The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 260 Exploring the bag

When Pei Ye returned to the martial arts hall, it was already dark again. Yang Yan was still sitting in the small courtyard reading "Bengxue" by the sunset, her brows furrowed tightly in a kind of depressed distress.

"See for yourself what you can learn." Pei Ye walked over and smiled, reaching for the sword scripture in his hand, "Give it to me."

Yang Yan dodged away and looked up at him coldly.


"I can just look at it myself." Yang Yan turned her back, "I won't bother you."

".Get out." Pei Ye raised his head, rolled his eyes angrily, and reached out to grab the book. "Will you let go? I'll just read it for one night today, but I won't have time tomorrow."

"." Yang Yan stared at him and let go of her hand angrily.

Pei Ye smiled, turned the book over in front of him, turned around and walked into the house.

"Where are you going?" Yang Yan stared.

"Go inside and see for yourself before you bother me."

Close the door from the inside.

The noise was blocked out and the light was blocked out. Pei Ye leaned against the door leaf and breathed quietly and gently.

It was as if all the chaotic emotions of the past two days had been vomited away.

Then he jumped up suddenly and landed on the bed with a somersault.

The black cat on the bed managed to avoid being bounced by pressing its paw, and turned its eyes to look at him quietly.

"Hehe." Pei Ye looked at each other and smiled.

Then he suppressed his smile and said angrily: "Black kitten! You obviously saw it, but you deliberately didn't say anything to make me feel uncomfortable!"

The black cat was too lazy to pay attention to him and closed his eyes again.

Pei Ye didn't care whether there was a response or not. He turned around and leaned against the head of the bed, holding the sword sutra in his hand and staring at the beam with his dazed eyes.

After a long time, he murmured: "It should be okay."

Slowly he raised his hand and held the book in front of his eyes.

Only half a moment later, he spread his elbows again, revealing a frowning and thoughtful face: "Do you want me to go talk to Qing Qing first?"

But as soon as he said these words, he felt a little nervous. He moved his body and said, "Still, let's find a way to finalize the matter first, so as not to..."

He lowered his eyebrows and held the book back in front of his eyes.

I didn’t put it down this time.

The sunset faded and the stars rose. The light in the room was still weak, but it changed from pale gold to cold white.

Pei Ye didn't know how long he had been studying this sword scripture, but it seemed like he had turned a few pages.

The night was getting darker, Pei Ye clasped the book on his chest, and was about to squint his eyes and take a nap, when the door leaf moved slightly, the room suddenly became dark, and the candlelight was blocked by a figure.

Pei Ye opened his eyes suddenly and put his hand on the hilt of the sword.

But the body stopped midway, but it was Sui Zaihua.

The old man's face was serious, and he still had the cool air of autumn night on his body. It was the first time Pei Ye saw him holding a sword in his hand, and the night seemed heavier for a moment.

"Blue Bird Chuan Yu, something happened at the Immortal Terrace." But his voice was calm and there was no panic. "I want to go over there. In order to prevent the tiger from leaving the mountain, I have to take you with me."

"Okay." Pei Ye listened solemnly, immediately turned over and stepped into his boots, holding the sword in one hand. The next moment, his body lightened up, and he was outside the martial arts hall with the cool breeze blowing on his face.

"What's going on?" Pei Ye asked in a low voice. He carefully controlled his posture and tried not to contaminate his clothes and boots to offend this high-ranking man.

"I don't know yet, but the blue bird is sick but not violent. It should not be bloody."

Sui Zaihua had left Bowang yesterday, so he didn't show up at this time. He took Pei Ye and only went to the dark place. Pei Ye couldn't see the walls and alleys clearly in the shadow. He only felt like a silent shadow. For a moment, As soon as his vision brightened, he was already outside the Immortal Terrace Courtyard.

Unconsciously, he jumped up, his body was light, and he floated into the fourth floor window.

This is where the meeting was held the day before yesterday.

There were no lights in the room, and the servants walking downstairs during the day were gone. There was silence in the darkness, and the atmosphere was as condensed as water. As soon as Pei Ye came in, his heart and lungs tightened and he held his breath. After a moment, he came to this solemn place again from the bed in the west courtyard. He collected his thoughts and stood on the ground.

