The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2338: Wan Jianyu

Zhao Wei came to a very large flat land, the ground is black soil, and did not grow a plant, it is very dead.

There is a big sword that is two meters long, one foot wide and five colors in color.

Such a giant sword was filled with the ground, and at first glance, the five colors of light were emitted, and there was a sound of swords, tearing the square, and a huge sword shrouded everything, making the world seem like a discoloration. Everything is quiet.

This kind of sharp feeling is so cold that the heart is cold, the hair is erected, and it is extremely terrifying. No one can resist it.


The sound of a sword is even more harsh. The two-meter-colored swords are constantly shaking. The five-colored swords that are emitted are getting stronger and stronger, and an invisible sword force is like a tide.

The power of heaven and earth quickly gathered at that moment, and gathered in the sky slowly formed a huge vortex.

As the forces of heaven and earth continue to inject, the vortex is getting bigger and bigger, covering a thousand miles, emitting a huge pressure, like a huge stone pressing on the body.


A loud bang came out, and a huge whirlpool spun with horror. A huge force of heaven and earth fell straight and poured into a big sword.


A huge sword screamed, and a squeaky sword light was emitted from the sword. A horrible sword force spread out. It was like a broken bamboo, and it covered the whole world.

Under this huge sword, countless people are humble like ants, full of despair and fear.

Zhao Xin was a little shocked in his heart. He looked at a big sword that emitted countless swords and felt so strong!

Jianguang began to weaken for a while, and the huge sword power was also dissipated.

Finally, the floating sword appeared. These swords face down and float in the half-meter-high void, emitting a slight colorful sword light and a powerful sword power.

This is the five elements of the sword that Zhao has been training long ago. It is wrong. Now I can't say the five-line sword, but the five-line flying sword.

The Five Elements Flying Sword is a plan proposed by Gong Sunzhu. The purpose is to create a flying sword like the real world, to display an unimaginable sword power, and to strengthen a horrible killing for Daqin.

Zhao Wei also has an illusion that the sky is full of flying swords, so he supports this plan.

The five-line sword tire is made up of five kinds of materials, Xuan Tiezhi, Mugen Copper, Water Ore, Flint Steel, and Earth Ling Ore.

The five materials are also metal properties, but they contain the power of five elements, namely the golden wood water and fire.

Five kinds of materials were used to create five-line swords, and after countless stone strategists portrayed various runes and squads, they also incorporated alchemy materials and integrated into the soul. Finally, after so long cultivation, they formed a five-line flying sword.

As for the five elements of the sword, the forging technique of the Gongsun family is very powerful.

These five-line flying swords are not ordinary swords, but a new sword-shaped life. That is to say, this sword is a life-sword, not a lifeless dead object.

Zhao Wei looked at the side of the cover Nie Xiaoxiao, "Gai Nie! Now is the acceptance of the results, you bring those to come up!"

The five-line flying sword also needs the sword repair to control, so Zhao Wei let Ge Nie cultivate a large number of sword repairs, and all the things are handed over to Ge Nie.

Gagne's cold face also showed a smile. He trained the sword for so long, and he wanted to see the result. He should not let his majesty disappoint.

"You come forward!"

Under the command of Gagne, one by one dressed in white, with a cold face and a sword, came out, including men and women, and the number reached 1,000.

A thousand swordsmen came to the invisible flying sword floating in the air, and felt the big sword in their hearts. They also became a little nervous. They felt that they were not dead, but had their own lives.

The crowd held out a hand in the center of the blade, and a circle emerged from the blade. The five-line flying sword exudes a strong sword light.

Puff puff……

The law burst out of a metal liquid, which turned into a long cone running through a person's palm. The blood continued to flow out, and the flying sword swallowed blood.

Jian Xiuqiang endured the pain, let the flying sword devour the blood. After a while, the flying sword absorbed the blood, and the long cone melted again, turning into a liquid, filling the hole through the palm, and also the round sword. The print appears on the back of the hand.

There are some surprises in many sword repairs. The sword floating in front of them seems to be integrated with them. They can control them by controlling their hands and feet.

"Wan Jian!"

Thousands of swords and shackles smashed the scorpion, and turned the big sword into a colorful stream of light, with a powerful sword force to shoot into the sky.

Wan Jianzhen is the sword that Genie created. The main function is to control a flying sword. Many swords practice the most, that is, Wan Jian, and the heart can no longer be familiar.

Many flying swords stopped in the sky, and there were a thousand. Each of them gave off a powerful sword light, forming a horrible sword. A sword wind continued to fiercely blow open, and the world became cold.

The sword is terrible, as if it can easily destroy the world, it is very scary.

Many swords repaired a pair of eyes, falling on a side of the open space, extending a hand and a finger.


Thousands of big swords exude a colorful light, and at that moment they smashed with the power of terror. The sword was shining, and a horrible sword force spread. The ground collapsed and the stone collapsed.

The volatility dissipated, and a large 10,000-meter-wide pit with a depth of 100 meters appeared directly on the ground. A five-color sword was inserted in every place in the big pit, and a sharp sword gas emerged from the big pit~www. Zhao Wei showed a smile, and the five-line flying sword that was cultivated hard did not disappoint him. The effect was terrible.

A thousand five-line flying swords can exude such a powerful destructive power. How many destructive forces can the 10,000-plus flying swords and 100,000 flying swords send?

Imagine this and it will be scary. The most important thing is that Daqin did not cultivate 100,000 flying swords, but cultivated a whole 10 million flying swords. How much damage can this cause?

The picture is naturally unimaginable. Zhao Wei also feels a little excited and excited, but because the sword repair is more difficult to cultivate, Daqin now has only about 500 swords.

Now there are all five elements of flying swords. The next step is to cultivate swords. Otherwise, the weapons will be built well. No one will feel embarrassed when using them.

Zhao Wei is not a sword repair. All these things will be handed over to Gagne. There are more horrific means in this five-line flying sword.

This time the main credit is Gongsun Zhu and Gai Nie, and Zhao Wei will reward them.

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