The Lord Is Too Overbearing

Chapter 81 - Endings Are Chosen (2)


Everyone's attention turned to the referee who had cleared his throat. He didn't mean to be a party popper. However, the tournament was still ongoing, and he had a job to do.

"I hope we can postpone this matter, untill the tournament is over."

"Very well," Lawson nodded his head. Throwing his gaze at Basil, he said, "I remind you once again that you do not need to compete anymore, for your position as the winner is guaranteed. Therefore, don't push yourself."

"Fufufu. I'm sure this boy will be fine. Just look at his face!"

Basil nodded his head lightly, before dodging Iliana's hand that was coming at his shoulder. In result, Iliana's hand hit the air. She quickly developed a frown on her face, and looked at Basil with eyes which were saying, "Why did you dodge?"

Surely, Basil had no intention to mind that. He merely touched his slightly burned shoulder and channeled Mana to his hand. Although his body's regeneration rate was ridiculously higher than any Mages, he wanted to have his skin back to normal as soon as possible.

Basil's palm shone in a soothing white light. Then, it quickly enveloped his burned skin. The result was visible to the eyes. His red skin quickly gained its initial color. The people looked at the scene in utter bafflement.

None of them had expected Basil could perform such a miracle! To do that, Basil had to be a Priest. However, they could plainly see Basil wasn't a Priest. Therefore, they were extremely bewildered.

"So, can I return to my seat?" Basil, who was in the center of everyone's eyes, stared at the referee, and asked casually. He acted like he didn't know he was performing such a dumbfounding thing. "Are you going to stare at me like that forever?"

At that word, the referee was finally awaken from his trance. Clearing his throat once, "Kuhum!" He proceeded to raise his hand, "Victor, Basil Pacifer!" Finally, the three other people were also awaken from their daze.

Hearing the announcement, they knew it was time to get out of the arena. Therefore, Lawson spoke quickly, "We will have a conversation later!" Then, together with Iliana, he disappeared from the arena. Surely, Iliana didn't just leave like that. She made sure she sent a quick wink at Basil.

Blake, who was still by Basil's side, merely patted Basil's shoulder once, before disappearing too, by casting [Checkpoint].

[The next.. challenge is ready.. to be proceeded.]

There was a hint of hesitation could be detected from the anouncer's tone. It was understandable. The descent of the sinister aura upon the entire arena earlier had been enough to instill fear toward any people's soul.

An immediate investigation was surely needed to know what had just happened. However, Lawson had decided to resume the match, and the announcer could do nothing but following the order. Thus, the hesitation.

"Well, kid. You may return to your seat." The referee turned his head at Basil. Quirking an eyebrow, Basil asked, "Are you telling me to forfeit?" Puzzled, the referee asked, "No. Why wo—"

"I challenge Basil Pacifer!"

"So that's the case..."

The referee sighed to himself. He had been the referee of Regional Tournament for 8 years, and this year was the craziest tournament he had ever seen. He had never met such a unique, and unruly bunch before this.

[Rank 3 is challenging Rank 1. Basil Pacifer, will you accept the challenge?]

"I accept."

Short and brief. Basil didn't need to say a uselessly long sentence to respond. The person who was challenging Basil was eager to fight him. Quickly dashing to the arena, he appeared in front of Basil in a matter of second.

"We finally have a rematch, Basil Pacifer!"

"It is not in my pleasure to see you again, Belen Queensbury."

"Hahaha! It's Kingsbury, prick!"

The challenger, who was revealed to be Belen, glared at Basil heatedly. No matter how many times he spoke to Basil, the latter always managed to irk him. Calming his heaving heart in the next moment, he snorted at Basil.

"Hmph! Let's see who has the last laugh."

Belen threw his head at the referee and gestured with his head. The referee sighed to himself once again, but decided to comply anyway. He felt like he was becoming everyone's slave lately.

Raising his hand to the air, the referee brought it down passionately, while declaring, "Begin!"

