The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2395: Fairy fire


A huge roar sounded, a color in the sky, a dozen meters wide, like a normal light column, with the power to penetrate the world, went straight to the fairy phoenix.

The fairy phoenix was shocked and his body flew to the side, avoiding this terrible beam of light.

The light beam instantly penetrated the void, without a trace, and the bottom seemed to be integrated into the void.

Xian Huofeng has not had time to rejoice.


A huge roar of sound, a color-like column of light, with the power of destruction, continued to fall from the sky, and the speed was very fast.

Xian Huofeng began to use the flexibility of the body, but also to avoid a few beams of light, but with more and more light columns, plus her body is huge, there is no way to escape, only a force can be emitted to form a red color Energy cover.


The speed of the light column is still very fast, and it continually falls from the sky, hitting the red energy cover. The red energy cover does not resist for a long time, and is directly crushed by many light beams.

More than a dozen beams of light penetrated the body of the fairy phoenix, blood splashed, and the phoenix phoenix gave a painful tweet.

Those ten-meter-wide beams of light are relatively slender relative to the body of the sacred fire and phoenix. From a distance, the fairy phoenix is ​​like being penetrated by more than a dozen colored sticks.


A huge horror screamed at a time. Under the violent pain, the fairy phoenix looked a little crazy. A hot flame came out of her body, and the beam of light that penetrated her body was easily burned by the flame.

The flames of the square are wrapped in her body like a tide, and a huge fireball is formed.

The fireball keeps spinning, and countless flames continue to gather there. The fireball is constantly rotating, getting bigger and bigger, and the temperature emanating from it is terrifying to the extreme. The void is constantly melting and collapsing.

The fireball didn't mean anything to stop, it kept spinning, it grew bigger, and finally it became a fireball of more than 100,000 meters. With a huge sense of oppression, it gave off a terrible breath of burning the world.

The phoenix is ​​trying to do everything in its power, using her mastery of the strongest ones.

Zhao Wei looked at the huge fireball in front of him. His look was still cold and there was no change. A powerful virtual shadow began to emerge in the sky, densely distributed around him, and there were tens of thousands.

They have men and women, old and young, beasts, and poultry, each of which exudes powerful power and represents every god.

The terrible power fluctuations of the coming of the gods also impeded this piece of emptiness, everything is at rest, and the picture is terrible.


As soon as the sound of the world's blasting sounds, the huge fireball bursts open, and countless flames will spread with the power of burning the heavens and earth. At that moment, space, time, and fairy power are all turned into nothingness, nothing exists. .

In the face of the flame that destroyed everything, Zhao Wei’s expression did not change, and there was no movement.

One by one, the phantom of the gods broke out with a powerful force, reaching out a hand, and a stock of power came out in their hands.

Numerous divine powers condense in front and begin to crystallize. The hexagonal crystals form a huge semi-circular crystal cover, which exudes a vast force of panacea.


The flame of the burning world hit the defensive hood at that moment, and the defensive hood radiated a powerful force of strength to resist and that force, a sound of crisp sound, a huge crystal energy, and countless crack.

In the end, the crystal cover still blocked the horrible flame. Now there are countless flames burning around, and everything is in the void.

Ling Ji looked at everything in the distance with a shocked look. The power of both Zhao Wei and Xian Huofeng was too scary, not the power that mortal can have.

This terrible fluctuation made the few sons on the other side feel it, showing a shocked expression.

"How could that direction erupt such a terrible wave? With this terrible wave, it feels like you can kill a saint."

A figure emerged in the minds of several people. Now only that person is in that direction, and I don’t know what the man is fighting, and it’s such a terrible wave.

They really want to see how intense this battle will be, and also want to see how terrible the power of that person is.

Now that they are on the other side, it will be more difficult to get there.

After using this trick, Xian Huofeng almost exhausted all the power and the body became very weak. However, Zhao Wei, who was not suffering from a little injury, felt really afraid. He did not dare to have any hesitation, flapping his wings. Fly forward.


The sound of a chain of sounds sounded, and a huge chain was shot from the side of Zhao Wei. The speed was very fast, and it shot at the fire phoenix with a rapid momentum.

Xianhuofeng has almost no strength. In the face of the numerous chains that have been shot in the past, there is no resistance to it. It is directly tied in the air.

Zhao Wei’s body continued to drift forward, came to the front of Xian Huofeng, looked at the fairy phoenix coldly, and extended a hand. Numerous divine power emerged from his hand, and a dangerous atmosphere came out.

"Don't kill me!" Xian Huofeng was afraid of begging.

Zhao Yuwen said that he would take back his hand. If Xianhuofeng did not ask for mercy, Zhao Wei would indeed kill her. In this state, Zhao Wei not only stripped all kinds of emotions, but also despised all things in heaven and earth.

Although Zhao Wei did not have the idea of ​​destroying the world, everything that dares to anger, block, and let him not like it has an idea of ​​destroying them.

"Are you surrendering to me?" Zhao said coldly.

Xianhuofeng has no choice The fearful opening said, "As long as you don't kill me, then I am willing to surrender to you."


A sound broke through the air, Zhao Xiaomei's ancient mirror shot a beam of light, shot into the body of Xianhuofeng, a powerful **** banned in the body of Xianhuofeng.

Xian Huofeng did not dare to have any resistance, letting the prohibition spread in the body.

At this time, Zhao Wei did not use the six desires, and the fairy phoenix should be able to become a human figure. If she is controlled by the six desires, she will be higher, and she will surrender to Zhao Wei from the body and mind.

But just said that Zhao Yi's various emotions have been stripped, and there are also emotions in this love.

Now even if it is a stunning beauty, without standing in front of the clothes, Zhao Wei will not be tempted, and has no interest in women. Of course, he has no interest in men.

After accepting the fairy phoenix, Zhao Wei closed his eyes and sensed it.

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