The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2361: Alchemy

A few days later, Zhao Wei came to the alchemy world with Daqin. As I said before, the first thing I should do is to build a flood.

Now the source of the **** iron, the fire of the gods have already been, but the last piece of the question asked the stone, and asked the stone alchemy world to exchange stone tablets, Daqin is still a little bit of points can be exchanged.

The reason why Zhao Wei came here is naturally to launch a war, kill more alchemists, conquer many alchemists, and get more points to exchange for the stone, instead of waiting for the alchemists to call.

This time, in order to conquer more alchemy families, Daqin’s main force has also been brought to this side. Together with the second-order soldiers here, the number has reached 12 billion.

Because the basic strength of this area is a second-order soldier, the first-order soldiers have no effect, so the strength of Zhao Wei is second-order force.

At this time, the alchemists around them all stepped up to build defenses, and thought of various ways to resist Daqin, and did not take the initiative to launch war.

Zhao Wei did not directly attack Lu Xun, and the people who lived forever nights collected information from all around.

Later, I also understand the distribution of forces around Daqin.

Now Daqin mainly faces forces in three directions, or is surrounded by forces in three directions. One is located in the northeast, one is in the southwest and one is in the northwest.

The power in the northeast is the strongest, the second-order force has reached 8 billion, the power in the southwest is ranked second, and the second-order force has reached 6 billion. The third is the northwestern forces, and the second-order force reaches 5 billion.

Among them, the Northeast is the strongest, named the Water Forest Alliance. The largest family power is the Shuijia and Linjia, and the most hostile to Daqin. It has always wanted to attack Daqin, but it has not found an opportunity.

The second is the power in the southwest direction. It is called the Tushui Flower Alliance. The strongest has three forces, namely Tujia, Shuijia and Huajia.

Their hostility to Daqin is not very strong. They understand the power of Daqin and do not want to fight against Daqin. However, in order to protect themselves, they can only choose to unite against Daqin.

The last northwestern force was also hostile to Daqin, but it was not so strong. The main force was too small to dare to think about Daqin.

After Zhao Wei obtained this information, he felt that the pressure was not very large. The forces of the three forces added up to a total of one hundred and nine billion. But now there are 12 billion troops in Daqin, and the strength is 7 billion.

There is also the strength of these families. The total number of war sacred beasts may add up to more than 30,000. If more war sacred beasts are the most troublesome.

Then how do you destroy these forces?

Direct attack? Daqin is 7 billion second-order soldiers. The other side is also a defensive side. The direct attack is definitely a huge casualty. The direct attack is definitely not good. The second-order soldiers of Daqin are so hard to upgrade so much that they cannot be added after the loss.

It is a pity that this is not the Apocalypse world, or else they can divide them into several forces so that they cannot unite and attack Daqin.

But here is the alchemy world. As an outsider, Daqin will be hostile to any alchemist. The key is to be in the interface war. Who will rest assured that you are an outsider.

As for the strong attack, it is definitely not possible, and only other strategies can be used.

Zhao Wei thought about it and had a plan in his heart. Although he didn't know if he could succeed, he could try it first.

The first Zhao Wei put the goal on the Tushui Flower Alliance. Their hostility to Daqin was not very strong. Their strength was ranked second. If they did not intervene, they would have lost six billion soldiers.

The remaining two soldiers add up, there are only 13 billion soldiers, Daqin plus all kinds of holy beasts, and the wrath of the **** of war to eliminate them should have no problem, you can choose to attack.

Zhao Wei ordered a small team as the Daqin messenger, with some gifts from Daqin, to visit the Tushui Flower Alliance.

The Tushui Flower Alliance looked strange and did not think of a world of the Apocalypse world to visit them in an alchemy world. The key is that they are still hostile.

They were somewhat curious about the purpose of Daqin, so they also gathered and met the Daqin messengers.

The top three of the main hall are sitting at the top, one is the fat man in yellow, he is the owner of Tujia, the old man in blue is the owner of the water house, and the beautiful woman in pink is the flower. Family family.

The three of them are the strongest sitting on the top, and they are still sitting around the home of other families. They are relatively small and sit in the lower position.

The Daqin messenger is a refined young man named Ling Feng. He is a Confucian disciple. Now he has learned the alchemy language and can communicate with the alchemists.

"See the adults!" Ling Feng smiled, and did not humble his attitude and said to everyone.

Alchemists are more satisfied with Da Qin's attitude. Now Daqin is the most terrible force in this place. The three alliances together have the ability to threaten Daqin. They may be afraid of Daqin.

The Tujia family showed a smile on their face. "You don't have to be extravagant! Do you have anything to send people to Daqin to us?"

Ling Feng said with a smile, "I have brought all kinds of gifts from Daqin to visit the adults, and I hope to be friends with you adults."

“The people in the weather world are coming to be friends with them?”

The expressions of the alchemy world are a bit weird, and I certainly don’t believe that Daqin will really want to be friends with them.

When you think about it carefully, they understand that the purpose of Daqin is to deal with them well, so that they should not oppose Daqin with the other two, or that Daqin attacks the other two forces, they should not shoot.

Daqin wants to get very good, but is this possible? If they don't get involved, wait for Daqin to kill the other two alliance then the result of one of their forces is only one word.

In any case, they must join the team that resists Daqin so that they can have a chance to survive.

The head of the water house said calmly, "And we are friends? Are you determined by Daqin? Our relationship is hostile."

Ling Feng’s face remained unchanged, and he said with a gentle smile. “This time I came to bring nature to Daqin’s sincerity. Daqin is willing to sign a contract with you and will never invade your power in the future.”

The people on the alchemy side still don't believe that the contract, even if it is signed, may be abolished, and there is no way to really protect them.

The water family said calmly, "This we can't promise you, if you just come for this, please come back!"

The alchemy side already knows the purpose of Daqin. For their own safety and life, they will certainly not believe in Daqin. They must stand on the station line of the alchemy world.

Many of the alchemy family owners are the idea, no exception.

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