The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 1792: Yin

Seeing that the fish spirit was injured, Zhao Wei’s look changed. It was understood that it was caused by the attack of the Holy Beast. He reached out and injected a force into the body of the fish to stabilize his injury.

The fish spirit smiled and smiled. "Your Majesty! I have not suffered much damage. It is now good."

Zhao Wei also breathed a sigh of relief, watching the young fish spirit, let him rest on the other side to continue to recover the injury, maybe he still needs him.

The suppression of the Alchemists' loss of the Eye of Ice has also become very unfavorable. With this momentum, the Daqin soldiers launched a more fierce attack on the alchemists, and the arrows were flying around.

Blood splattered, screams continued, shouting and killing, and the number of casualties on the side of alchemists continued to increase.

The fierce battle between the sacred beast and the dragon is equally fierce. More than a dozen dragons spurt a cold flame around a war sacred beast, and they also rush to scratch the war sacred beast.

In the face of numerous attacks by ice and fire dragons, although the war sacred beasts also struggled to counterattack, but the number of casualties is also constantly vying for.


On the other side, the war sacred beasts and the sacred light ambassadors were also smashing, and the roads were constantly shot with terrible light, and a sound explosion continued to sound, setting off a strong storm.

The alchemy army looked at the current situation, not only sighed, but this time it was impossible to break the defense of the Daqin, and it could not be hurt in this way. Finally, the Alchemy World issued an order for a full retreat.

The alchemy soldiers who were ordered also began to retreat backwards, and they also breathed a sigh of relief. They also understood the difficulty of this battle. The Daqin soldiers on the opposite side were not weak.

The fire ghost looked at the ice that was split in half, and there was some fear in the heart. Fortunately, the man attacked him not, or his end would be the same as the ice.

However, because he was defeated in the hands of Daqin, the fire ghosts were even more angry. This time he had thought of various ways to kill Zhao Wei, but they were still soldiers on their side. The Daqin Empire is really not a general force.

The fire ghost looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of eyes and shouted with a sigh of relief. "The kid! I will come again next time. It is definitely your death. I will kill all the people of Daqin and pile up the human head." ""

Zhao Wei replied in a cold voice. "The next time you try, you will know, but before you do, it is best to keep your life."

The fire ghost was even more angry when he heard this, but he snorted and said nothing because he wanted to wait for the next revenge.

Moreover, he understands that Zhao Wei’s men are strong in the heavens. If one rushes over, it will die directly in the hands of the emperor.

However, the strongest person in the heavens is also beautiful, and it is definitely the rarest in the world. If you kill Zhao, and then enjoy the strong heaven, how happy it will be.

Zhao Wei looked at the alchemy soldiers who had retreated from the army. He also had a sigh of relief in his heart. The 500 million soldiers who stayed behind this time did not come in handy, and the overall strength did not leak too much.

The next time there is no accident, the offensive in the alchemy world will be even more fierce, and the pressure on Daqin will be even greater.

Zhao Wei ordered the people to clean up the battlefield and continued to strengthen the defensive measures. Then one person returned to Daqin. The first time, Zhao Wei came to the research room and asked Baishan, "How is the research on the weakness of the alchemists?"

Baishan’s face is a bit ugly. “Your Majesty! It’s just a little progress, but the effect is not very big.”

Zhao Wei is somewhat disappointed, but there is no way.

Later, Zhao Wei returned to the Daqin Empire and asked Li Si if he had found a large number of items containing the power of time. Nowadays, the increasing pressure on Daqin must be strong enough to resist the power of the alchemists.

This time it was resisted, but the next few times, Zhao Wei himself did not have any confidence. Who knows what more terrible means are there for the alchemists.

However, Li Si also apologized and sighed, "Your Majesty! Now Daqin is already collecting and inspiring things that contain time power, but it is not very useful to get a small amount and news."

Zhao Wei also sighed, let Li Si go down and continue to speed up the search.

After Li Si left, Zhao Wei sat alone on the throne and thought about the next thing. Now the other battlefields are still relatively stable. The alchemy world is the most troublesome thing. It does not solve it one day. No peace of mind.


Suddenly a loud roar sounded, and Zhao’s expression was awkward. It was not clear what happened and he came outside the hall.

In the distance, there is a huge smoldering column rising into the sky with amazing power. It hits the sky and makes the sky shake. The huge yin gathers into a dark cloud and spreads rapidly around. A huge cold air is blowing around. Gushing, a smoldering wind blew slowly, and it was erected.

That direction seems to be the place where the Great Qin Yin soldiers transformed. What happened? With doubts, Zhao Yuhua turned into a place where the sinisters turned into a streamer.

Ah, ah...

Not close to Zhao Wei heard countless terrible screams, humans, and beasts, sounds all around, very terrifying.

When Zhao Wei came to the land of transformation, he saw that all the heavens were terrible ghosts. These ghosts were male and female, old and young, and there were various beasts, but they all had a common feature.

That is, the body grows gray scales, the eyes have no eyelids, only the eyes are white, and the appearance is rather embarrassing.

So many terrible monsters, flying in the sky, with amazing ghost power, made a scream, the scene is both terrifying and shocking.

This is a lot of ghosts Zhao Qi is to know, because these ghosts are the ghosts and beasts cultivated by Daqin.

This method of cultivating a ghost beast is obtained by Zhao Wei in the relics of the ghostly empire of the Yin Dynasty. It is a very powerful means.

The sacred beast that is cultivated can not only serve as a ghost beast, but also help the master to attack the enemy. It can also be integrated into the soldier's body to enhance the strength of the soldier. There is also a defect that can only be used by the sinister.

At the beginning, Zhao Wei cultivated some ghosts and beasts, and ordered a large number of cultivations, from the original 10,000 to 100 million, and the area of ​​the Yindi also expanded numerous times.

Now the ground is a huge pottery jar, arranged in an orderly manner. At a glance, every one of them is constantly sulking with yin and with an ominous atmosphere, which contains a lot of resentment.

Because the method of cultivating the ghost beast is more cruel, it is to bind an individual, put it into a huge clay pot, and then pour it into the earth, bury those people alive, those people slowly suffocate in it, with strong grievances. Die.

At this time, the vision of heaven and earth is caused by the successful cultivation of more than 100 million ghosts and beasts. The visions caused by so many ghosts and beasts are also very large and amazing.


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