Belen quickly readied himself. A triumphant smirk adorned his considerably attractive face. Although his plan didn't work the way he wanted, the result he had aimed was achieved. He knew Basil was spent.

"This will be your end, Basil Pacifer!"

Mimicking a gun with his hand, he aimed at Basil. Shockingly, he couldn't find Basil anywhere. It was at this moment, that he knew he screwed up.

In a blink of an eye, Basil had reappeared in front of him. His extended hand was pushed to the side by Basil's hand. In the other hand, Basil had his pointer finger on his forehead. His pupils dilated in horror. He could feel Basil's finger that was slowly heating up. He knew what was about to happen.

"Well, I will not have the last laugh. However, I will make sure you will not be able to laugh."

"No! I for—"


Belen couldn't even finish his word. Basil's attack was faster than his mouth. His head exploded splendidly. Brain matters flew everywhere, and painted the ground in a gruesome red color.

The headless body fell to the ground with a thud, and it complimented the gruesome decoration of the already ruined arena. The surrounding became completely silent. It was so silent that they could almost hear the flowing blood on the ground.

The audiences hadn't recovered from their initial fear yet. Instead of being comforted, they got to witness another gruesome scene. How they were supposed to react to that?!

The perpetrator, Basil, merely took a quick glance at Belen's body, before turning his attention to his white attire. He nodded his head in satisfaction, when he found there was no bloodstain on his attire.

"You shouldn't have played with the unknown, Belen. This is the price of doing so. You are lucky I am benevolent enough to end you with your beloved Spell. Killed by the beloved. Yours is the most romantic death I have seen from the entire matches."

Belen was ended by the thing he had loved the most. His self-made Spell. To Basil, it was the greatest honor he had bestowed toward someone who had dared to play with him. He had decided to 'spare' Belen as he had been still a kid.

Kids tend to not know what they are doing, after all.

Turning his attention to the referee, Basil raised one of his eyebrows. Sighing lightly, the referee exclaimed, "Victor, Basil Pacifer!" Paying no more attention to the referee, he returned to his seat.

[The next challenge is ready to be proceeded.]

Everyone's eyes followed his every movement, and their uneasiness returned in full force. Now that their courage to fight Basil was completely stomped, they started to look for other participants to challenge.

"Brother Basil..." Xiu Li, who was seated right beside Basil, spoke carefully. Basil, who was leaning his cheek on his fist, glanced at Xiu Li from the corner of his eyes. "What is it?" He asked.

Xiu Li stood from his seat, clasped his hands in a unique way, then bowed deeply to Basil. "Thank you for saving my life!" Basil casually responded, "Your mouth was the one that saved your life." He was referring to Xiu Li's quick decision on forfeiting.

However, Xiu Li shook his head, and said firmly, "I heard an instruction in my head, while Brother Kinsey was still a few steps away from me. If not for that instruction, I would never forfeit." Xiu Li raised his head, and stared at Basil.

This time, Basil was already facing Xiu Li's way. He was overbearing, however not impolite. He had always received everyone's gratitude like a benevolent person he was. After taking a good look at the firm Xiu Li, he returned to his initial position.

However, this time, he had a faint smile on his face. "I guess so," he said offhandedly. Xiu Li bowed once again, before sitting himself back on his seat.

Then, Xiu Li conversed with Basil like the first time they had met.


{Cobham Manor, Cobham Viscountcy}

A moan of pain mixed with slight pleasure resounded through a dimly lit room. 9 people filled the dimly lit room, and they were comprised of both genders. 8 of them were men, and the last one was a woman.

The woman was naked and panting, while lying powerlessly on the ground. An auspicious white semi viscous substance covered her face and body alike. Signs of violation were apparent on her entire existence. However, she didn't have the eyes of someone violated.

Her eyes burned in intense hate and resentment. As her body was powerless, the ceiling became the place where her gaze was planted at.


