on it, the number lit up.

She had expected a hard seat out of the armchair, however it was just as comfy as her sofa at home. Therefore, she could enjoy herself.

[Greet our fourth place, Belen Kingsbury!]

Another participant was called, and the crowd went wild once again.

"Woah! Is that the prodigy from the Kingsbury Baronet?!"

"He has the quality to be one!"

"Look, he seems pissed with something."

"I wonder, though."

Surely, Belen wasn't satisfied by the crowd's cheers. It wasn't because they weren't loud enough, but because they were too loud. He didn't think he deserved that much cheers, considering what he couldn't manage to achieve. Just like that, he sat on his seat.

[Greet our third place, Jackson!]

"Eh? A commoner? That is amazing."

"An unexpected talent came from a commoner."

As most of the audiences were Nobles or renowned Mages, the cheers weren't as intense. However, the audiences still clapped their hands. In the midst of this, Jackson merely grinned from ear to ear. He couldn't wait to spill another blood.

[Greet our second place, Kinsey!]

"Wait, again? How talented these guys have become?!"

"I am impressed. I have thought commoners could be nothing more than a farmer."

Contrary to the considerably aggressive expression on Jackson's face, Kinsey's expression was the definition of calm. He had nothing to show on his face beside calmness. His gait was organized and stable, making people doubt his identity as a Mage even more. He was so suitable to be a Knight.

Kinsey sat on his seat. He and the other three people looked at the opened gate from their seats. Like the crowd, they were waiting for the first place. The crowd weirdly becoming dramatic as they stopped any murmurs or cheers.

Their eyes glued into the gate as well.

[Here is whom we have been waiting... Greet our first place, Basil Pacifer!]

The name didn't ring them a bell. They had thought the first place belonged to a somewhat reputable Noble's son, however they were wrong. They had never heard of a Noble family called Pacifer before!

Basil stepped forward graciously. His posture was casual but ready. He was exuding an aura that could only be felt from a veteran. His gracious gait instantly attracted people's eyes, amplifying his gracefulness even further.

His face was as stoic as ever. However, if one were to observe him attentively, they could see the boredom in his eyes. Still, no one noticed it.

"Woah! My brother is the best!"

"Go ahead, Senior! Swipe the floor with those losers!"

"Brother, go ahead and smash them to pieces!"

"Basil, my son, you are the strongest!"

Just like the word goes, whatever one is doing, family always give one the best support. The stoic face of Basil was slightly cracked due to how amuse he was by his family's cheers. Surely, his family's cheers weren't the only cheers he heard. The other audiences also went crazy right after they heard the four people's cheeers.

Finally, Basil sat himself on the biggest armchair where an equally big number 1 etched on it. "You have a good family," Kimberley commented at Basil offhandedly. Basil merely glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, before smiling softly, "I do."

The conversation ended, however the cheers kept ongoing. The other 33 participants weren't called yet after all. The top 5 participants took their time to wait for the other participants to sit themselves on their assigned seats. When all of the participants were finally on their respective seats, the announcer spoke once again.

[As the participants may have already noticed, the number engraved on your seats defines your position in this tournament. You have two chances to challenge the participants whose position you wanted. This tournament will end when all of the participants have used their chances.]

[Before we start the tournament, let me announce you the rules first. Rule number one: participants can only challenge the participants with higher rank than them.]

[Rule number two: challenge cannot be rejected. If you rejected the challenge, it indicates your lost and the victory of the challenger.]

[Rule number three: the participants who lost in the challenge will have to switch rank with the challenger. If you win the challenge, you can keep your rank.]

[Rule number four: if a death occurs, the participants below the rank of the deceased will be automatically promoted to a higher rank.]

[Rule number five: the first place has only one chance to challenge another participants since the start of the game. Defend yourself well.]

[With all of this rules being said, the tournament will be officially started now. For reminder, any death occurs will not be our responsibility. When things get dangerous, the participants can declare their lost and the match will be stopped. When you aren't able to do so, we have no obligation to stop the match.]

The participants looked at each other's faces. While the crowd was hyped about the upcoming battle, the crowds doubted their ears. The rules were really familiar as the announcer had announced the same thing in the Selection Stage.

—Any death occurs will not be our responsibility.

It was mildly infuriating, however they couldn't refute that. Their lives, their own responsibility. They knew that already. Still, they couldn't just accept it. Just by seeing the eyes of the other participants, they could guess who had the urge to end the other's lives.

Luckily, they could forfeit this time. Therefore, whenever they felt they couldn't keep going, they could yell their lost as desperate as they could. Then, the referee would come to save their arse.

[May you start the first challenge!]

Right after it was said, Jackson stood from his seat with shining eyes. His mad grin was forever etched on his face while he was planting his eyes at someone.

"Ahahaha! I have waited this! Basil Pacifer, I challenge you!"

"Oh! Already challenging the first place? That guy is quite bold!"

"Hey, I bet this guy will have his arse beaten."

Already, the audiences went crazy. Especially, on a certain place of the audience seat. Two young men were discussing among themselves about the potential winner.

"Well, we couldn't just judge someone by his looks."

"Yeah, that Basil guy is cute, right?"

"Bruh, you are a dude. What are you saying? But, I do agree with you."



The people around the young men didn't want to get involved with them — despite how much they agreed with them — therefore they made a distance from the duo. The duo seemed to notice the 'look' they received as they kept their mouth shut in the next moment.

[Basil Pacifer, will you accept the challenge?]

"I will."

"Ku-ku-ku! Great choice, Basil! Great choice!"

[May you enter the Arena!]

The instruction was honestly unnecessary as Basil and Jackson had quickly moved to the Arena by themselves. Jackson had the same thirsty grin on his face, while Basil was still as stoic as ever.


Someone appeared between them. It was a middle-aged man who was quite capable of using a [Teleport] Spell. The middle-aged man observed both of them for a while before speaking.

"I will be your referee. As the rules have stated, I won't stop the match unless you forfeit yourself. Understood?"

"I got that!"


"Very well."

The referee didn't bat an eyelash at Basil's lack of reaction. He merely nodded and brought his hand upward. Then, he swung it down, before saying the sacred word sternly, "Begin!"


Jackson distanced himself. He was a Spellcaster and he wouldn't make a mistake by fighting Basil up close. He knew what Basil was capable of. He wasn't stupid.

At this wise decision, Basil merely quirked an eyebrow.

"Want to see a masterpiece? I will show you one, Basil!"

Jackson shouted enthusiastically before extending his hand forward. His Grimoire materialized and it was flipped open. The pages were flipped until it stopped at a certain point. Without a chant, Jackson shouted, "[Hands Of The Cursed]!"

Clank! Clank! Clank!

Ten sets of black chains emerged from below the ground. They went fiercely toward Basil. Although chains weren't as intimidating as one might expect, however these chains were different. Anyone could feel the dread they were exuding.

Jackson was grinning from ear to ear, while Basil was staring at the pointy end of the chains with his eyes that were faster than anyone else's. Everything looked slow to him.

"It's a Black Magic." He concluded.

A faint smile adorned his face. His hands were itching. Not even a year had passed since his return to the past, yet he had encountered something he had thought he wouldn't be seeing that early.

He was met with a demon advocate.

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