But Yang Yan had no time to pay attention to those distant faces, because above them, an old and slender face was already close to her eyes.

The huge power has come again.

Facing a Qisheng who is determined to kill him, for Yang Yan, every move is a critical moment.

He dropped his sword in the air and drew it.

He would never draw the knife unless necessary, let alone draw it in public. But from the moment he lowered his head and saw this face, the situation was no longer under his control.

He could only respond passively, one move, two moves, three moves... Each move was a life and death test, and surviving was a rare victory.

But at this moment Yang Yan knew that this strike would probably bring him victory.

Qisheng's attack without hesitation, the long staff was just a thin bamboo, but its power was no different from the pillar-like heavy arrows fired by the siege crossbow. There is nowhere to hide, and any obstruction will be devastating.

The hard wall on the side fell off like catkins blown by the wind under the blow. Yang Yan's hair and clothes were forced to fly by the approaching strong wind, but he couldn't take his eyes away, pursed his lips and drew the knife.

A soft breeze rose under the strong wind, as if a giant whale swimming in the void was attracted by this sword.

Then it opened its mouth.

The raging waves and heavy rain were swallowed up in this one mouthful, the siege crossbow turned into a thin bamboo again, the wind stopped and the waves calmed down, the sky was blue and the sea was clear.

This is an almost monstrous knife. It and [Shiye] seem to have the same goal by different paths, but [Shiye]'s "path" can be seen. It uses extremely delicate techniques to cut layer by layer, but this knife has no trace. ——How do you annihilate such power silently? What about the process?

The battlefield seemed to be quiet for a moment, and the illusion was corrected the next moment - the power did not disappear inexplicably, but followed the trajectory of the knife and re-exploded unabated on Yang Yan's right side.

In the eyes of those watching from a distance, this move can easily be classified as a sublime martial art of shifting stars.

But if you have a higher vision, get closer, and look more carefully, you will find something wrong - the power of marriage, such as lifting a thousand catties with four ounces, will not make the power disappear.

This knife is by no means a guide to power. It really "swallowed" the power completely in a short period of time, and then seemed to have to spit it out because it could not digest it.

But no matter what, except for a trace of blood seeping from the corner of his mouth, Yang Yan handled this fatal stick almost perfectly.

At this time, the effect of the siege crossbow hitting the wall was what the Moon-Zhuo Tower on his right looked like. A large hole for tigers and cows was open, and Yang Yan could go in by turning on one side. There were more obstacles for him to move around inside, but when he stepped on the wall of the building, he stepped away from it.

He must expose this battle to everyone's view.

This sword made the old man shrink and look a little surprised, but he did not feel hesitant or greedy because of it.

It seemed that the eyes of the people behind him were also urging him. He also kicked on the wall, hoping to kill Yang Yan quickly.

His response is very simple - don't spend time analyzing and deciphering this monster's unpredictable sword skills. Although you escape unscathed, what you direct is just a full-force stab from me.

I can make the second and third shots one after another, and I can sacrifice some power in exchange for faster attacks.

Even if you have a strong shield, you will always have time to turn things around.

In the blink of an eye, he was behind Yang Yan, and he struck directly at the back of Yang Yan's heart with a palm.

This move was indeed fast enough that he even gave up his inconvenient long staff for it.

Yang Yan didn't have time to turn around. The moment the old man disappeared, he felt horrified.

too fast!

If he had died here a month ago, but at this time, driven by instinct after experiencing danger, he stabbed his backhand and pulled it straight to the back.

A lucky but imperfect volley.

He did strike the sword across his back before the old man's palm came, but he did not stop the palm. Peiran's power came from behind, and the blade of the sword pressed against him and hit his back.

At the critical moment, Yang Yan flipped the blade flat so that his spine was not broken by the back of his own blade. The true energy surged into the protection and was suddenly shattered, and the body suddenly fell into a rapid fall.

A green line crossed.

When Xiao Qiu arrived, he saw the blue swallow-like figure crashing into the Moon-Zhuo Tower ten times more violently than a broken-winged bird. There was a roar in the building, and it was unknown how many wall furnishings were damaged.

The old man didn't give him any chance to breathe, and then he fluttered his cloak and fluttered down again. If Yang Yan is Qing Yan, he is the cold and cruel Bai Falcon.

