The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2398: Son

Zhao Wei showed his power in one time. A lot of divine power was highly condensed, and began to crystallize, forming a crystal defensive cover, enveloping Zhao Wei three people, resisting that terrible heat.

It was not far from the three people flying forward, and the huge high temperature began to melt some parts of the crystal defensive cover.


A roar of sounds, seven stars exudes the power of seven kinds of emperors at one time, and the crystal defensive hood gets seven kinds of emperor star blessings, emitting seven colors of light, resisting that high temperature, no longer melts.

Continue to fly forward.

But as it gets closer and closer to the core area of ​​the forbidden zone, the temperature is getting more and more abnormal. Even the defensive hoods supported by the seven emperors can't resist, and some melts at once.

Some of the heat has penetrated into the hood, and the body of Zhao Wei’s three people is grilled.

This terrible temperature is that some of the phoenix phoenixes can't resist it, and there is a sweat on the body.

Zhao Wei can only stop, and now his strength is too weak to enter the core of the forbidden land.

Since it can't enter the core area, there is no value for exploration in this forbidden place. Zhao Wei said directly, "Let's go!"

Ling Ji reveals a disappointing expression and responds lightly.

The temperature in the core area of ​​the forbidden area is so terrible that there is no way to step into it without a spiritual environment. Now you can only go to other forbidden areas.

In addition to this forbidden land, there are three other forbidden places, hoping to gain something there, otherwise there will be no other cracks in the fairy world, only to find the half fairy, and the possibility of finding the half fairy is extremely small.

Xian Huofeng did not say anything, and honestly followed Zhao Wei.

The three people left the forbidden land and went outside the forbidden land. Zhao Wei took back the power of the gods and changed back to the original appearance. Although the breath is still very strong, at least there is no kind of cold before, so that the heart of Ling Ji and Xian Huofeng Just relax a little.

"Zhao Wei, then we are going to the forbidden place?" Ling Ji’s face showed a smile, and asked Zhao Zhao.

Zhao Wei took out the jade dish and looked at it, then smiled and said, "Since this burning spirit has no suitable place to build the squad, we will go to the next forbidden land."

Xian Huofeng asked curiously, "Master! What do you want to do in the end? Why do you want to find a place where you can arrange a squad in the forbidden land? This kind of place is almost in the forbidden place, because the forbidden land is in chaos." Bad."

Zhao Xiao replied with a smile. "I need a lot of scent, I can only find it in the forbidden land formed by the cracks in the fairyland."

Xian Huofeng saw that Zhao’s attitude became so good, and he smiled and replied, “Well, I know, and the owner, you just got a state of terrible, I don’t dare to say a few words to you. ”

Zhao Wei chuckled. "In that state, my emotions will be almost stripped, so it will be like that. I usually don't enter that state."

Fairy phoenix nodded gently, "Master! I have forgotten to tell you my name, my name is Feng Dance."

Zhao Yu responded with a voice and took the two to the next forbidden place.


A terrible knife light flew a handsome young man, and the young man spit out a blood, without any meaning of staying, and continued to flee to the side.

Because there are five people behind him chasing him, headed by a handsome young man, holding a red long knife, just the knife he pulled out.

Several people are Western faces, blond hair and blue eyes.

The handsome young man chased and laughed. "My good brother, you continue to run! Can you see if you can escape?"

Qingxiu youth looked angry and turned to look at the handsome young man. The body continued to flee quickly.

The handsome young man continued to chase after him, and then showed a sneer, but it was a knife, and a knife and a knife slammed into the Qingxiu youth. The Qingxiu youth flew out in a beggar, and a wound appeared on the back, and the blood continued to flow out. .

The Qingxiu youth endured the pain and continued to fly forward because he understood that if he stopped, he would definitely die in the hands of handsome young people.

The handsome young man’s face showed a playful smile, and he continued to carry people behind him.

Seeing the handsome young man catching up with the Qingxiu youth.

At this time, Zhao Wei three people are also using the ring of the void to come here, just in front of the Qingxiu youth.

Qingxiu youth said this joy, "You will save me. I am the Son of the Western Semi-Fairy. If you can save me, you will definitely give you a lot of benefits."

Zhao Wei three people just transferred to this place, have not responded.

The handsome young man directly surrounded Zhao Zhao, and the Qingxiu youth was also surrounded.

"My good brother, you are so stupid, even asking for help from three people who are weaker than you, you should be killed by me." The handsome young man laughed loudly.

Qingxiu youth heard the reaction Inductive Zhao Zhao’s strength is indeed weaker than him. He just didn’t think much, he couldn’t let go of the chance of living, but now they are three They are weaker than him, then he really wants to die here.

Zhao Wei sensed that the cultivation of the two young people was a virtual reality, and that they all had a holy blood, and they should be the Son of the Half Immortal.

I don’t know what kind of grievances they have. Zhao’s purpose is to go to the forbidden area, so I don’t want to participate. I said to the handsome young man, “I will not interfere with this, you let us leave.”

The handsome young and handsome smile said, "Is you qualified to talk to me? I want you to let you go, not letting you go will not let you go."

Zhao Yan frowned. "You don't want to be too much."

The handsome young man laughed and said, "How am I going too much? I am now a half-sacred son of the West. I don't care what you are. Now I am begging for mercy for me."

The Qingxiu youth looked nervously at the Quartet and planned to continue to find a chance to escape. Zhao Zhao’s three are no longer within his scope of concern.

It can be found that if he is a little hard to get out of the way, he will say to Zhao Wei. "He can't let you three people. You will definitely die here. Now if you help me escape, I will take care of the loved ones of the three of you."

What he meant was that he wanted Zhao to kill these people and let him have a chance to escape.

The handsome young man looked at the phoenix dance leaves and the spirit Ji, and smiled and said, "That is not necessarily! Men will kill me. As for the two stunning beauty, I will bring it back and enjoy it."

Zhao Yanbing had a cold face and looked at the group of people in front of him. "You are looking for death yourself!"


Zhao Wei directly broke out a terrible force. A sword smashed toward the handsome young man. The handsome young man’s face changed. It seems that Zhao Wei suddenly broke out of such a powerful force.

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