The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 1790: fish

Some arrows radiated countless flames, and a hot force spread out. The kilometer-old war sacred beast began to melt under the flame, and the people in it were burned alive.

Some arrows emit countless cyan wind blades, like a huge blade. They will have a hard mechanical body war sacred beast, cut into countless pieces, and make a loud sound. The people above are also cut into countless pieces. .

Some arrows emit a lot of lightning, and the thunder is like a silver snake. It hits the body of the mechanical beast. The body of the mechanical beast is directly distorted and even broken, and the people above are also Electric into a carcass.


The horror of countless alchemists, the powerful killer of the alchemists, the proud war beasts, were destroyed so easily, and every war sacred beast was the work of countless families.

This made them both angry and shocked. What power does the arrow have? It is so easy to destroy the war sacred beast.

The original 5,000-year-old war sacred beast has suffered this wave of attacks, and the number may have lost 2,000. Now there are only more than 3,000 war sacred beasts, which is absolutely a blow to the war sacred beast.

When Zhao Wei saw the scene in front of him, he also showed a smile on his face. This is the power of the disaster bead. At the same time, in addition to a bad smell, because he has been pressed by the war sacred animal, he often falls into the disadvantage.


Suddenly a huge beast was heard, and the ground was constantly vibrating. One by one, with a fierce momentum, rushed to the side of Daqin.

It was a creature like a dog, and the body became mechanized. It was a kilometer, a pair of black spar eyes, a mouthful of fangs, and a long tail.

From the momentum of these creatures, these creatures belong to the war sacred beast, but unlike the awkwardness of the general war sacred beasts, these war sacred beasts are very fast and very sensitive.

Soon these war sacred beasts rushed to the vicinity of the Daqin city wall. Some of them used their claws to forcefully wave. The huge force cut the bodies of the Daqin soldiers. Even though the shields had no effect, they died.

There are also some war sacred beasts, who open their mouths and bite the Daqin soldiers on the wall. In the face of such a terrible sacred beast, the soldiers generally do not have any resistance. The blood splatters and screams constantly.

Some war sacred beasts, more directly and savagely hit the wall, so that the walls are greatly shaken, and soon there are some cracks in the wall.

The countless alchemy soldiers, this time also with a terrible momentum, killed to the Daqin city wall, the situation is very critical

At this time, Zhao Wei did not care so much, sending countless ice fire dragons, the number is probably tens of thousands, because the number of war sacred beasts attacked is not many, only a few hundred.


Those ice fire dragons flew in the sky, carrying a huge dragon, to the war sacred beast on the ground, spurting a strong cold current and flame, making the war behemoth, angry to those ice fire dragons.

The battle is also very fierce. The number of war sacred beasts is small, but each one is as large as a kilometer. If there are flying dragons approaching, waving their claws, some jump and bite at those flying dragons.

Some of the dragons were accidentally shot and flew out, even being bitten by the war behemoth, causing a painful dragon and being seriously injured.

There are also some war behemoths, which emit huge beams of light in their mouths. The terrible force flies out the dragon and falls directly from the air to die.

These war sacred beasts are very fierce, but there are a large number of Daqin Feilong on this side, constantly ejecting flames and cold currents, freezing the mechanical body of a war sacred beast, or burning it.

There were also melee attacks. More than a dozen dragons fluttered on a war sacred beast and tore apart the war sacred beast. All these war sacred beasts were mechanized, without any pain or anger.

On the side of the Alchemy World, I was a little surprised. I didn't think there were so many ice dragons in Daqin.

They also immediately ordered that the remaining more than 3,000 war sacred beasts, a huge gun barrel, were aimed at the Daqin city wall.


A terrible beam of light, with a powerful force, flew over to the other side, and set off a strong wind. The sound is frightening.

On the side of Daqin, one of the messengers of the Holy Light with a strong scent of light, stretched out a hand, and a white energy cover emerged.


A sound explosion sounded, and a beam of light hit the white mask with a horrible force. The white mask shook, but in the end it blocked most of the light beams. Now the number of war beasts has dropped, and the power of attack is also great. Weakened.


At this time, the alchemy soldiers also rushed under the wall, some people moved out of the ladder, some used the fly lock, and some people began to climb the wall, officially launched the siege.

Daqin also continually countered constantly shooting arrows, using heavy objects to carry the alchemy soldiers, killing some alchemists directly, or shooting.

The alchemy soldiers also shot a single arrow and attacked the Daqin soldiers.

The battle situation is very fierce, the battle is deafening, countless blood splashes, and the body is constantly increasing, paving the ground.


The war sacred guns were once aimed at the city wall, and they shot a horrible beam of light at a time, and quickly shot at Daqin.


Numerous Holy Light messengers, reaching out to a war sacred beast, a hot beam of light, with amazing power, shot at the many holy animals.


An explosion of sound rang, and the beams of the beams collided at a rapid speed. A huge explosion occurred, and a shock wave spread out. The ground was constantly cracked and numerous sand and gravel were flying.

At this time, the fire ghost was unfavorable when he saw the war. He carefully took out a three-meter-long metal ball and then threw it hard. The metal ball was turned into a black shadow and shot at the wall.

Zhao Wei saw the metal ball, and his heart was tight. He understood the destructive power of the metal ball.

The three-meter-long metal ball will soon hit the wall, and one alchemy rune will illuminate, and a very terrifying atmosphere will spread out, causing the surrounding area to fall into a cold.

When the metal ball looked at it, it was about to explode. Zhao Wei immediately shouted, "Fish spirit!"

The fish spirit immediately appeared next to Zhao Wei, extending a small hand, and the force of a space spread out and directly covered the metal ball.

The metal ball disappeared directly in the place, appeared on the alchemy army, and countless glare spread out, and it will burst open soon.


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