But suddenly a pale yellow figure slid in front of him, as fast as the wind and floating in the clouds.

The girl held a long sword that didn't fit well and stabbed him without flinching.

The old man looked at it intently. This sword was beautiful and somewhat threatening, but it was not as strange as the young man's sword. It would not take much effort to avoid her or shoot her down.

But the girl's eyebrows suddenly came into view. The old man frowned and hesitated in his hand movements.

Cuiyu's direct descendant.

If she is killed here, Cuiyu Sword Sect will definitely pursue this identity with all its strength.

As his thoughts were spinning, the old man dodged the girl's sword and hit her on the shoulder with a moderate palm, knocking her down into the air.

At this time, as the yellow figure flew up, everyone in the audience took action. At least five or six figures with different skills jumped up.

The old man frowned again. This was a scene he was unwilling to face. He glanced at the place where Yang Yan disappeared and quickly judged whether it was still too late to kill the injured young man.

Killing him was not his goal tonight. He was just here to drink. There was no need to take the risk of being entangled for him.

But if I could kill him, I wouldn't spare his life.

He looked at these people rushing up, three lives, four lives, four lives, four lives, five lives. He twitched the corner of his mouth and rushed towards the place where Yang Yan landed.

But at this moment, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a tall figure moving from the corner of his eye. The old man turned his head and looked, his eyes condensed, and his body suddenly stopped.

Then he turned to the back of the building, avoiding everyone's sight.

Everyone chased after him, but when they got to the back of the building, the figure was no longer there.

Li Mingqing was thinking about the young man who came back to help, so she turned around and went back. As soon as she left, the remaining people naturally stopped chasing her.

A sudden battle seemed to end inexplicably.

At this time, there was already a noise in the building, but most people didn't know what happened. The tycoons, who are no strangers to the fight, have begun to follow the usual procedures to learn about the fight.

If you suddenly see someone fighting, there is nothing to panic. The first thing is to find out who the two parties are, the second thing is to find out why the fight is happening, and the third thing is to think about whether it has anything to do with you.

However, the first thing stuck - after a round of discussion, no one knew these two people.

Although the young man showed his face from a distance, he was very unfamiliar; although his hand seemed to have a mysterious sword skill, no one had seen it before. Not to mention the old man, not only did the hood cover his face the whole time, but he only stabbed twice with the long stick in his hand, showing no trace of his martial arts skills.

It seems that two such masters have appeared out of thin air in Bowang City. Are they dragons crossing the river, or something that has been submerged under the water accidentally exposed?

People chatted and looked up. The traces left by the battle were still shocking. They were imprinted on Zhuoyue Tower like a wound scratched by a tall beauty.

There seems to be one person left there.

Intentionally or unintentionally, people walked there together.


Preparing for this, Li Mingqing had already jumped into the gap that suddenly opened.

She raised her sword and turned her eyes sharply, looking for the young man just now. According to Zhang Junxue's report, he should be the person Pei Ye told her to take care of as much as possible.

But there are only so many fallen ruins, what about the young man?


Li Mingqing looked back and saw that the crowd was gathering. She controlled her voice and shouted in a low voice: "Come out quickly! I recognize Pei Ye."

However, no one responded. After only waiting for a moment, the second person jumped up.

"Miss Li!" the visitor said, clasping his fists, "Do you recognize the man in green just now?"

The third, fourth, and fifth people from behind gathered around. Li Mingqing turned her head, with just the right amount of confusion between her brows. She shook her head slightly and said, "Where can I recognize it? I just heard the man in Tsing Yi yelling and accusing, the man in the cloak." He really hid his head and showed his tail, so he couldn’t help but help.”

Then he smiled sheepishly and said, "But I'm too stupid in my skills. I didn't even eat or live in any of my moves. It's embarrassing."

But then I thought: That person knows me.

One person said loudly: "What's the shame? Cuiyu Sword Sect is the origin of the ancient road Rechang. No matter when, where, or whether we know each other, as long as we shout loudly, the Cuiyu disciples present will definitely come to help teach the evildoers a lesson!"

"Then it's over!" Another person sighed, "How do I know I'm not a villain?"

Everyone laughed happily.

