The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2419: Void

Zhao Wei said with a chuckle, "I can go without it! I will not participate in the fairy door. You can continue to try and don't care about me."

It is said that the five holy heavenly arrogants thought about it. Since Zhao Wei did not participate in it, he could ignore him. Then they are still likely to open Xianmen. If Zhao is involved, they have no chance.

Now Zhao Wei will give them such an important opportunity. The five people are somewhat grateful. "Thank you for not participating."

Zhao Xiao smiled and said nothing, and took people to fly to one side.

The Xianmen Order also has time to use. After this time, people will be sent out. If they are not sent out, they can only rely on their own ability to leave the depths of the forbidden area. This will be very dangerous.

Zhao Wei wants to use these time to get more treasures. As for the tree spirit and the old water dragon, he will not leave with him, because the depth of the forbidden land is the best place to practice.

They are banned creatures familiar with the surrounding, and they can have no semi-immortal cultivation, only to stay in the depths of the forbidden land.


A few hours later, Zhao Wei followed the tree spirit to the ruins. Most of the buildings here have collapsed. Only some of the ruins are broken, surrounded by ridiculousness, and many weeds grow.

When I came here, it was the tree that was inspired to have traces of volatility here, maybe I could find something good.

Because it may be in the depths of the ban, people who build various buildings here are not very powerful people, they are very powerful races.

The tree is inspired by the surrounding, opening the way, "Adult! You come with me."

Zhao Wei nodded, then followed the tree spirit to a flat land.

Shuling pressed one hand on the ground, and a powerful yellow force spread out. The ground slammed down and there was a black passage that was ten meters wide and three meters high.

That passageway is also an enchantment protection, a kind of void enchantment that exudes a strong force.

Shuling’s face was a bit serious, and he said, “Adult! The passage here is not simple, it may be dangerous, we still have to continue to explore?”

Zhao Wei heard this and his face was serious. The spirit of the tree was powerful. He said that it was dangerous. It indicated that there was a threat to the power of power, but Zhao Wei decided to give it a try. If it was really dangerous, then Can only leave.

After learning the consciousness of Zhao Yu, Shuling extended a hand into countless roots, and quickly attacked the enchantment, and then wrapped the enchantment.

Many tree roots are absorbing the power of the enchantment, and slowly the enchantment becomes weaker and weaker, and then breaks open, and a emptiness of the wind blew out from the passage, blowing the clothes of Zhao Yi.

Shuling walked in front and turned to the old water dragon to say, "Old dragon! You and I guard each other, to avoid the danger of adults, and always be careful, once something is dangerous, we immediately quit."

The old water dragon nodded seriously, and he also felt the volatility that came out here, which was terrible.

They stood in front of Zhao Wei, and Zhao Wei followed behind, because knowing that it was very dangerous, Zhao Wei did not let Feng Yiye and Ling Ji follow, let them wait outside.

Subsequently, Zhao Wei three people walked into the dark passage.

After entering it, the tree spirit waved, and numerous yellow rays were emitted, illuminating the entire passage.

Keep moving forward.

A huge force of the void, violently flew out from the depths of the passage, with an astonishing force, struck the three people to Zhao.

In the depths of the tree, a hand, a powerful force poured in, forming a defensive cover.


A huge roar sounded, and the force of the void hit the defensive hood, and the defensive cover shook and cracked some small cracks.

The power of this void is estimated to be unstoppable by people of the spiritual level.

But fortunately, Zhao Wei does not have to shoot, there are two great powers around, they are blocking all the dangers for Zhao Wei, if they can not stop, Zhao Wei has no ability to resist.

Keep going!


Another huge force of the void, flying out of the depths of the passage, hit the defensive hood with a huge momentum.

The cracks in the hood are also increasing.

The tree spirit can only exert more powerful power. Only a few tiny roots are seen, growing in the energy hood, and the hood becomes thicker and stronger, emitting a greater force.


In the depths of the passage, a huge force of void was poured out, and it hit the defensive hood with amazing power. This time, the defensive cover resisted the force of the void, and there was no crack in it.

Moving on, there is a constant force of emptiness, with powerful force hitting the defensive hood, and a solid yellow defensive hood resisting these attacks.

Finally, Zhao Zhao came to the space.

This place is nothing, like nothing, surrounded by darkness, without any trace of light, surrounded by silence.

"Adult! Now that you are standing among us, the next may be even more dangerous. You should be careful too. We may not be able to guarantee that you are not hurting a little." Shu Ling said seriously.

Zhao Wei seriously replied, "I know!"

The air emitted here is ten times more dangerous than the inside of the passage. It is dark all around and I don't know what horrible things are.

Everyone continues to move forward!


A roar suddenly sounded, a translucent, five-meter-long, double-browed wolf with a long hair, and rushed out from the side, with a terrible power, swiftly rushed to Zhao Zhao.


A dull sound rang, the one of the hollow wolves biting on the hood, and the sharp teeth cracked the defensive hood, which looked terrible.

At that moment, the old water dragon stretched out a hand and grabbed it. Numerous hydraulics gathered in his hands to form a water dragon gun. The old water dragon held a long gun and a thorn. The water dragon gun with powerful force directly penetrated the void. The body of the wolf.

The wolf of the void screamed. The body is turned into countless virtual air streams, which disappear and disappear.

The three carefully moved on.


A screaming screamed A terrible hollow wolf slowly appeared from the darkness, and a pair of wolves looked cold and cruel and looked at Zhao Wei.

These empty wolves exude a strong breath, and each one is not weaker than the strong road. If there is no big energy level to enter here, you must die here.

Zhao Wei three people also stopped, because many hollow wolves surrounded them.


Many empty wolves did not hesitate for too long, with a strong momentum, one only rushed to Zhao Zhao three people, the speed is very fast.

The spirit of the tree is serious, and there is no fear. It stretches out more powerful forces, more roots grow in the yellow energy hood, and the hood becomes more rigid and harder.

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