There is a person standing in the middle of the room. The crane has the eyes of an eagle. It is Shaolong He who is checking for no holes. In his right hand was a shining long sword, held together with the scabbard in his hand. The whole room's calm atmosphere was tied to him, and a pair of piercing sharp eyes were staring directly at the desk, as if there was something hidden there. The answer to a certain ultimate question only moved slightly when Sui Zaihua came in.

The man in white standing quietly on the other side was Tianshan Sifeng Anzang. His sword was still well hidden in its sheath. Apparently he had just arrived shortly afterwards.

So Pei Ye's eyes returned to Wudong's body, but he saw that there were no traces of the fight on his body, his clothes were flat and his hair was straight, and there were no injuries.

At this moment, the Inspector He spoke coldly: "Someone stole the case file of the soul-stealing case just now."

There was a moment of silence.

The three masters practiced very profoundly, and Pei Ye was ignorant. This sentence seemed too light here, but in fact, if it were placed in the outside world, it would have already caused an uproar.

The "Gui Zang layer" of the Immortal Terrace was stolen and placed in the world, which is definitely something that needs to be lowered and vague.

An Zang frowned and raised his eyes.

After the construction of Zhoutai, the functions of the other buildings in the other courtyards are different. Although they are indispensable, the real core is always this main building.

The so-called "hiding on the third floor" means that the "room within a room" that Pei Ye passed when he went upstairs the day before yesterday, the floor where nothing can be seen, is where all kinds of secret volumes are hidden. The walls of the "inner room" are made of wood sandwiched with iron, and there are no windows. There is only one door for entry and exit. The door is divided into three levels, front and back, according to their importance, and each level is individually wrapped and partitioned.

The "Soul-stealing Sword" case file is naturally placed at the deepest level. The most important thing is that it is clearly on the fourth floor.

Anzang couldn't help but confirm: "Aren't the case files hidden downstairs?"

Wudong looked at him: "If it was stolen downstairs, I might not even realize it."


"Before night, I took two volumes from the Third Pavilion and read them carefully. The two volumes were stolen."

"Where were these two volumes stolen?"

Wudong's eyes never moved away from there, and he said quietly and coldly: "It's on this table."

"." Anzang was silent for a moment, and his expression became solemn, "What was Wu Hejian tied up by at that time? Where did he go?"

"I'm not tied down by anything."


This sentence seemed to cut off the thoughts of three people at the same time. An Zang was confused, Pei Ye stared, Sui Zaihua also raised his eyebrows, and the room was quiet for a moment.

Wudong finally moved his eyes away from the desk, his voice cold and soft: "I haven't gone anywhere, I have always been in this room."


In the deeper silence, Pei Ye saw that the old man beside him narrowed his eyes, while Anzang on the opposite side moved his steps and slowly walked towards the table.

"I read the section 'Yang Hu is eager to get the fruit', and thought of something, so I temporarily abandoned the paper and took the long test." Wudong stared at the narration, "The long test took three-quarters of the time. Burn the incense sticks, let the tea cool, make tea again, and put it in the pot When the water is gone, turn around and add more water.”

He paused and said in a cold voice: "When I turned around again, there was nothing on the case."

".How long is the interval?"

"Two and a half breaths."

"No traces?" Anzang pressed his hand gently on the table, as if to see if there was any mechanism in it.

"The door is closed, the window is not open, there is no disturbance in the airflow, and there is no ripple of true energy." Wudong said, "Invisible, traceless, and traceless - this is the only trace."

"Not aware" and "nothing" are two expressions. In the realm of a master, one is naturally aware of all the movements in a small room and has insight into every detail. It should be possible to assert that, but there is always a realm higher than that of a master, and there are always others. Things are smaller than a cent, and there is no clue that he "didn't realize it". This is the cautious and pragmatic attitude of a Hejian, admitting that there is no possibility of tricks and skills that are inferior to others.

As for the assertion of "nothing", Pei Ye can probably guess why - when chatting about anecdotes, Li Mingqing once told him that there is a magic weapon on the fifth floor of the Immortal Terrace that is used all year round, day and night, and it is called "Whishui Ling". "True", its scope covers the five-story Qiong Tower. It is said that if a stranger enters it, but if he releases his true energy, his energy will be frightened and bound, and he will be immediately detected and cannot escape.

