The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2414: blood

However, these things belong to themselves immediately. These countless materials can enhance the foundation of Daqin and make Daqin stronger.

Zhao Hao said with a smile, he said, "I need you to make a contract, not to hurt me, or to leak this out."

The old water dragon heard Zhao Wei promised, and his heart was very happy. His repairs finally had a chance to break through. Without any hesitation, the old water dragon body emitted a lot of blue light, and the line of deeds paid.

After Zhao Yi checked, many of the contract texts were integrated into the body of the old water dragon, forming an invisible bondage.

After doing all this, the old water dragon is honestly waiting for the water, and a pair of dragons are looking forward to watching Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei took out a dagger. In a cut wrist, the blood slowly flowed out, and a fragrance that transcended the holy medicine drifted away.

The spirit of the old water dragon is shocked. Based on this smell, this blood is extraordinary and has the power to change beyond the sky.

Shuling stood there respectfully, because he knew the power of this blood, and the body had a respect for its instinct.

Blood is not ordinary blood. It is the blood of some of Zhao’s origins. Otherwise, it is not so powerful. The blood of the source is also more important to Zhao Wei. If you lose a lot, it will make Zhao’s power drop.

Under the control of Zhao Wei, the blood that flowed out formed a small blood group and flew over to the old water dragon.

The old water dragon carefully stretched out a pair of dragon claws, caught the blood group that had drifted past, and then opened his mouth and swallowed the small blood group into his mouth.


A huge roar sounds, the old water dragon only feels a blood group in the body to open, a transcendence of the law of the world, without any power constraints, is not the power that mortal can have.

"The original source of blood?" The old Shuilong looked horrified, did not think of a small emperor in front of the heavens, even with such a terrible blood.


The dragon's blood of the old water dragon has become extremely excited and excited. It seems that it is almost crazy. The dragon's blood has become extremely hot. His body seems to be burning.

"Dragon's Supreme Bloodline!" The old Shuilong looked even more astonished. He did not think that the blood was more terrible than imagined, and it also contained the Dragon's supreme blood.


The hot blood flows in the body, and a huge and unimaginable dragon power emerges from the body. The old water dragon makes a huge dragon scorpion in the sky. The sound rushes into the sky and hits the sky. A terrible sound spreads, countless The clouds disappeared instantly.


The old water dragon body is full of strength, and it hits an invisible wall that is in front of the repaired side. The wall that blocks the repair is instantly collapsed and dissipated.


A loud and loud noise was emitted once, and the old water dragon body emitted countless blue lights, leaping from the water with a huge momentum, rushing to the sky, bursting out all the power, more powerful blue light. Shining on the square.

The entire sky was dyed blue, and a huge blue dragon was seen from a distance, hovering in the sky, and a terrible wave of undulation spread.

This power world seems to be unbearable, time and space seem to be imprisoned, the air becomes extremely dignified, and many nearby creatures feel a horrible pressure, and there is a strong fear in the heart, and it is impossible to move on the ground.

"Who is this to break through for power?"

Some creatures have just experienced this kind of power, and naturally understand that this kind of pressure is to break through the fluctuations that are emitted by the power. In such a short time, two people will break through and become powerful, and they will be shocked.

The old water dragon hovering in the sky, emitting a lot of strong blue light, the body is more and more transparent, and then constantly condensed into an old man.

The old man had six pointed dragon horns on his head, his face was ruddy, wearing a blue robes, exuding a force that transcends the heavens and the earth and the fear of all beings.

The old man feels that the body belongs to a large amount of power, a smile and excitement on his face. His mood is the same as that of the previous tree spirit. The repair that has been stuck for a long time is finally broken. Can't help but be excited and happy.

After a while, the old water dragon reacted and flew to the front of Zhao Wei, respectfully respecting the worship. "Thank you, adults, I didn't think that you are a noble Dragon Supreme. It is really my honor to see you."

The attitude of the old water dragon is more respectful than the tree spirit, because he is not only grateful to Zhao Wei, but also because Zhao Wei has the dragon's supreme blood.

He himself is a dragon, and he is respectful to a bloodline that is far more noble than him. He has a kind of respect for his instinct, and his heart is more recognized by Zhao Wei.

Shuling looked at the attitude of the old water dragon, but also a little scared, he even looked down on Zhao Wei, did not expect him to be the Dragon Supreme.

Now I can't believe how terrible his identity is. This person must try his best to please, and there may be huge benefits in the future.

Zhao Wei looked at the two powerful figures who were high in power. They looked at each other with respect and respect, and said, "No need to be extra!"

The old water dragon raised his head, put his hands down, and looked at Zhao Wei with a smile.

Zhao Wei looked at the pile of materials on the lake, and grabbed a hand to grab it. Numerous materials rushed past the tide, and then disappeared into the void, and they filled the space created by Zhao Wei himself.

After collecting countless materials, Zhao Xiao said with a smile to the tree, "Let's go!"

"Good adult!" Shuling smiled and said.

When the old Shuilong saw Zhao Wei’s departure, he immediately asked, “I don’t know where the adults are going?”

Shuling said with a smile, "Old Shuilong! The adults have come to us here this time. I am protecting the adults so as not to see any danger. Are you willing to protect the adults? This is a good thing."

The old Shuilong smiled and said to Zhao Wei, "I am willing to follow the adults to protect the adults also ask the adults to allow."

There is another power, voluntarily protecting himself. This kind of good thing, Zhao Wei, certainly will not refuse. He said with a smile, "Yes!"

Later, Zhao Wei followed the tree spirit and flew over to the other side.

At this time, Zhao Wei did not know that there was another 10 million points in the fairy door of the body. Now the total score has reached 20 million points. The sensation caused by Zhao Wei did not calm down. Now there are another 10 million points. Everyone seems to be boiling.

"Hey, God, God, another million points, how did he do it? Can you defeat a big power? Can you get an extra hour from the last time you got 10 million points? Is that person able to Beat the power in an hour?"

"It's a metamorphosis, it's too abnormal. I saw such a terrible person for the first time. Those sacred Tianjiao feel a little bit scum and don't know what his identity is."

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