The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2340: Yong night

Zhao Wei smiled and called the autumn leaves.

The autumn leaves, the enchanting woman, came to the hall to smile and smile. "Your Majesty! Are you looking for me?"

As the leader of the three major intelligence organizations, the power of the night leaves in Daqin is already very high. In addition to collecting intelligence, the role of white religion is to develop organizations and induce others to join.

Zhao Wei looked at the autumn leaves with a smile and said, "Now there are many people in the league in the white religion?"

The autumn leaves replied with a smile. "There is support for Daqin in the back. The development of Baijiao is very fast. Now the number of people in the league reaches 3 million, which is distributed in all parts of the league."

Zhao Wei said, "I will give you some sage stones, let the white people sell in the league, the action must be hidden, try not to let people discover."

The autumn leaves said with a charming smile. "I understand! There are still some people who have not been to us for some nights. I and many saints can miss you very much. How about not going to us at night?"

Now the autumn leaves are the leader of the white religion. She has chosen six people with high looks and talents as the saints, plus the four maids around her, who will serve Zhao Wei together.

Zhao Wei said with a chuckle, "I will reward you after you have done things well."

There was a blush on the face of the autumn leaves, revealing a moving smile, and the picture of her infringement by Zhao Wei appeared in her mind. "Your Majesty! Then I will go down first, and I will fulfill your request."

Later, the autumn leaves gave the stones of many sages to their subordinates, allowing them to secretly sell them.

They don't sell themselves, so the chances of being discovered are too great, they are handed over to others, or they are placed in auctions and stores.

Ordinary people simply have no ability to resist the temptation of the Stone of the Sage. When they hear the stone of the Sage, they immediately rush to buy and use it, and they don’t think too much, because the Stone of the Sage is hot outside, they know what it is. Things come from there.

The most important thing is that after they merged the stone of the sage, they felt the powerful power of the body, and they have already used the feeling of the power of alchemy. Everything is as long as the one heard.

This has made countless people excited and excited. No one has any scruples. More people have seen the power of the Sage Stone, so they all buy it.

In fact, some people in the league want to get the stone of the sage, but it is not good to go to Daqin.

I heard that some people in their own forces sell the stone of the sage, and the alliances of the parties are divided into two attitudes.

The first stone that banned the sages went into their own power to sell, and some people who dared to use the stone of the sage were directly killed. The stone of the sage is the thing of Daqin, and they are worried about the plan of Daqin.

On the other hand, they don't like Daqin very much, and they hate Daqin, so they don't use Daqin's things.

The second is to inquire about who is selling the Stone of the Sage, and want to use more of the Sage Stone to use and strengthen their power.

Especially in danger, there is not much small force, in order to get strong power, you can do whatever it takes.

The parties in the alliance also realized that the matter was serious and immediately convened everyone to discuss.

"What are you going to do? This is the stone of the sages of Daqin. Have you used the plan that you are not afraid of Daqin? How are you so stupid?"

"Right! I heard that someone used the Stone of the Sage to feel the air blow, not to unite to resist Daqin? How can I use Daqin?"

"Now we must strictly ban the Stone of the Sage and not let anyone use it, which will defeat our alliance."

"Well, I also support this decision. While resisting Daqin, I actually have something of Daqin. I don't have such a thick face."

"Yes! The stone of the sage is very powerful, but I will not use the stone of the sage with a thick face. Do you have a little dignity, and you don't want anything for a little benefit."

Naturally, I am very dissatisfied with some small forces that are desperate to enhance their own power, increase their voice, and enhance their security.

They have little power and can be destroyed at any time. Even if they don't have the right to speak in the league, they don't have any sense of security. They can be discarded at any time, so they want to increase their strength.

The Stone of the Sage is so good to enhance the strength of things, they must use.

Some people who have contact with Daqin faintly feel that this matter is related to Daqin, but it is also very beneficial to them. If everyone uses the Stone of the Sage, they will use some and will not be suspected.

In this way, they can not only improve their strength, but also leave a back road for themselves, and have no influence in the league.

They immediately retorted.

"I don't think there is any problem with the Stone of the Sage. Not only did I check it carefully, but other forces have carefully checked that there is no problem before using it. Do you think everyone is so stupid? Do you check if there is any problem?"

"This is quite true. The Stone of the Sage does have no problems. The forces of all parties have checked it out. Everyone can rest assured."

"Well! I also support this point of view. Although this thing is Daqin's, it is only good for us. I can't feel any problem by attacking Daqin with Daqin's things."

"Yeah! Do you say that the dignity of the face is useful? Can you resist the enemy? Can you eat it as a meal? I feel that as long as I can enhance my strength, I can do it, against the stone that bans the sage."

"I also oppose the ban on the sages. Do you have such great strength that we will not let our small strength survive? If you ban, please give us the same thing to enhance the strength, then we have absolutely no opinion~www.mtlnovel .com~ That's right, as long as you give things that enhance your strength, or you can guarantee our safety, then we all listen to you, but can you do it?"


It is obvious that there are fewer people in the parliament, and there are more people in the middle and other forces. In the face of their rebuttals, the faces of the big forces are not very good-looking.

If it is a few of them, they don’t care, whoever disobeys will kill them, but now they are a large group, and they dare not attack them.

Originally, they thought that they could force the matter to be suppressed. However, they did not expect these people to be so fierce. They also did not know what to do next. The prohibition was impossible.

Some people immediately came out to reconcile, "We all said that we must unite, how can we do this because of the Stone of the Sage? Do you have anything to discuss? If the alliance collapses, who do you think can withstand Daqin, demon, Fengshen?"

When they heard this, both sides calmed down.

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