The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 435: Imprisonment

The all too familiar drowsiness and darkness.

After losing the perception of the real world, the consciousness falls into the deep sea without light. However, when it continues to sink and reaches the "sea bottom", at the deepest place, another world spreads out in front of it.

Mind state.

The deep sky covers the distant mountains, and in the deepest part of the boundless purple bamboo lies the gate to fairyland.

Pei Ye walked in the white mist, no longer feeling cold and dangerous. They were like silky satin, allowing him to play with them at will.

He raised his head and looked at the long beard that was out of reach on the horizon. For the first time, he felt extremely safe that the Immortal Lord was sealed behind a solid barrier.

[Xitingxin] does not destroy the connection between the host and the imperial edict, but cuts off the connection between the imperial edict and the immortal king.

Of course this is right. Obviously, the imperial edict can have countless hosts, but there is only one immortal king.

The distant gaze still exists, but the countdown to the birth has at least temporarily stopped. Allowing "Purple Bamboo Forest" to merge into the realm of mind and spirit, this path to heaven and earth will no longer be opened from him.

Pei Ye looked at the vast and magical world in front of him and believed that he had obtained a rare treasure in the transcendent quality of "mind". However, he was indeed young and unfamiliar. Apart from the strenuous but simple confrontations he had experienced , he has not yet set foot in this mysterious and profound field.

"Heart Sword" may not be counted among them, because Pei Ye discovered that it does not rely on the mobilization of the mind and spirit state, but relies on the actual sword held in the hand in the material world.

As a result, he realized more and more clearly that the "sword" might really be an immortal power spread to the entire world.

It has its current status precisely because it stands so outstandingly outside the entire practice system. Its level does not depend on profound energy, heaven and earth, status or cultivation. It only needs a sword and a tree. Qi and pulse realm can also be used to kill Xuanmen.

Although, the swordsmanship that can cross the profound energy gap is itself a miracle.

Thinking about these things, Pei Ye once again climbed the Snow Mountain in Xiting Wonderland. He had just lit up one of the seven divine palaces, and it was through this that he established a deep and strong connection with Xiting's heart.

As a relic of the Immortal God with the same personality as the imperial edict, if he can reach the Nine Heavens through the imperial edict, then what this immortal bead connects for him is the human world.

When he entered this shrine and stood in front of the ancient jade platform, a real and solid power opened its arms to him.

It comes from the soil behind his feet and from the world itself.

Pei Ye glanced at the sacred throne behind the jade platform that looked like it was made of black scales. Gao Hua and Xuan Mei saw that no one was stopping him, but he was not in a hurry to sit on it. He seemed to have an innate calmness here. He raised his head and looked as if through the roof of the temple to the three temples above that were still untouchable, wondering which one of them the "big beam" was.

Pei Ye walked out of the palace, sighed softly, and continued to wander aimlessly in this vast and lonely world, like a lonely king.

Only the kitten can say a few words.

"What's my situation now?" he asked again worriedly.

"It seems like he's not dead."


Pei Ye couldn't ask for a better answer, because he knew that the black cat couldn't see him now. The two of them were separated after the carriage finally stopped.

Pei Ye didn't come to his mind state voluntarily. In fact, he couldn't get out now because his body passed out again.

——When you first meet some people, you think they are easy-going and approachable, but after you get to know them, you think they are cold and heartless.

When the clatter of the horse's hooves finally stopped, Pei Ye looked at Yan Feiqing in confusion as he stretched out his finger and pointed at the back of his neck. His plain and clean face was business-like, with no intention of explaining anything to him.

Pei Ye was horrified and wanted to open his mouth to stop him, but the Taoist priest Zaozi was too quick. He rolled his eyes and collapsed without even asking a single syllable.

I don’t know when and where this happened, and I don’t know who is going to do it to me next. Pei Ye wrote in every letter that he had friends and backers in Shenjing, but in fact he was still a felon whose life or death was uncertain. He was imprisoned in a cage with thick black curtains all the way. The shackles were never removed, and no one handed him over. No matter what message came, every letter sent out was carefully scrutinized. He never had the opportunity to learn any information from the outside world.

Who is responsible for his case and what their attitude is, these are not things that the criminal himself is qualified to know.

He didn't even know why he was transferred to Shenjing and how he would be dealt with in the end. Now he was knocked unconscious again for no reason, and he was a real piece of fish on the chopping block.

The only thing that can prove that he is still alive is this state of mind that has not dissipated.

Pei Ye sighed softly, sat down cross-legged on a big rock, and looked quietly at the decaying fairyland buried in snow.

I don't know how long it took before my consciousness finally felt the upward pull again.

Heavy body.

