The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2368: Holy

With this wave of attacks, the Daqin soldiers rushed under the wall, and then used various means to attack the wall with ladders, flying locks, climbing, and leap.

The two sides officially launched a battle!

Although there are only 3 billion soldiers on the side of the Daqin soldiers, but with the powerful victory over the wrath, and the power of the disaster, the advantage is still very strong.

After a while, the Daqin soldiers attacked the wall and officially launched a fight with the Alliance.

Ah, ah...

A scream of screams continued, blood spattered, the sound of weapons collided constantly, the scene was a little chaotic, the people on both sides were dying, and the bodies on the walls gradually increased.

At this time, the league had some resistance to Daqin, and they gave a blow to the news that they were aware of the defeat of the Water Forest Alliance, and the news that the Tushui Federation did not send troops.

When I heard this news, my mind seemed to explode and became blank. I only felt that the Golden Alliance was going to die. The most powerful alliances were destroyed. How could their weakest alliance be an opponent.

Looking at the Daqin soldiers who are constantly killing and fierce, and the wrath of the great God of War in the sky, the owners of the gold alliance no longer insist on directly ordering the retreat.

The general retreat of the coalition forces made them lose all their resistance, and the Daqin soldiers fiercely chased them in the rear.

Wang Hao showed a smile, and he was also attacked by Daqin to break through the Water Forest Alliance. Now the Jin Alliance has retreated and announced that the winner of this war is Daqin.

On this side, Wang Hao first let the soldiers simply rest, and turned into several large army to kill each alchemy family.

One alchemy family feared the fear and quickly packed up and evacuated. The whole area fell into chaos, and the crying sounded everywhere.

The Tushuihua Alliance learned of the news from both sides, and there was no accident in the heart. They knew the result early, otherwise they would not sign a contract with Daqin.

Now it turns out that their decision is not wrong. If you don't sign a contract with Daqin, now is the end of the game, and the real strength of Daqin, it is estimated that other people do not know, only they know how terrible this Qin.

The soldiers on both sides of Daqin quickly broke through the alchemy family and finally captured all the two alliance regions.

Successfully destroyed two powerful alliance forces, Zhao Yan showed a smile on his face, sitting on the throne above, listening to the generals below to tell this war harvest.

This time, Daqin attacked the water forest side, and a total of eight billion people were harvested. The 700 million alchemists were surrendered to Daqin, and the number of war sacred animals reached 1,200.

On the side of the offensive gold alliance, a total of 3 billion people were harvested, and 400 million alchemists were surrendered to Daqin. The number of war sacred animals reached more than 700.

The harvest is not a lot, most of the alchemy family ran too fast, and should have been ready to run, so Daqin only had these gains.

But these gains cannot be said to be small. The population harvested together reached 11 billion, the number of alchemy soldiers harvested reached 1.1 billion, and the number of war sacred beasts was 2,000.

With these gains, Daqin's population in the alchemy world reached more than three billion. Except for the Daqin soldiers, the alchemy soldiers also reached six billion. In the end, the number of war sacred beasts is more than two thousand. Now there are five thousand, which can play a stronger role.

If the development continues according to this situation, Daqin can also establish a kingdom-level force in the alchemy world, with alchemists and alchemists.

As for the loss, Zhao has lost a lot of money on this side, killing more than 2 billion alchemists and injuring more than 400 million Da Qin soldiers.

Wang Hao’s losses on this side are relatively small, killing 500 million alchemists and losing less than 100 million Da Qin soldiers.

The loss results are still within the scope of Zhao Yu. If Daqin’s nine reincarnations are strong, these Da Qin soldiers can directly reincarnate.

It is a pity that the nine reincarnations can only be reincarnation for one thousand people each time, and one thousand people compared with one hundred million people. The difference is huge.

Although the nine reincarnations can be revitalized through continuous rotation, the speed is still relatively slow. If you can find ways to speed up the growth of the reincarnation.

"There is a warning! The three homeowners of Tushui deliberately came to congratulate Daqin." A soldier walked in and sue.

This is an outsider from the Apocalypse world, killing two alchemy alliances, killing countless alchemists, and several alchemy families congratulating themselves again. This is strange.

Zhao Wei thought a little and understood the purpose of their coming.

Now the three homeowners are not afraid of the reason why Daqin dared to come directly to Daqin here, because now Daqin has already eliminated two alliances, and the remaining Tuhuahua League Daqin can be eliminated. They are nothing terrible.

The Tushuihua Alliance understands this truth, so it is better to have a relationship with Daqin and avoid Daqin attacking them.

Zhao Wei said with a smile, "Let them come in!"

The soldier took a breath and left the hall, then brought the three owners to the hall.

The three homeowners entered the main hall and looked at the numerous Daqin generals standing on both sides. They radiated a powerful force and murderousness, and they looked at them with a pair of eyes, which made their hearts nervous.

This Daqin is still really terrible. The three owners have come up with this kind of idea, and then look at the person sitting in front of the throne.

Because Zhao Wei went to their alliance and signed a contract with them, the three of them knew Zhao Wei and showed a smile. They went forward and bowed. "Congratulations to Da Qin to kill the two alliances. Now no one can rival Da Qin."

They think that Zhao Wei’s identity is higher than them, so he automatically and honestly bowed to Zhao.

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "You are welcome, three of them are friends of Daqin, wait for me to set up a banquet to treat three."

The three homeowners took a sigh of relief and saw that Zhao Wei didn't mean to attack them. They were still worried that Daqin would kill the two alliances. would directly work on them.

The three owners smiled and replied, "Well! We also want to know more about Daqin."

Later, at the beginning of the banquet, all of Daqin also joined this celebration.

At the banquet, the three homeowners couldn’t help but say a lot of praises about Zhao’s words. Zhao’s guest returned a few words, and the last three owners returned to the alliance with confidence, telling others that Daqin would not attack them. Relaxed.

At this time, Zhao Wei did not attack the idea of ​​the Tushui Flower Alliance. Now the Tushui Flower Alliance is already a bag of Daqin. Whenever they are destroyed, they can.

Back in Daqinzhong, Zhao Wei asked to ask Wang Ergou, "What news is there all around?"

This time, Daqin destroyed two alliance forces and sensationalized the Quartet. Many alchemy families know Daqin, but this is not a good thing.

Daqin is an outsider and an enemy of the alchemy world. So many alchemists know Daqin, which will definitely cause many alchemists to attack Daqin.

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