The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2392: Divine power

However, Zhao Wei did not have any gains, but discovered some very pure crystal spar and some self-conscious Xiaoxian flame seedlings.

Zhao Wei drifted directly in that direction.

The white fire sea knows the target of Zhao Wei, and does not dare to block it. The flame keeps retreating, and dare not approach Zhao Wei within a few meters.

The white spar in the sea of ​​fire was also revealed.

These spar are the kind of spar with a few pointed ends, the size of the palm, located at the bottom of the sea of ​​fire, also radiating a higher temperature.

As for the small flames that are self-conscious, they are also afraid to flee backwards. Zhao Wei glanced at them, and an invisible divine force shackled them in place when they were in a hurry, and could not move a trace.

Zhao Wei came to the spar and looked cold. I checked it briefly.

These fairy fire crystals have a very pure power of fairy fire, and have various functions, such as what materials to build, or what to destroy.

I remember that the fairy peach tree of the wrath of Daqin God of War requires a lot of celery cultivation, but this white spar is not good. It belongs to the fairy fire, which will cause great damage to the fairy peach tree and cannot cultivate the fairy peach tree.

There are a lot of fairy fire crystals, and the ground is dense.

Zhao Yan’s eyes fell on the little fairy flame. These little fairy flames were only the size of a fist, floating in the air, the color was white, and the flame swayed.

Xiaoxianhuo is a fire spirit born out of the fairy fire. It also has many functions in itself. For example, as an instrumental spirit, it is cultivated into a powerful fire spirit, or directly swallowed, and has the power of fairy fire.

The number is not many, only dozens of groups, all of which are imprisoned in the air by Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei didn't say anything, his face was still cold, and even if he stood behind Zhao Yu, he couldn't help but be careful. He felt that Zhao Wei is very scary now, completely different from the previous one.


A roar of sound rang, and a huge power burst out of Zhao's body, like a colored light wave, which spread to hundreds of thousands of meters in a circle.

The white fire sea is afraid of rushing to control the flames to retreat, forming hundreds of thousands of meters of flame-free areas.

A stock of divine power grabbed a celestial fire crystal on the ground and flew over to Zhao. The number was a lot. The celestial crystals within a few hundred thousand meters were captured by the gods, leaving no one.

Many spar, such as tidal water, generally rushed to Zhao, and Zhao Wei waved, all the spar and those little fairy flames disappeared, and Zhao Yu collected the space created by divine power.

After doing this, Zhao Wei’s body continued to drift forward, and then collected a part of Xianhuojing and Xiaoxianhuo.

The white fire sea area can be very large, so there are many of these things.

After Zhao Hao collected a lot, the speed of the fluttering also accelerated. Although it looked light and slow, the surrounding scenery quickly flowed through the water, but it only came out of the sea in a while.

At this time, the heart that Huo Hai would bring up was put down, and finally the monster was sent away.

Zhao Wei’s body continued to move forward. At this moment, Zhao’s position is still on the periphery of the forbidden land, and there is no deep inside the forbidden land.

Therefore, these fire beasts on the periphery are easier for Zhao Wei to solve. If you continue to move forward, the difficulty will be bigger and bigger, and Zhao Wei will not be as relaxed as it is now.

Entering this state, Zhao Wei is the strongest force to directly acquire the heavens and the earth, but this power also has a limit, but it is much stronger than a virtual reality.

The flames around it turned into a purple color, and the temperature was higher than that of the white flame. When the feeling of Zhao Wei came, these flames condensed and formed a flame of five or six meters high and rushed to Zhao.

There are a lot of people in the flames, and the black pressure is one piece, and it is unclear how much, and it gives off the heat of the heat.

Zhao Yu chilled in the cold, stretched out a hand and grabbed it. Countless divine power gathered in the hands of Zhao Wei, forming a sword that was as transparent as a crystal, exuding a pure power of the world.


These flame people are not real life, but they are made up of fire and inflammation. Without a little fear, they make a loud roar and rush to Zhao with a fierce momentum, as if they can destroy everything.

There is no change in Zhao Wei’s look, just holding a sword and floating in the air, motionless.

Countless flames are coming in front of Zhao Wei, and they are about to launch an attack.


A huge roar sounded, Zhao Wei waved the sword in his hand, a huge and unimaginable color sword force, with the power to destroy all things, such as sweeping countless leaves with a broom, swept forward.

At that moment, countless rushing flames were shot and flew out, turning into countless purple flames.

The black man who pressed the flames disappeared at that moment.

Ling Ji was behind Zhao Wei and saw a scene in front of her. She showed a surprised expression in one place. At the beginning, she was more optimistic about Zhao Wei, so she deliberately cultivated Zhao Wei and made Zhao Wei the guardian of the human world.

Now Zhao’s achievements have not only disappointed her, but more than she expected. Now she can’t estimate Zhao’s future achievements. It seems that Zhao Wei has unlimited potential and can grow indefinitely.

When she decided that year, she had no choice wrong.

Zhao Wei did not care what Lingyi wanted, and the body continued to drift forward. Numerous flames condensed and formed a flame man, and rushed to Zhao with a strong momentum.

In the face of these flames, Zhao Wei was still cold and did not feel anything. He waved the sword in his hand and continued to pull out his sword.

The flames that rushed past were wiped out by Zhao Wei in an instant, and did not have much impact on Zhao Zhao Wei continued to drift inside the forbidden land.

Finally, Zhao Wei also came to a position close to the interior of the forbidden land. The fire in front was reddish, and the void was completely distorted, making the front look terrible, just like the red wall that constantly twists and changes.

Exudes a more terrifying heat, which can be burned to everything, causing great fear.

Ordinary Emperor Tianqiang strong can not get close, even if it emits a defensive cover, it can not withstand the huge high temperature, it will be burned in a moment.

Although Zhao Wei has not changed his face, it actually has a lot of pressure to understand the terrible front. The inside of the forbidden ground and the outside of the forbidden area are completely different levels. The inside may be more than ten times more dangerous than the outside.

Numerous gods radiate from the body of Zhao Wei, not strong but embarrassed, a large colored crystal defensive cover slowly formed, wrapped around the body of Zhao Yu and Ling Ji.

The crystal defensive hood looks very thin, and it breaks when touched gently, but it emits an indestructible power, and there are many gods on it.

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