Qu Zhu opened the jade pendant again.

"The General Sutra of Dao Xu Ming Shi" and the pearl are still lying here quietly.

But this time he was no longer helpless. The remaining three scenes came up from the stage. This was the scene Huansilou had prepared. Sima took out a small sequin the size of his thumb from his arms, which was like a mirror and ice. When he shined a light on the pearl, the starlight barrier built by the pearl was broken through by itself, and it flew out and fell into Sima's palm.

It was now the first time for Pei Ye to observe such a thing so closely, and he realized that he had been treating it as a pearl.

It was indeed not a "pearl" at all. Pei Ye couldn't tell what kind of material it was. It was like condensed clouds, light, deep, and unpredictable, as if it would never have a fixed shape.

Seeing nothing, Pei Ye tried to open the [Quail Head], and in an instant, an unspeakable simplicity appeared in front of him.

——The smallest details of those changing mist are actually composed of extremely small lines of different lengths. They themselves have no movement, but the long ones sometimes become shorter, and the short ones sometimes become longer. They are too long and too short. All of them would disappear, but soon new ones would appear. This scene only appeared in front of Pei Ye for a moment, and his mind seemed to be clenched into a ball, the [Quail Head] was broken, and he covered his forehead in pain.

Even though he didn't get it, Pei Ye already had the feeling that it couldn't be touched. Now it does not come into contact with any entity, but is suspended in the palm of Sima's hand.

Pei Ye calmed down and looked again. This time he saw seven stars from this "bright pearl". They were imprinted in it with deathly silence, like seven locked doors. It was installed by Sima. In the bag.

"Can something like this really determine the so-called world situation?"

"It is the 'world' itself." Sima's voice was cold, and thus revealed a touch of majesty.

"What exactly is that?"

Qu Zhu looked at him, as if he had been waiting for the answer to this question for too long.

Sima was quiet for a moment, and Su and Bai stayed away from each other.

He raised his hand and pointed at the inscription on the platform: "The throne of Emperor Mu is the tomb where the stars are buried. Before it fell, the beams were removed from their positions because they were taken down by Lou. This is their way of dividing the world."

"In ancient times, even further than the Shang and Zhou dynasties, when there were still 'immortals'," he said, "the world was like that. You can think of it as a jade seal passed down from the ancient West. The person who was in charge of it at that time, Not only is he the leader of the human world, but he is also the master of heaven and earth.”

"We call it [Xitingxin]."

".So what do Shichen, Daliang and Jianglou mean?"

"Because man himself cannot become the master of heaven and earth." Sima said, "[Xiting Heart] recognizes the corresponding immortal power. Only by holding the immortal power can you pass the Xiting Heart and step on the ladder designated by it to ascend to immortality. , and ultimately rule the world with it.”

There was silence in the palace.

"So, you know what we are going to do." He said softly, "This is the most dangerous thing in the world. This is the inheritance of the world."

"After all, ancient things are slowly coming back, aren't they?"

Qu Zhu looked at the high platform in silence for a long time and said: "So, this is what King Zhou Mu was pursuing back then. After his death, he placed the [Xiting Heart] and the immortal power he inherited here."


"Then how do we take off this [Jiang Lou] Immortal Power?"

"Since it's hard to get it at the moment, I'll leave it alone for now."

".Leave it?"

"Because we don't take this road." Sima looked at the green face next to him and said softly, "'The Ladder to Immortality' is not a fixed ladder. It requires you to climb and build this ladder yourself better than anyone else." Everything you imagine is dangerous and difficult, and we have our own choice of starting point.”


Sima's eyes fell on the inscription: "[Shi Shen] has not yet joined hands, and no one has ever set foot on it; King Mu of Zhou set foot on [Jiang Lou], but gave up halfway; only [Daliang], before King Mu got the heart of the West Courtyard, had already Being brought to the top of the pinnacle. That was exactly the path taken by the ancient master of the West Courtyard."

"Concubine, traitor and prince." This majestic voice smiled slightly for the first time, "We already have [Xiting Heart] in hand, we want the most orthodox position."


So, how do you go about asking for it? Where are you making preparations? ?

Pei Ye held the corner of the stage with clenched fingers, eyes fixed on the scene, but her words stopped here.

"Let's go." Sima lightly lifted the hem of his clothes and went downstairs, "I have been hiding in the dark for many years and I don't know how many more years I have to wait."

He gave two majestic and cold chuckles: "I'm really looking forward to the moment when this shocking evil deed is revealed to the world."

