The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2386: world

The first is the various materials on the star beast, such as scales, skin, eyes, horn bones, etc. In addition to their star attributes, they also contain some of the world's forces. They are a relatively advanced material that can make a lot of things.

The strongest of the Apocalyptic world will also enter the endless void to kill some stars and get a lot of materials.

Zhao Wei only checked these materials and did not break them all out. Because the size of the star beast is 10,000 meters, it takes a lot of time to decompose the material on it. Zhao Wei will not waste time for this material.


A sword rang, and Zhao Yi waved the sword in his hand and pulled out a sword light. The body of the star fish was opened, and a two-meter-long silver ball appeared.

This silver ball is like metal, but it is not very similar. There are some circular lines on the surface, it emits a slight radiance, and there is a force of stars.

The ball is called the star nucleus. It is the source of the power of the star beast. It contains a very large force and can be used by other creatures.

After other organisms absorb the star nucleus, they will also have some power and ability of the star beast. This thing is the most valuable thing on the star beast. It is also useful to Zhao Wei. With it, Zhao Wei can also train a group of star beasts.

As for Xinghai, these pure star beasts are difficult to conquer, and they are highly resistant and immune to the ban on each world.

Not only people in the Apocalypse world can't conquer the stars, but other chaotic worlds, people in the alchemy world, can't conquer the stars.

Another sword was thrown out by Zhao Yu, and he squatted on the body of the star worm and took out a star nucleus. This star nucleus, like other star nucleus, did not change much.

Collecting two star nucleus, Zhao Wei continues to move forward with Ling Ji.

A few days later!

Zhao Yu and Ling Ji stopped in a star sea. During this period, they met a dozen or so beasts and were all killed by Zhao. They obtained more than a dozen star nucleus, and none of the materials were needed.

In addition to these gains, Zhao Wei did not find anything else.

Zhao Wei looked at Ling Ji and said nothing. Ling Ji also understood that he closed his eyes and sensed it.


Ling Ji has some surprises, "Your Majesty! I found that the southwest direction has interface fluctuations, there should be a world."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Xin was happy in his heart and finally found out.

Nothing hesitated, Zhao Wei immediately flew forward with Ling Ji and came to the front of the barrier.

The barrier of the world can be said to be the world's enchantment. The main role is to protect the world and separate the world from the endless void.

Because the endless void is still dangerous, take the star beast, breaking into a world without cultivation ability will cause great damage, so there must be something to intercept the foreign things.

At the same time, there is also a singing effect. The barrier of the world can hide a world. Now Zhao Wei and Ling Ji stand there. There is nothing in front of it, nothing. If it is not a strong person, the barrier of the fundamental world cannot be found.

The isolation of this world is to prevent everything from entering, so Zhao has no way to enter it directly, but this cannot stop Zhao Wei.

Since Zhao Wei became the head of the Three Realms, he has mastered the power of the heavens and the earth and the laws of the world. The barriers of the world are composed of the power and laws of heaven and earth. Zhao Wei can use the same kind of power to break this power.

Zhao Yu extended a hand and placed it on the barrier of the world. A force of heaven and earth emerged from the palm of his hand and poured into the barrier of the world.

A wave of light spreads out, and most people may not see it, but Zhao Wei feels that there is a net in front of him, and the line of the net is a rule. The lines of many rules form the net in front of Zhao Wei, plus the world. The force forms an interface barrier.

Zhao Hao’s extended hand twisted, and the net was twisted by a powerful force. Zhao Hao also had a big hole in front of him.

The other side of the hole is blue sky and white clouds, and the sun is shining, which is completely different from the endless empty picture of Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei and Ling Ji entered it.

After coming to this world, Zhao Yi and Ling Ji’s body stood in the sky of this world, overlooking the ground below.

The various plants and creatures of this world have their own characteristics of the world, which is somewhat different from the world that Zhao has seen.

For example, the plants here are generally not very high. The tallest trees are only a dozen meters. The average tree is only four or five meters. The leaves are all blue, and the branches are soft and the branches feel like stones.

The ground is also a kind of blue, growing flowers and plants, mostly blue, and the volume is relatively small.

Zhao Wei stood around the sensor and his face became disappointed. The world is not a semi-immortal world, but an ordinary dust world, and it is still the lowest dust world. The spiritual power is very thin and there is no way to cultivate.

There are two evolutionary directions in this world. The first world, after a long period of growth, builds a more perfect law of heaven and earth, can make the world have aura, and the creatures living in it can cultivate with the aura and enter the era of practicing the world. .

The cultivation of the world in the endless void is a great advantage, because most of the world is taking the practice route.

The second is the science and technology route. The world that follows this kind of route is basically because there is no spiritual power, it can only take the scientific and technological route, and rely on strong technology to grow up.

Although there is no choice but to take the technology route, but the technology route is strong, it will be very terrible. For example, once in the human world, there were planes, artillery shells, tanks, machine guns...

With these technology products, if some other dust world invasions have the power to resist, they will not lose their defeat and let others slaughter.

It is a pity that the world of the human world is the world of apocalypse and the world of apocalypse is a cultivation route. The various laws are also based on cultivation. Therefore, the various technologies of the human world are directly erased. Can practice from scratch.

The human beings were initially at a great disadvantage. They joined other cultivating worlds and attacked them. There was almost no resistance, only the masses were slaughtered.

If it is a world dominated by technology, all kinds of technology that has swallowed up the human world will be preserved.

However, there are also high and low levels of technological civilization, and the human world may be crushed by more advanced technology without any backhand.

In the same world, the advantages of practicing the world are relatively large. For example, they have many things that low-level technology can't do. Take the law, the world of cultivation can arrange a magical array and directly kill each other.

There are also amazing people who cultivate the world. They can easily break the big stone. The speed is several times faster than normal people. Those who do not practice are right.

Even they have a way to control people, directly turning people into jealousy. If they control the high-level rulers, it is a disaster.

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