The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2336: Dragon

When I heard this news, the forces of big and small were excited and excited, and they gathered together to Daqin. Some people still didn’t believe it because of such important things, how could they give others at will.

But they did get the stone of the sage, which turned out to be true, not a lie, although there are only tens of thousands of sages, but it is indeed there.

"Ha ha ha, I am so happy, such a good thing, really sees a share, Daqin is also very good! Super like Daqin."

"I heard that Daqin is so terrible, how cold and bloody, I think it is a lie, Daqin is a good person, Daqin is also my friend in the future, Daqin has something to do with me."

"Hey, I am so happy, I am not a force person. I am going to have a few sages to send, and Daqin is really good! Now I want to join Daqin."

"This time I also stood on the side of Daqin and supported Daqin. I heard that the relationship with Daqin is very good. There is also a war sacred beast. I feel excited when I think about it. It is too horrible, but the alchemy world is killing."

"Yeah! If I have a holy beast, enough to destroy a force, Daqin is really willing, and now I also support Daqin, and I have collected tens of thousands of sages."

"Without comparison, there is no harm. Daqin is so generous and gives us so many benefits. The other two kingdoms are inexhaustible. No wonder they can't beat Daqin. I also support Daqin, Daqin mighty!"

"Oh, Daqin, I love you, Daqin is my brother, Daqin is just too good."


In the other forces of the other two kingdoms, I naturally heard about this news. Since they came to these two forces, they naturally want to support the two forces.

Some people have no opinion on Daqin. Hearing that it is good to go to Daqin, the key is the more important sage stone. They can't help but feel their heartfelt words and come to Daqin and say the following words.

"Congratulations to Daqin becoming a kingdom, Daqin is also my friend in the future. Daqin is so atmospheric. I recognize this brother. Daqin is really good. I like Daqin."

These people have become too fast to change their faces. They have just said that they support the two forces in the other two forces. They also don’t appreciate Daqin, they are not optimistic about Daqin, and even have some disgust.

Now that there is a benefit, it’s really disgusting to run over with the dog and smash it.

The demon empire and the Fengshen empire are a bit ugly. Nowadays, most people are attracted to Daqin, and only a small number of people are willing to support them.

Some of these small people are very convinced of the two forces, some are very hateful of Daqin, and some have some grievances with Daqin.

In the hall of the Fengshen Empire, Swordsman said coldly, "This Qin is too hateful. If I master the ancient swords, the first one will kill him."

Next to a cold young man, frowning. "I don't like Daqin very much, so I can only be an Fengshen empire. I didn't think Daqin used this trick. The force couldn't resist the temptation of interest and Daqin, and wanted to kill him too. difficult."

A big-faced big man sighed. "Now Daqin has this momentum. Does that person dare to provoke? It is not wise to be against him now."

Fengshen said with a serious face, "Please ask me to believe in my Fengshen empire. Don't forget the first Fengshen but in the middle domain. Now it is only being restrained by several forces, so that they can get rid of their containment. That is my Fengshen Empire. When destroying Daqin,"

Originally, the Fengshen Empire was under the strong pressure of Daqin. Now it uses this trick. Fengshen also feels too much pressure. Only the first Fengshen Empire can be used to stabilize other people, so that their power is not in a weak position.

She also thought that the thing came out and gave it to all parties like Daqin, winning the support of all parties, but she did not have the stone of the sage, and there was no way to attract all parties.

Swordsman looked at the beautiful face of Fengshen, and also had a few heartbeats. He said, "Wind **** yarn! You can rest assured that I will try my best to convince Gu Jianzong to support the Fengshen Empire. Now the ancient swordsman is the first force of Guti, and there is nothing. People dare to provoke."

Fengshen felt the sword's gaze, and he knew that he liked himself a bit. Fengshen looked at the cold face of the sword and felt a little heart. If he could cultivate him into a male dog, it should be a very good achievement.

It is impossible for her to say this. If Gu Jianzong can support the Fengshen Empire, there is a great advantage. Fengshen’s gauze reveals a smile. “Thank you!”

When Swordsman saw the beautiful smile of Fengshen, her face could not help but reveal a smile, and she was happy.

On the side of the demon empire, the demon feels very headache. Now it is obvious that they are in a weak position. The most important thing is how to resist the **** Daqin?

Xiong Xiao was a little angry. "This big Qin is really annoying to his mother. I really want to kill it, and put the big Qin Emperor's head on the ground."

Longyang also angered, "I also want to kill the big Qin Emperor, there has been no chance to adjust. At this time, how can we deal with such a disgusting move? How can he develop this way?"

A bald man cried indignantly. "What should I do? Daqin **** has no sage stone, we don't have it, it doesn't attract others' support, and the group of people is really disgusting. If there is interest, they will run like a dog."

The demon looked at the people present and suddenly said with a smile, "You are the real brothers and friends of my demon empire. Those little people don't want to pay attention. Anyway, they just greedy some interests and will not really support the demon empire."

Xiong Xiao showed a smile. "You and I are both demon, I will naturally support you. The Daqin emperor is too arrogant, even if it is destroyed, they should be deserved."

Longyang also smiled and said Yes, the people who went were just a group of smiles. Although Daqin is now powerful, but the real strength will not increase much, we can still destroy Daqin, I let Balongyuan Zong supports the demon empire. ”

The demon showed a smile, "Thank you for your brother!"

Longyang said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, but there is also a request. If Daqin is broken, the women of the Daqin Emperor Palace belong to me."

Now Longyang can't be sure. Zhao Wei is the one who is in his face and tarnishes his seven beloved women. He just feels a little like, and old love is covered with a cloak.

But whether or not Zhao Wei is, he has to tarnish and torture those women.

At first he saw the man who tarnished his man, invading them in various poses in front of him, and his beloved woman was swayed by him, just as the knife was cutting his flesh, and the pain was painful.

He will never forget, so he wants to retaliate against all those who are related to this, and even if he is suspected, he will not let go.

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