"So the Star Tomb can be divided into two parts."

Pei Ye curled up and leaned her head against the wall with a pale face. The cold gray morning light was already glowing outside the window.

The black cat softly sorted out what he saw in [Zhaoyou].

"The part of the Formation Dao is enough to complete everything seen in the entire Star Burial Tomb, including popularity, starlight, entering the mountain, and wandering insects. This is an extremely profound achievement, but it still belongs to the Formation Dao. And the basic concept of the Formation Dao is that as long as it is man-made, No matter how weird and traceless the program is, there are actually ways to break it. This is what Qu Zhu did in his seventeenth year."

"What makes this formation indecipherable is that a mysterious 'living' has been added to the program of death." Black Cat said, "It comes from the essence of heaven and earth inspired by Xitingxin itself. This is irreversible. Something carved.”

"In the past ten years, Qu Zhu has unearthed a ritual for iron-type objects to receive this spiritual conferment from heaven and earth."

"We should follow the stars in the sky, travel with the four seasons, and integrate with the subtle harmony of nature. In this way, gold, iron, and heaven and earth will gradually become one. This is what they have experienced with the sixty-eight swords they carried." Black Cat said, "But Dead things don't have 'spirits' just by being in harmony with nature. Here we need a step to reveal the nature of heaven and earth as the finishing touch."

"So he brought them to the place where the [Star Burial Tomb] was formed - [Xitingxin] has been shrouding that valley for thousands of years."

"In this way, a new starworm is born."

"It was born from the same source as the star worm, and the formations are consistent with each other. So of course it is a part of the star worm, and it is naturally integrated into its body."

"But this is just an appearance. The formation diagram that deceived it seventeen years ago is now back here again, but this time it is cast into the sword. So when these wandering swords enter those important joints, they are exposed Sharp fangs."

"This is what Qu Zhu has accumulated in his ten years in Huansilou."

Black Cat was quiet for a while: "To achieve such a process, it takes a lot of effort on those sixty-eight swords."

Pei Ye opened his eyes slightly.

"Harmony with heaven and earth cannot be accomplished in a moment. Those swords need to travel for many years, putting aside human control, and conforming to nature bit by bit in contact with vegetation and rocks." Black Cat said, "There is nothing except time. Something else does it all.”

"And more importantly, sixty-eight swords alone are not enough to achieve this resonance."

"What's the meaning?"

"Because the harmony of heaven and earth is like this, you always have to choose a river or a mountain to form a complete world. Then you have to include and integrate the entire world to complete the fit with it." The black cat said, "This is the 'spiritual conferring ceremony from heaven and earth' that I just mentioned. Thousands of years ago, the Star Burial Tomb was accomplished in this way with the entire valley of lakes and mountains."

"You mean too young?"

"Too small." Black Cat said, "Qu Zhu carved this ancient ritual from the Star Burial Tomb, and he should have followed the same path. Throwing sixty-eight swords into a mound is not enough. Yes, he must have chosen a beautiful mountain and river, and then built a large array of at least ten miles to encompass it. As for the sixty-eight swords he finally obtained, it was just a microcosm of this array, just like a sword cut from a star insect. A section of bronze.”

"..." Pei Ye was silent for a moment, "The Burial Star Tomb was already the power of the emperor back then. With such a similar formation, even if some reductions are made, is it worth it? Or, the Huansi Tower can be in a place where no one knows, without leaving any traces. Complete such a great achievement in the trace land?"

"This is what happened."

"." Pei Ye looked out the window and said softly, "So if we find it, we can find out its designer and builder, right?"


Before Black Cat spoke, a thin figure was reflected outside the window. She knocked on the door, and it was a dry female voice: "Young Master Pei. I am anxious in my heart. I see that the candle in your place has not been extinguished. It is not the right time to disturb you."

Pei Ye recognized this voice, it was Xu Chang.


Outside Yinzhou City, at the bottom of Qingjing Lake.

Wudong and Sui Zaihua walked up, the morning light was dim.

"I also want to go to Kongtong." Wudong watched [Liu Feng] disappear into the sky, "Master Sui is in an important position, so don't bother to follow me around."

"I'll just send you a letter." Sui Zaihua raised his hand, "Since it's urgent, I'll just take a trip."

"I heard there is an important gathering in the city?"

"That's what I've been busy with." Sui Zaihua said, "Running here and there, unifying all the sects in Shaolong, and listing the young and promising swordsmen together. Now it's seven to eight out of ten, because there are Such a gathering has more name than reality, not to mention there are still more than ten days, so it’s not too urgent.”