Li Mingqing looked up and saw that the first person was Xiao Qiu.

These words are of course a compliment to Cuiyu Sword Sect, but if the people present pay more attention, it is not difficult to think of others - Zhang Mozhu and Shang Huaitong are also in the garden, why are they missing?

"I was too reckless." Li Mingqing shook her head and smiled.

Sixth floor.

Yang Yan didn't intentionally ignore Li Mingqing's call, he had indeed left there.

The moment he was blasted into the building, he endured severe pain and numbness and stood up, but the old man did not pursue him. So he saw the subsequent fight, and also saw the old man's unyielding desire.

Then he saw the old man turning to the back of the building.

To be fair, he was really relieved at that moment.

Even though there had been many incidents in the past month, he had never faced the unreserved killing intent of a Seven Lives master so directly.

In just two or three rounds, he seemed to be hanging his life in front of the King of Hell. If his hands were slower, his performance was not perfect, or he was even unlucky, half of his body might be beaten to pieces in an instant.

No wonder Master said that winning six out of seven is a true act of genius.

I am only in my fifth life now. I wonder if I will be able to do this in my sixth life. I must have this ability.

When he thought of this, his body froze, and then he remembered that his purpose was not to survive.

He wanted to keep this Qisheng and wait for Pei Ye to arrive with his people.

This decision was too difficult, like a young mouse being pinned to the ground by a cat's claws and almost suffocating, with all the small bones broken. At this time, the cat suddenly let go of its claws and left, and it turned around and opened its mouth to bite its tail.

Yang Yan gasped and straightened up with the knife, grinning and touching her chest and abdomen - one of her ribs seemed to be really broken.

He didn't hesitate at all. Seeing the old man floating towards the back of the building, he immediately jumped out with his knife and chased in the same direction inside the building. When he reached the end, he pushed open the window.

Because of this, he could see clearly behind the building earlier than those who were chasing him outside the building - there was no old man in the garden in the distance.

He was not in a hurry to leave, and seemed to be back in Zhuoyue Tower.

Yang Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at his feet and then at the ceiling, but he didn't know which floor it was on.

But it's not too important, now it's the state he wants. The other party obviously didn't know that someone had gone to report to the police. If he stayed in this building for a moment longer, it would be equivalent to delaying him for one more minute.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.

But soon the young man frowned again - there was too much movement just now, and someone from the government would definitely come. The old man would also have thought of this, and he would not stay long.

After realizing this, Yang Yan became anxious again. He looked around unconsciously, his mind spinning rapidly, looking for ways to deal with it.

Why didn't that person just leave?

Because people were chasing him too closely, he had to leave the shelter of the building when he left the garden. He was worried about being caught, so he hid his figure first.

Why is staying at Zhuoyuelou a better choice?

He planned to wait for the storm to calm down, change the direction and leave quietly.

Which direction to change?

Yang Yan was stuck here. He thought about it. Both the west and north sides were surrounded by crowds. They were not the way out of the garden and could be eliminated. But how to choose between East and West?

He walked over and opened the window to take a look. Looking east from the building, he saw the main entrance of the garden, with grass, trees, pavilions, ponds and a huge square.

"It's too empty." Yang Yan frowned. Based on his escape experience these days, he instinctively rejected such an environment.

So, it’s mostly the west side.

Yang Yan stared at this side intently, waiting for the figure to reappear.

But the pain in his chest and abdomen and what he had just experienced reminded him that he was powerless to stop him, and he didn't have the appeal of the girl in green. Even if he saw this person, how could he keep him?

After five or six breaths at most, the old man will disappear.

She should get in touch with the girl in yellow first. When she calls, someone will respond immediately. She can even organize the manpower to wait and see!

Yang Yan quickly endured the pain and turned back to run, fearing that the person would be leaked during the gap she left. However, when he ran back and saw the place just now, his heart felt cold again.

She had actually left with more than a dozen people, and there were only a few waiters left in the ruins just now.

The girl's kindness can almost be inferred. She knew that she did not want to be exposed and deliberately took people away from here.

But the old man hasn’t left yet!

They turned to the back of the building and disappeared. Naturally, they thought that the cloaked man had fled too quickly. Only he knew that he had no time to leave.

Yang Yan was faced with a choice again.

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