This is the solid line of defense of the Immortal Platform that deters even the most daring and skilled thieves - all the cultivators' "pretending to be gods and ghosts" must be based on true energy. Who can come and go freely amidst the dense defenses if the true energy is sealed?

But at this time, in the eyes of the three masters, this thing is by no means flawless, it is just an aid to narrow the scope - Anzo has listed three.

"First, the Warlock Yuling will not disturb the 'Fog Water'. This is the most likely situation." Anzang left the table, confirmed that there were no mechanisms on it, and no spiritual patterns were secretly engraved on it. He raised his head and said softly, "I remember Wu Hejian has brought a black-souled man with him this time, and he is going to ask for advice."

Wudong nodded.

"Secondly, I remember that 'Wushui Lingzhen' will record the true energy of people in Taichung and not react - but I don't know how many people have been recorded in Bowang here?"

"Four people." Wudong said, "Cheng Lin told me everything during the handover the day before yesterday."

"Then these four people must be investigated." Anzang continued, "In addition, you two adults should know that there are some strange skills that imitate other people's true energy, or temporarily absorb other people's true energy for your own use. This also requires Starting with these four people, someone may have been killed.”

Wudong nodded, his face still solemn.

The other few people didn't let go either. Although these words of Anzang Pingsu are organized and seem to point out the path, they are not actually the core of the problem.

——Xianrentai even published a special booklet on methods and cases for bypassing "listening to the sound in fog". How to start such a case is confusing to outsiders, but for senior Yanjianhejian, many times it is not possible. There are a few steps that must be taken.

But bypassing the eyes and ears of a second-level Xuanmen master is another matter.

In a sealed room, with Qi machines everywhere, what is more incredible than snatching food from the tiger's mouth is stealing food from the tiger's mouth.

If someone had really gently picked up the two files from the case at that time, then at such a distance, there would have been no holes and no one would have noticed, and his life would have almost been in his hands.

But at this time, except for Pei Ye, who had little experience, the other masters did not actually think about this horrifying ghost scene. What they were more interested in was probably a more mysterious and invisible attribute of "teleportation" or "aura hand". .

The matter seemed to have come to an end. In the silence, Sui Zaihua suddenly said: "Where are the remaining case files downstairs?"

"I don't know." Wudong shook his head slightly, "From the moment I saw this scene, I only did two things, draw my sword, and inform you two."

There was no expression on the Hejian's face, but Pei Ye could almost imagine his suddenly stiff body and clenched heart when he turned around with the pot in hand. It's easy to make mistakes in the rush, and every step of the way may be a trap, and this grandmaster has enough experience.

"Then let's go and have a look."


"Pei Ye."


"You go in the middle."


third floor.

It was also deserted. Several people came to the door of Jige and saw that the door was closed and locked. They were all sealed according to the procedures and regulations. The hidden pattern on the lock was also the secret seal of today, and there was no trace of it being opened. .

The few people did not call for business. Cheng Lin was ordered by Wudong to go out to check Qijiao Cave today. All the tokens he wore had been delivered. Wudong opened the door and the room was completely dark. Wudong flicked his finger, and a stream of true energy passed around him, and all the bright pearls illuminated the room.

The three of them stepped into the pavilion and closed the door.

The first-level pavilion is indeed not very tight. The hall is high and wide. It can be seen that it is borrowed and used quite frequently. There are even tables and chairs in it. It seems that some people work in it on weekdays.

After people left at this time, everything was placed in order.

And in the next moment, Pei Ye felt the majestic sea of ​​true energy passing by him, and he couldn't tell which grandmaster it came from. In short, when he took it back the next moment, the expressions of the three of them were normal.

Then Pei Ye realized that they had just been inspecting the walls of the pavilion for damage. But the conclusion is obviously the same as on the fourth floor, the door is closed and the wall is closed, there is nothing abnormal.

Several people continued to walk inside.