"This is indeed a hard-fought achievement, especially on our side. We must be happy to see its success." Wudong nodded slowly, "Master Gongsun is about to become an official. Master Sui has achieved this, and he can move up a level. "

Sui Zaihua shook his head and smiled: "False fame and wealth have no end."

Wudong looked at the old man, lowered his head and smiled.

If Wudong had to choose the person who was the best official he had ever seen in his life, it would be Mr. Sui. It definitely doesn’t mean that he means what he says and does things sanctimoniously. In fact, Wudong’s smile is full of exclamation-like admiration.

He is upright and at ease in his conduct. In terms of talent, he is closely catching up with his benefactor Yu Chaocai, but he is ten times more insightful and flexible. Especially in recent years, he is neither impatient nor impatient, seems casual and calm, but never misses a step. Many people have always felt that this gentleman should go to Shenjing to show off his skills instead of wasting time in the local area.

"Then let's go together." Wudong retracted his thoughts, "Master Sui's sword is also rare in Shaolong."

"Excessive praise."


Colorful fog peak.

When Pei Ye followed the peak master up, the orange but temperatureless sun had just jumped out of the sky.

It is indeed a small and remote peak, with more than twenty courtyards scattered in all directions. The main hall should be on the central flat ground, but it is no larger than a circle, with several connected courtyards and a small vermilion five-story building.

"That's Jingbi's courtyard." Xu Chang looked at the side courtyard to the east. "No one is friendly with him, so he doesn't go out much on weekdays. Especially in the past two years, he has learned to work hard and practices in the courtyard every day. sword."

The woman opened the door. There were several different wooden stakes in the courtyard, and four or five swords of similar standards were arranged on the sword field.

Pei Ye unsheathed them one by one and looked at them - they were not new swords in terms of age, but there were not many signs of use.

"This is the old sword he dug out from his father's building." Xu Chang whispered, "He wanted me to find him a sword that his father liked several times. But Mei Qing used the sword to pick on Chang Qing, A good sword will break after use, and he has never touched swords like these."

"So Jing Bi is not satisfied with it, so he just hangs it here - what's wrong, Young Master Pei?"

"Has Zhang Jingbi always wanted to use your husband's sword?"

"He was very naughty when he was a child. When Mei Qing asked him to practice swordsmanship, he would always make a noise and play tricks." Xu Chang said, "Later, when he grew up and became sensible, I always saw him running to Mei Qing's building by himself. Sometimes I bumped into him, and my eyes were filled with tears. Red."

Pei Ye lowered his head and looked at the sword in his hand. It was the sword used by Zhang Jingbi in the sword show. It was of the same style as the sword hanging on the sword field, and the age was similar, but it had been in the hands for far longer.

He frowned and swung the sword a few times, then looked at the sword on the shelf.

"Master Xu, does this sword have something to do with your husband?"

Xu Chang lowered his head in shock.

"This is not Mei Qing's sword." Xu Chang looked at him, "What happened to it?"

"These are not signs of two years of use." Pei Ye said softly.


Pei Ye randomly took out a sword from the sword stand. Both swords were made by Kongtong and were exactly the same style. Under the daylight, except for the different silk wrapping on the hilts, there was still no difference.

"Zhang Jingbi said that he has used this sword for two years, but a sword that has only been used for two years is not like this." Pei Ye looked at the woman seriously and handed the two swords to her, "Master Xu is an excellent swordsman. When a sword is used for a long time, its weight, wear, and edge will all subtly tend to the habits of the sword user. A sword that has only been used for two years will not have such obvious changes."

In fact, it was not clear at all. Xu Chang frowned and felt it for a long time, gently swaying the thorn and holding it quietly, and finally realized the difference that the young man said.

"You mean Jing Bi has been using it for a long time?" The woman was slightly startled, "But he has only been practicing the sword with all his heart in the past few years. He has only been the most diligent in the past two years."

"No, those are different trends." Pei Ye looked at her, "This sword contains the sword-wielding habits of the two swordsmen - not even just habits, the trends are clearly different. I think they are basically two different swords. fencing."


"Before Zhang Jingbi got it, it had been used by a diligent swordsman for a very long time." Pei Ye gently stroked the blade and raised his head and said, "I think maybe it was this experience that made Jingbi choose It will give the framer an opportunity to take advantage of it. I want to take a look at what happened before your husband died. Is it appropriate?"

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