The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2366: Alchemy family

A Daqin soldier held a big axe and rushed over to split a coalition soldier into two halves. A Daqin soldier cut a throat of a coalition soldier with a long sword.

A coalition soldier with a big knife fiercely knocked down the head of a Daqin soldier. A Daqin soldier shouted to kick out a coalition soldier and then rushed to another person.


The mechanical dragon sprayed a huge beam of light into the sky to the Alliance Saint, and the Light Messenger also flew into the sky to shoot a white beam, and the Alchemy Holy Beast emitted a beam of light at the back.

The side of the Alliance Alchemy Holy Beast also strove back and struggling, and a beam of light hit the war sacred beast of Daqin.

The battle was fierce, the loud explosions continued to sound, the screams continued, the blood splashed, and the dead continued.

Fighting Daqin has great advantages. One alchemy soldier was killed by the Daqin soldiers. As I said before, the strength of Daqin is now confronted with the alchemists, and basically will not lose.

Some of the alchemy sacred beasts of the Alliance were also shattered by the Great Qin, and the huge explosions rang constantly, and the ground was blown out of a large pit.

Of course, there is no loss on the side of Daqin, but the loss is less than that of the water forest.


A huge roar sounded, and a huge array of squadrons on the side of the Alliance was activated, full of 100,000 meters, emitting a lot of blue light, surrounded by water elements like tidal water, a huge water column with huge Power rushes to the sky.

A huge blue beam stood there, giving off a huge momentum, and numerous alchemy waters spread.

Many Alliance soldiers only felt a force injecting, the body has a blue breath, the injury is recovering quickly, and the power is also recovering.

This made many Union soldiers have a happy heart. They also had some information in the face of the Daqin soldiers. Now they really fight with the Daqin soldiers to understand the terribleness of this group of soldiers. They are not opponents at all.


A huge roar sounded, they were not happy too early, and there was a huge circle of law on the side of Daqin. A huge force of chaos spread like a tide.

The alchemy soldiers who felt that the strength was recovering accelerated immediately felt a little weakened, and the strength recovery slowed down.


On the other side of the Daqin, the momentum was even more ferocious, loudly screaming, killing the Union soldiers in front, the Union soldiers could not resist the Daqin soldiers, and now they are starting to retreat.


A huge arrow with a horrible force is shot at once, and the sky is cut through the sky, as if it is going through everything, and it falls on the alchemy sacred beast, making a loud noise.

The head of the water house was very pale, and said to the neighbor of the Lin family, "This big Qin is too abnormal. What can we do?"

The Lin family’s face ugly replied, “Now we can only rely on two other forces to support us, or attack Daqin to force Daqin to return.”

The owner of the water house said anxiously, "But now it has been so long. How come the two alliances have no news at all? The special forces of Daqin do not seem to send troops to attack them. They should have the strength to support us."

Lin’s family thought, seriously, said, “The Tushui Federation may not support us. They are coming early, they will not wait for it, and Daqin will not send troops to them. This is also very strange. I doubt they and What is the agreement of Daqin."

The family of the water family said coldly, "Is the group of people in the soil a pig? Isn't the person looking at it? He thought that Daqin would not destroy them? There is no chance for us to have a living."

The Lin family’s chief said, “They shouldn’t be stupid, but I can’t guess what the reason is. Now we can’t stop Daqin, and still find a little evacuation!”

The home of the Shui family was very unwilling, watching the constantly smashed war sacred beasts, as well as the alchemy soldiers who were dying, and could only order the retreat.

Many Union soldiers began to retreat, and their hearts were relieved. Now they have a trace of fear in the hearts of the Da Qin soldiers.

Zhao Wei saw the Alliance army begin to retreat, understand that Daqin won, revealing a smile, ordered the pursuit of the escaped alchemy soldiers.


The largest and the fastest speed of the mechanical flying dragon, open the wings and force a fan, brought a gust of wind to the front of the army, ejected a huge beam of light, a share of the explosion spread, killing many alchemists.

The Daqin soldiers also shouted loudly, fiercely chasing the alchemy soldiers who fled, and even some alchemists were too fearful, dropped their weapons and slammed them on the ground, crying that Daqin had let them go, not to kill them.

These people, Daqin, did not kill naturally, and continued to kill other alchemy soldiers. Other alchemists feared to see the Daqin soldiers who had been chased by the devils. They did not need to die when they saw surrender, and they surrendered on the ground without regard to dignity.


The Lin family’s lord threw out an old tree seed, and the ancient tree seeds fell on the ground and grew rapidly, forming a forest, with powerful force, fiercely attacked the Daqin soldiers.

The Daqin soldiers can only stop and gather forces to destroy this piece of woods. This gives the Alchemy Alliance a lot of escape time, and many alchemists use this time to escape.

In the end, Daqin stopped, the alchemy soldiers escaped, surrendered and surrendered. Zhao Wei first ordered the Daqin soldiers to rest, while killing people to quickly build defense.

The next step is to attack those family territories, as well as fierce battles. This time, Daqin eliminated nearly two billion troops in the Water Forest Alliance, and the Water Forest Alliance still has strong strength to retain.

However, now they are scattered, it is a lot easier for Daqin, because their power is also dispersed, without great resistance.

After a while, Daqin built countless transmission arrays. The Daqin soldiers were divided into three streams and rushed from the three directions to the northeast.

The news spread as well. The Water Forest Alliance could not withstand the same Daqin as the monster. Now the defense has been broken by Daqin, and Daqin has already entered the territory of many families.

Countless alchemy families are frightened. I really can't think of how Daqin, an apocalyptic world power, has such a terrible power to drive their alchemy family to the map. Although there is no way to anger and no face, there is no way to die without running.

Many families did not hesitate to pack things and move quickly.

Seeing the massive migration of countless people, the farther areas thought that something terrible happened, and immediately asked these alchemists to understand what happened. The name of the Daqin Empire resounded.

Within the world of ten circles, we now know that there is such a terrible force, like a beast to slay the Quartet.

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