The second level of the pavilion is at the deepest level. The walls are made of iron but not wood. The door is sealed with two locks, one for the mechanism and the other for the key. They are also intact. Wudong opened it and took a look. According to the activation record in the mechanism, the last time Wudong opened and closed it was at dusk when Wudong went inside to pick up the volume and read it.

The three of them also walked in, and Wudong lit up the pearl first.

"The Qi here is thin, so be careful to use the Qi." The tall old man beside him gently reminded Pei Ye.

Pei Ye thanked him and saw that this floor was much smaller. There were only five rows of bookshelves in total, and they were more empty than real. Everything was also in order, and there was no trace of invasion.

Arriving at the end of the pavilion, the last scene reappeared before our eyes.

After arriving here, Pei Ye had a real understanding of the quietness that Wudong had just mentioned when the "Soul Seizing Case File" was stolen.

Looking at this weight, Pei Ye couldn't help but have an idea - is it really necessary to open it?

It is a completely integrated cast iron box. There are no doors, locks, mechanisms, etc. The entrance is just half a magic weapon made by a warlock. Put your hand on it without holes, and the true energy slowly flows in. The cast iron slowly fluctuates and opens like water, revealing a place for people to use. Doorway in and out.

Three people enter.

The walls are self-evident.

Deep, quiet, neat and silent, this was Pei Ye's first feeling after walking in. It seemed that no one would ever disturb this place, and the young man passing by couldn't think of any way to get in and out of it all silently.

This place can no longer be called a pavilion. It is just a short corridor. There are grids embedded in the iron walls on the left and right sides. There are classics inside. There are only thirty or forty volumes in total, and the shapes, papers, and ink colors are different. Obviously, They were collected from all over the years. Although Pei Ye didn't recognize them, he knew that each one was important and unique enough.

The newer the papers, the farther out they were. Therefore, at the first glance after entering, everyone stopped in their tracks, and the small words "The Case of Soul-stealing and Sword-stealing in the Autumn of Xinsi Year" fell into their eyes.

In the first row and fifth column on the right, this plaid inscription was just engraved and it still looks very new.

There are currently five volumes of records in Bowang on the soul-stealing and sword-stealing case. Excluding the two volumes that Wudong removed, there should be three more volumes here, and all of them are still there at this time.

Pei Ye clearly felt that An Sifeng behind him breathed a sigh of relief. Wudong stretched out his hand to check them out without any expression. After turning over them one by one, he nodded: "It's all the originals."

"Therefore, this person cannot actually ignore the obstacles and come and go freely." Sui Zaihua said slowly, "In other words, it is precisely because he cannot break through this layer of obstacles that he can only attack when you take out the book."

Wudong nodded.

If it is still stolen here, the case will fall into an absolute mystery, and the perpetrators will only be able to take it easy or play. They couldn't even tell if he was just acting on a whim.

Only when encountering difficulties will the person's choices reveal enough effective information - since this place is still intact, the person's motivations and logic will be highlighted at once.

He does need this case file, and this ability does have its limits.

Of course, it is still unbelievable enough to quietly take away the volume under the eyes of a grandmaster.

Wudong put the book back, and the three of them did not stay any longer. They called out the official officers and searched them one by one according to what they had just obtained. Pei Ye was about to follow, but his eyes were suddenly fixed on the inscription next to him.

Pei Ye remembered that in the outer two levels, each grid was numbered. Perhaps because it was so rare, there was no need for numbering here, so he just named it after the event. But now, the words that made Pei Ye pause for a moment were "The Case of Suolin Xinsi Year Autumn·Fenghuai Zhushi".

There was only a small, pitifully thin volume. Pei Ye had the urge to take it down and take a closer look, but after all, he guessed that it should only contain records of requests for help and support from Bowang, and the deeper contents had been cut off by Shenjing. .

Besides, who else knows more about this matter than him?

Pei Ye sighed silently, and the three adults just moved away. He turned his head to follow, but his whole body suddenly stiffened.

The hair felt like piercing cold needles piercing deep into the flesh, making Pei Ye shiver to the bone.

His field of vision was completely frozen. In the peripheral vision on his right side, the inscription "The Case of Soul-stealing and Sword-stealing in the Autumn of Xinsi Year" is still as clear as new.

It was empty.

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