The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2408: treasure

They did not think that Zhao Hao suddenly broke out such a terrible momentum, let them feel a strong crisis.

Zhao Yu looked at them with a pair of eyes, and the voice was a bit sullen. "I want this thing, and I will see it quickly!"

The people on both sides stopped fighting and looked at Zhao Wei with a look of surprise. They saw for the first time that someone dared to speak to them.

The animal skin woman was directly furious and broke out with a fierce momentum. She rushed over to Zhao, and shouted, "The kid is crazy, and the old lady will kill you now."

The ugly young man has a cold face and rushes to Zhao.


Zhao Yu extended a hand, a huge ghost poured out, turned into two huge ghost hands, with a strong ghost force, grabbed the two people.


The skinned woman waved her bones in her hand, and a huge force was fiercely shot, killing the ghost hand that had caught the past into countless ghosts.


The rifle in the hands of the ugly youth spurs forward with a force, and an amazing force hits the past forward, directly penetrating the ghost hand and turning it into a ghost.

The two men immediately rushed to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Hao’s expression did not change much. The huge ghosts that emerged in the moment formed a dozen ghosts who gave off the cold power in an instant, exuding an amazing momentum and playing together.

The two were shocked and waved their weapons in a hurry, hitting a terrible force or guns, crushing most of the ghosts and turning them into countless ghosts.

boom! boom!

But the remaining ghosts still hit the two with a strong force, and they both flew out.

When two people were shot and flew out, they were still not convinced, and a more powerful force erupted, and they rushed to Zhao.


A huge roar sounded, and a much larger ghost gushed out of Zhao’s body. At that moment, dozens of huge ghosts were formed, with amazing power, and the speed quickly flew to the two saints. .

The skinned woman is angry and injects a huge force into the bones, constantly waving, and a huge force is struck forward, as if the space in front is broken.

The ugly youth constantly stabbed the long gun in their hands, and the sharp guns and thorns continued to spur forward, giving off a terrible destruction of their energy.


A loud bang was heard, and the ghost hand was crushed, and a lot of ghosts spread and surrounded.

After crushing countless ghosts, the two sons sullenly face, with great power, rushing toward Zhao.

Zhao Yan’s mouth rose, showing a sneer, and a light drink, “Ghost fun!”

Ah, ah...

A screaming roar, the ghosts that spread out, turned into a singer in a moment, and made countless roars, such as the tides rushing toward the two saints.

The two saints were shocked, because the distance was too close, they had not reacted, and some of the ghosts fluttered on them.


The two saints broke out with powerful power, and the blood of the holy level burned up, and the power of the heavens and the earth surpassed the pressure of the mortal world, and countless radiances came through and penetrated countless ghosts.

The bodies of many ghosts are shot through the light, making a painful cry, and the body is dissipated into countless ghosts.


Suddenly a figure appeared in front of the woman in the skin, and the face of the animal skin changed. I just wanted to attack it, and Zhao Yu kicked it out.


A dull voice came out, and Zhao Wei kicked the woman's abdomen in the skin of the animal skin. The woman of the animal skin was kicked out by a kick and spit out a blood.

Zhao Yu Yin's gaze looks at the ugly youth.

The ugly youth was shocked. Now that he is afraid of burning holy blood, he has the power to surpass the heavens and the earth, but he still has some fear in front of him.


Zhao Wei’s body disappeared in the same place and appeared in front of the ugly youth.

An ugly young man injected a rifle into his hand and slammed it forward. A terrible gunman stabbed Zhao.


Zhao Yu stretched out a hand, and a huge ghost poured out. Zhao Yi’s hand became a ghost hand that gave off terrible power. It was covered with ghost lines, and the nails became sharp and long. Lived the long gun that stabbed.

The ugly young man’s expression was a glimpse. He did not expect Zhao Wei to directly grab his long gun.


The ugly youth only felt a creepy body, and his body was cold. He looked at Zhao's eyebrows, as if there was a very scary and cold ghost eye staring at him.


A dull voice sounded, the ugly youth had not reacted, only felt a huge ghost force hit him, directly smashed him out, and spit out a large mouth of blood.

Zhao Wei has a long shot in his hand, and his tone is a bit scornful. "You sons are terrible in the eyes of others. They are distinguished and noble, but they are still a little worse in front of me."

The two sons look ugly and look at Zhao If the average person dares to say such arrogance, they will definitely laugh at it, but this person has the strength and qualification to say so.

Their powerful holy blood can't suppress him on the blood. Although he hides the blood, it should never be lower than the holy level.

The animal skin woman snorted. "You count, you don't want that thing, everyone go with me!"

The ugly younger woman who is stronger than him has chosen to take a step back. She does not want to have a hard time with Zhao Wei. She does not want to continue. He can’t die here for a treasure. He whispered, "Let's go!"

The two gangs turned and left, and Zhao Wei did not continue to attack them. Because they all retreated, Zhao did not need to waste power, and the consequences of killing these sons would be very serious.

Feng Wuye said with a smile on his face, "Master! You are really amazing."

Zhao Xiao laughed and took them both to the valley below.


When I came to the immortal fairy valley, Zhao Wei waved his hand, and a gust of wind blew away the rich scent, revealing the look inside the valley.

I saw a small spring in the middle of the green grass.

Koizumi is only four or five meters wide, constantly braving the spring water, making a crisp and clear sound, and countless fairy light emerges from it, containing a powerful fairy power.

This small spring is a fairy spring, and every drop of spring water is a fairy water containing Xianli, which has many functions.

Zhao Wei has changed back to the original appearance, and saw this one of Xianquan revealing a smile. Ordinary such a small fairy spring will not cause two holy sons to snatch, because this small fairy spring has a spring bead.

Only take this spring away and place it anywhere, there will be a fairy spring.

Because this is Xianquan, it is best to put it in a place with a fairy, and put it in a place where there is no fairy, the effect will be worse.

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