The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2356: Emperor


A huge sound sounded, the sky was like blood stained, a huge planet that radiated cold and purely killing, with a huge pressure from the sky slowly, the world seems to be suppressed by this huge force.

Countless people looked at the huge **** planet, showing a look of surprise.

The white look was cold, and one hand raised the sword, and a **** murderous body appeared, and a light drink, "Seven kills!"


The seven killing stars in the sky broke out with a huge incomparable force of seven killings, which spread out with a terrible momentum.

One big Qin soldiers only felt the power of a killing inject into the body, their eyes became blood red, and they suffocated and the strength was enhanced.

Kill and kill...

Numerous Daqin soldiers shouted loudly, with fierce momentum, madly rushing to the demon horns soldiers, like a fierce and **** demon.

Ah, ah...

A scream of screams continued, and countless blood spattered. One of the demon horns soldiers died under the weapons of the Daqin soldiers, and they could not stop the Daqin soldiers.

The demon soldiers who were not afraid of it, the Daqin soldiers who looked at such a horror were also afraid of it, and the devil's king defeated them in the hands of Zhao Wei, and the morale further declined.

Finally, the demon dragon of the demon empire was strangled, and the air traffic of the empire empire was quickly lost. Many demon horn soldiers felt that their strength was weakening, which did not resist Daqin.

Now the demon empire can be said to have been defeated, and all aspects can not resist Daqin, all of which were slaughtered by Daqin.

Some ministers rushed to the side of the demon, and advised, "Your Majesty! The demon empire is now defeated, we are still rushing to pack things and escape! As long as the foundation of the demon corner is guaranteed, he will be able to make a comeback with his ability to squat."

Although the demon is unwilling and angry, he can only choose this method now. He does not want to die in the hands of Zhao Wei, and he does not want the demon empire to perish. He wants to kill Daqin personally.

Making a choice, the demon was not wasting time, ordered some soldiers to drag the Daqin soldiers, and other soldiers followed him.

The soldiers who got the command of the demon were quickly executed. Some soldiers dragged the Daqin army, and the other soldiers quickly fled backwards. The same was true of the monsters.

Zhao Wei stood on the top of the ancestor statue and looked at the demon who wanted to escape. He showed a sneer and controlled the ancestor statue with a huge momentum and rushed to him. Nothing could resist.

The enchanting head turned ugly and looked at the ancestor image of the ancestors. Only the soldiers could be ordered to resist the ancestor image.

One demon horn soldier obeyed the order, knowing that it was rushing to the past, but for his own king, he yelled at Zhao Yu, and a strong breath burst out, and countless breaths were condensing something.

Zhao Wei sneered at the ancestor of the ancestors, and the sword in his hand slammed it with a powerful sword. Many countless rushing horn soldiers were turned into a mass of bolognese under the sword. Shoot, like a cockroach ant.

The demon horn soldiers rushing in front were slaughtered by Zhao Yi, and the demon horn soldiers in the rear continued to yell at Zhao Yu. The body rushed out of a purple scent and formed a huge purple gas shield. An amazing power.


A huge sword sounded, and Zhao Wei controlled the ancestor **** to open a huge purple gas shield. He looked at the demon sorrow and escaped. He did not have time to control these demon horn soldiers and directly chased the past.

Countless demon horn soldiers rushed to the ancestor statue, but could not stop the huge ancestor statue, Daqin soldiers also madly killed.

The two sides fought fiercely.

Zhao Wei ordered the ancestor **** to slaughter the demon horns soldiers, and the body turned into a stream of light and fell in front of the demon.

"Do you think you can still escape?" Zhao Yan's mouth raised a hint of arrogant smile.

The demon look is very ugly, eyes anger and hatred look at Zhao Wei, double fists clenched, can not wait to rush to kill Zhao Wei now.

"Your Majesty! You are going." Several ministers around the demon stalked in front of the demon and said.

The demon did not hesitate, turned and fled, now as long as he lives, there is hope, even if the demon empire is dead, he will also restore the demon empire.

Zhao Wei took the sword and chased it to the demon.

Several ministers screamed and spurred a powerful force and rushed over to Zhao. Unfortunately, Zhao Yi’s sword was split into two halves, and there was no blocking effect at all.


A sword rang, and the demon who was running away was flung out by a sword and fell heavily on the ground.

Zhao Wei appeared beside him, stepping on him and stepping on the ground.

The owner of this demon empire, distinguished and noble, high above, countless people fear and fear, but also known as the peerless arrogant person, now Zhao Yi stepped on his body.

The demon looks angry and wants to break away from Zhao’s feet, but he can’t break away.

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, "You are not working hard. I have been waiting for a long time this day. It feels so happy to step on you."

The demon blew up the big shout, "I must kill you!"

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "I am sorry, today is your death, you have no chance."

The demon horn continued to anger and cried. "You let me go, I have the ability to fight with my own strength."

Zhao Wei said with a disdainful smile, "Do you think that you still have a chance to win over me? I am already not the same as me!"


A force belonging to the emperor's heaven broke out from the body of Zhao Wei, and the demon horn immediately looked very ugly, and even some did not believe it.

His cultivation is now the peak of heaven and The speed of cultivation is already very fast, and the heaven and earth are the strongest repairs in the outer world. How can Zhao Wei have the repair of the heavens? That is the highest revision in the middle.

Zhao Wei looked at the demon stunned look, his face smiled, and he did not continue to waste time. The sword in his hand waved, and a fierce sword light burst out, blood splashed, and the demon head was smashed down.


The soldiers and the people of the entire Demon empire only heard a loud roar in their minds. A reminder of the sound of death sounded in their minds, telling them that the king died, and the demon empire was defeated.

The demon empire is directly in chaos, and countless people fear and fear, and pack up and escape. They understand that Daqin will soon call.

The main battlefield, the demon dying, the remaining demon horn army also completely lost resistance, a face of fear and fear of escape, Daqin soldiers fiercely chasing them, some demon horn soldiers afraid to kneel on the ground to surrender. Daqin also accepted their surrender.

Subsequently, the Daqin soldiers attacked the interior of the demon empire with a huge momentum and quickly captured the city.

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