Slow, narrowed in perception, and still groggy. He already felt his heartbeat and breathing were a little labored, and there was some discomfort on his face, as if his cheek flesh suddenly had weight.

After being deprived of the true energy, the cultivator will fall back to the mortal world in great discomfort, rather than crawling back to the shore from the light water, more like a free-flying bird that can only crawl on the ground.

Pei Ye had gotten used to it all the way down, but now that he had risen from the mind state, the sudden extra burden was so obvious.

Pei Ye frowned, but heard the black cat sigh softly in his belly: "I always regret that this body is not mine."


Pei Ye looked down at it silently.

"The influence cannot be cut off," the black cat said.


Pei Ye was not in the mood to joke with it, because although the immortal hunter must have been closely guarded, he still enjoyed its light and powerful body, but he felt really uncomfortable at this time.

Without his true energy to recover, Pei Ye was dizzy and tried to distinguish that the environment he was in was obviously a deep prison.

No sound could come in. The darkness around him was completely silent. A small dim light came on in the room. He subconsciously raised his hand to move towards it with support on the ground. Suddenly, he felt an unexpected stiffness and his movement chain broke. He stumbled and fell to the ground.

Pei Ye stood up in embarrassment with his hands and face, gasping and looking down, and the strange stiffness became real at this time - he was still undressed, with his hair disheveled and barefoot, and his feet were shackled, but on his hands starting from the forearm, there were A kind of precision iron tool is tightly bound, the dark lines of the tool flow through, and the five fingers cannot be bent at all.


Pei Ye stood up unsteadily, stepped out of the light and knocked around the four walls - they were all solid cast iron.

He smiled helplessly and sat down, believing that this time his life was completely out of his hands.

He counted the time by counting his breaths, not knowing how the outside world was deciding his fate. However, four hours had passed, and no one even delivered food or water. His body was already feeling a little uncomfortable.

But at this moment, he suddenly woke up and his ears perked up - finally he heard some very faint and faint sounds.

Those were the footsteps coming from above outside the prison. They became clearer and clearer, and gradually began to reverberate - there were definitely more than five people.

Every step was steady and even, obviously carrying different levels of cultivation.

Pei Ye was frowning and raising his mind when he suddenly heard Black Cat say: "Since you entered the capital, the Immortal Platform spent three hours to come up with this result. Now the judgment document they brought down is the result of the decision between the Shenjing Immortal Platform and Your final verdict.”

Pei Ye was startled. He didn't understand why Black Cat knew this. The information in his words had already made him tense up.

The footsteps outside the prison stopped in front of the door at this time. Pei Ye could only see a few blurry shadows behind the dim lamp, but he knew that he must be completely clear in everyone's eyes.

After a moment of silence, it seemed that every eye looked at him, someone raised his hand, and the sound of unrolling a scroll came from the darkness, and the person recited in a high voice: "Zhongcheng's own handwriting: This man assassinated the official because of the hatred of the rivers and lakes, and carried She Huan on his back. Major cases such as the Death Tower, the Zhu Shijiao, and the Sun Swallowing Society are not yet settled. They should be arrested and picketed along the way and imprisoned indefinitely in the [Prison Demon Land]."

Pei Ye felt a chill in his heart. Immortality was certainly a good thing, but being imprisoned in a deep prison forever was definitely not what he wanted. He silently looked at the black shadow outside the prison. There was a sound of closing the book in the man's hand. Obviously, this was the result.

"Generally speaking, the power and responsibility of Xianrentai is to investigate cases rather than convict, especially when the court is involved." The voice of the black cat came from the belly again, "So the decision given in this document is that the major case has not been closed. You are a character in the case and must be imprisoned on the Immortal Terrace."


Pei Ye didn't have a chance to ask anything, because the document didn't even seem to be read out to him. Another strange male voice in the shadows outside the prison said indifferently: "Deputy Shi Fu, the Third Division cannot agree with the warrant you read."

The male voice before said calmly: "Si Cheng will naturally convey the requirements of the Third Division, and I will also give the attitude of Immortal Terrace."

Si Cheng said in a deep voice: "The main focus of this case is on the matters involving Huanshenglou and Zhushijiao. It is your authority to investigate them, and the Third Division will never interfere. But the criminal in this case assassinated an important official of the imperial court. The crime was committed, the punishment name was clear, and there was a leader. Youwei should be handed over to the Third Division for investigation. Guitai said that he was still involved in the case and refused to hand it over, but there was no convincing explanation."

Deputy Shi Fu still spoke calmly: "We will deliver a case file with sufficient evidence to the Third Division tomorrow, but the Third Division refuses to wait."

"You know that the Third Division has nowhere to investigate." Si Cheng seemed to press his sword and continued in a deep voice, "The entire case is completely in your hands. We have no access to anything related to the case. The so-called evidence is just what Guitai said. What is what.”