"Seeing such eyes on you was unthinkable to me before. Now, that I have decided to see it for myself. I am baffled by what I am seeing."

One of the men, the one with blond hair, exclaimed at the woman. The woman tried to raise her head, however she was too powerless to do so. Luckily, her mouth wasn't as powerless.

With utmost hate, the woman cursed the man, "You, vile creature! You don't have a right to live!"

Her voice was raspy, and it was apparent that the mere act of speaking hurt her throat badly. The blonde man merely picked his ear, before pinching his nose in disgust.

"Bloody hell! This filthy woman's breath reeks of sexual fluids!" The man said mockingly, before cracking up.

The woman lying on the ground could only grit her teeth in fury. After some time, the man stopped laughing and stared at the woman's eyes. His eyes slanted, and a wide eerie grin was plastered on his face.

"Did you like our session? It has been hours, however you are still as energetic as a horse!"

"Fuck you, Nicholas!"

"Woah! Such a vile language coming out of a woman's mouth! As expected of a harlot."

The man, who was revealed to be Nicholas, was cackling madly to himself. Looking at the semen covered Catherine, a sense of accomplishment washed his whole existence.

He felt refreshed.

Although he hadn't completed his revenge yet, some of his revenge was quelled to a certain extent.

"I must admit, Catherine. Compared to your usual self, you are even prettier right now. No wonder Justin was intoxicated! Am I right, Justin?"

Nicholas threw his gaze at Justin whose eyes were bloodshot. Justin was visibly trembling. Although he resented Catherine for throwing all the dirt on him, he absolutely abhorred the act Nicholas had just committed.

He wanted to stop Nicholas badly. However, the mysterious object that was inflicted upon him was constantly sealing his Magic Circles, preventing him from using Magic. Therefore, he could only watch the obscenity happening before him.

"Hmmpphh hmmfff phmm ffmmm!"

"What in the hell are you saying, Mate? Ah, right. Let me take off that gag."

Nicholas moved toward Justin and proceeded to take the gag off.

"You, cursed bastard! What have you done you done to your own wife?!"

When the gag was taken off, Justin instantly exploded. Nicholas, who was on the receiving end, merely picked his ear and rolled his eyes at Justin.

"What are you saying, my wife? Did you mean, our connector? We are connected by the same hole, after all." Nicholas ended his word with a wink.

"You, sick bastard!"

Justin was livid. No matter how much one felt betrayed, one couldn't just do that toward someone one had loved. However, Nicholas could do that while smiling, and Justin couldn't wrap his head around it.

"Listen, my brother of the same hole. The act doesn't matter, the impact does. You should know what I mean as you are not that stupid, right?"

Justin could only grit his teeth. Nicholas' words were correct. Catherine's betrayal over Nicholas was insignificant. However, the impact it caused toward Nicholas' psychological state was significant.

Him, being the partner in crime, couldn't do much but accepting the sound logic. Still, that didn't mean he didn't resent Nicholas anymore. Raising his head, he stared at Nicholas with as much heat and resentment as before.

"Well. That's the eyes! You both have the same eyes. Ku-ku-ku!" Nicholas clutched his stomach as he found the entire situation funny. When he stopped laughing, he gestured his hand, and exclaimed, "Boys, bring the harlot here! I will perform a 'duo' in front of this man!"

The six hooded figures, who were motionlessly standing in the back, picked Catherine up, and delivered her to Nicholas. Nicholas took her in his hand, and flashed her nether part to Justin.

Justin could only grit his teeth in rage, and looked at Nicholas in deep hatred. He had never felt that enraged, and excited at the same time. He was sick of himself.

Nicholas smirked, and held the squirming Catherine even tighter. Catherine opened her mouth, and shouted to her very best.

"Let go of me, you—!"

"Enjoy our performance, Justin!"

Sadly, she was instantly silenced by Nicholas' next course of action.

Thus, the sickening debauchery was continued.

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