Deputy Shi Juran said: "I'll reiterate it to Si Cheng. The criminals involved Huan Sheng Lou and Tu Ri Hui, both of whom are key. The case is not yet closed, and the third division insists on asking for disposal, which is destroying the case. Today Si Cheng has brought Xianrentai delivered the order of Nanya in accordance with the regulations. Because Xianrentai inspects and the three lawsuits have their own powers, we will definitely produce the case files tomorrow, and the evidence will be sufficient. The crime committed by this person is not in the court, but in the court. In Jianghu - I hope that the third division will also act according to the rules."

Si Cheng's tone was flat: "Deputy Shi is joking, which yamen dares to disobey the rules in front of the Immortal Platform?"

Pei Ye listened attentively. At this time, he became more and more aware of the dullness of his five senses. At such a distance, he still felt unclear about words and directions.

"'Si Cheng' means Dali Si Cheng." The quiet and cold voice of the black cat came from the belly again, "From the sixth rank, those who specialize in judging cases, but are not involved in the sect's politics, and are mostly involved in the court and people's livelihood." Si', that is, the Dali Temple Si Zhi, the Yushitai Yushi and the Criminal Ministry Langguan jointly conducted a special trial. This was a yamen that seriously decided and convicted the case. They did not intervene in the Shaolong case, but only wanted to take over the assassination. For the governor's criminals, Xianrentai will also take the initiative to hand over the people involved in the case, and they will be responsible for their duties. "

"." Pei Ye frowned and tried hard to process this unfamiliar information.

Black Cat's calm voice continued: "It's just that the 'Assassination of the Governor' is a big case, but the fate of the murderer is not too important. The Third Division does not allow the Immortal Terrace to stay, so it is not too unusual to take the order to verify the truth. ”

“.” Pei Ye gradually had a vague idea of ​​what was happening in the shadow outside the prison. He could clearly tell that the three courts were doing their job impartially, but Xianrentai must be lying.

Because he was no longer involved in any case.

The plot of the Huansi Tower had never been against him. He was accidentally involved. There were grievances between them, but they were not related. Nothing about the Huansi Tower could be found out from him.

Even if he knew something, he would have reported it long ago, not to mention that the Shaolong Huansi Tower had been destroyed.

The Sun Swallowing Society was even more nonsense. His only contact with them was meeting Meng Li a few times.

Pei Ye didn't know why Xianrentai was so sure, but he was indeed a murderer with clear crimes now, and he should be handed over to the three courts for trial.

He tried to look at the shadow outside the prison. At this time, the document of lifelong detention in Fu Fushi's hand no longer seemed to make people feel cold. Instead, being transferred by an unfamiliar government office was more disturbing intuitively.

But it seemed that this could only happen like this. The Immortal Platform gave its final attitude. The temple secretary in the dark handed over the order, and the prison door opened with the sound of the mechanism.

No one spoke, and it was even more impossible for anyone to ask the poor criminal's opinion. Two heavy footsteps came in, wearing black clothes and holding straight knives, and coldly and silently escorted him out of the prison door.

He couldn't see any of the dim faces at the door. In fact, he was not allowed to look up at all. It was just that among these boots and hems that stood still, a pair of slender ones had walked towards him.

Then the pair of boots stood still, and a pair of clean hands came into view. The spiritual energy flew with it, untied some of the old restrictions on his body, and seemed to add some new ones. Pei Ye quickly understood that this was the sorcerer of the Immortal Platform cooperating with the three officials to complete the transfer of the right of imprisonment.

Except for the torture instruments that imprisoned his hands, they did not move at all.

It made no difference to the person being tied up who held the chain, and Pei Ye didn't care much. The hands finally tapped his wrist lightly, with a clear iron sound and flowing patterns on it, completely crushing his meridians.

In the dim light, the man stepped aside, revealing the black boots and dark green hem of his clothes. Pei Ye recognized that this lower garment was quite different from the ones around him, and it should be the "temple secretary".

He pressed the sword at his waist and slowly stepped back two steps.

It seemed that he looked at the disheveled young prisoner for a while, and finally waved his hand, and the two officials escorted Pei Ye forward and left.

At this time, a clean and clear female voice sounded next to him: "This person is acting very realistically, don't be fooled by your yamen."

Pei Ye suddenly shuddered and looked up subconsciously.

In the dim light, he still recognized this smiling face, beautiful and quiet, tall and unrestrained. Although they met in a different place, they were the same as two months ago.

Xing Zhi, the black ribbon magician of Xianrentai.

The black cat once again delivered a plain sentence from its belly: "It's okay, because someone is determined to kill you, so we took a detour."

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