The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2464: Cardification

Many knights and Hilary stood in front of Zhao Wei, looking forward to watching Zhao Wei nervously.

With a smile on his face, Zhao Yan stretched out a hand and a huge force poured out into their bodies.


They also sounded a roar in their minds, only feeling a huge force infused into their bodies, and they were shocked.

This power exceeds their imagination, letting them strength, blood, belief, and the body is uncontrollable and knees on the ground.

Subsequently, a stamp was revealed from their eyebrows. They obtained the seal of Zhao Wei, and the momentum radiated from the body dissipated. They were weaker than the elders of the Knights Union, so the benefits were even greater.

Everyone feels a change of body and a smile of surprise.

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, "Get up!"

The people came back and stood up from the ground, looking at Zhao Wei with a smile.

Hilary stepped forward and looked at Zhao Wei and said with a smile. "The knights that you condense are strong and powerful. It seems that I have looked down on you. It is not my man."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "I have something to tell you now!"

Hilary looked at Zhao Wei curiously and asked, "What is it?"

Many knights also looked at Zhao Wei.

Zhao Yan continued to smile, "I want to build two cavalry regiments, one will give you control."

It is said that many knights have a smile, and the strength of Zhao Wei will definitely establish two unusual cavalry regiments, and the knights given by Zhao Wei are terrifying to the extreme. If a cavalry has such a cavalry, there is nothing. Block.

Hilary said with a smile, "Good! I didn't want to be a king. I just wanted to be the head of a cavalry regiment. Then you want to build two how to build a corps?"

Zhao Wei thought for a moment and said, "With the knights that I have given you, you will definitely become the legendary emperor in the future, and even surpass the imperial knights. I want to train you as the world's top cavalry."

Hilary and many knights nodded with a smile, and now they have the confidence to become a knight, and there is a lot of excitement in their hearts.

Zhao Wei continued, "The conditions are limited, and you can't give you high-end treasures and mounts. I will prepare for you later. You will first establish the Knights who belong to you."

Hilary said with a smile, "We know."

Zhao Yan smiled on his face and was trying to take Hilary back to the throne. Hilary in his arms asked, "Is there a cavalry regiment? You are not talking about establishing two cavalry regiments?"

Looking at Hilary in her arms, Zhao Wei said something about the Knights Union. Many knights are blushing. They understand that feeling because they have also experienced it.

Hilary said with some anger, "Okay! You are a bad guy who has slandered me and invaded my good friend, and the union elders have not let go."

Zhao Wei said with a shameless smile. "I can't blame me at the time. There is no way for me to print for the Cavaliers, and they are as attractive as you."

Hilary said, "Today we don't satisfy us, we won't forgive you."

Zhao Wei chuckled. "Well, I know."

The other female knights had a blush on their faces, looking forward to watching Zhao Wei, who naturally liked it.

Zhao Xi took Hilary and sat back on the throne.

Hilary continued to ask curiously, "What kind of knights do they want to be? Is it different from us?"

Zhao Wei nodded. "They have a total of twelve people, 11 of whom are the 11 factions of the Knights' Union. They represent the power of different attributes. Elena belongs to the Knights of the Gods and has different characteristics from others. power."

"I intend to train them as an elemental knight, a cavalry regiment with all kinds of power."

Hilary frowned. "Isn't it that the cavalry regiment they formed is stronger than the cavalry regime we built? We don't have that much property."

Although Hilary and Elena are good friends, she does not want to be weaker than Elena's Cavaliers.

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "If you are blessed by other forces, there is indeed no strong Knight of them."

Hilary looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of beautiful eyes. "What power is there to make us stronger? Just need to be as strong as the Elemental Cavalry."

Zhao Wei thought for a moment, "In fact, you are not without advantages. Compared with them, you have the blood of the king. I will train you into a king cavalry regiment. The strength will not be weaker than them."

Hilary was happy to kiss Zhao, "Thank you for your cooperation!"

Later, Zhao Wei sat on the throne and took Hilary, watching the various information on the collected card world.

The result is rewarding and it is about the region.

This area has a card-like place. Such a place contains a strong card force. Unfortunately, it cannot be used as a place of cultivation. If it can be used as a place of cultivation, it can increase the speed of cultivation.

And that place has a very powerful erosive force that can erode a lot of things, and those that are eroded will become a card, so it is called a cardification place.

This kind of card is used in many places, such as directly throwing in various things, and those things will automatically become cards.

Because in the card world, cardification requires strength, the higher the cardization level, the greater the number, the greater the power consumed.

With this card, you don't have to worry about these consumptions, you can card a lot of things.

The second is that although the cardification land has strong erosion power, it cannot be used as a place for cultivation. However, if the card is placed there, the card will be moistened by the cardification place and will have stronger strength.

The third is to card things that are not part of the card world. This is the most important role of Zhao Wei. Its powerful erosion can erode things that are not part of the card world and change. The structure of those things makes things that become the world of the card, and then they are also stuck.

That is, it is a place of conversion, which can transform other world things into things in the card world.

Zhao Wei feels that he may be useful to himself. With such a place, you can transform the Apocalypse world creature into a creature in the card world.

Finally, the cardified land also produces a low-grade card crystal, which is a kind of spar containing the force of the card, which has various functions in the card world.

Such a place must have a master. There is a kingdom that lists that place as its own territory. It is forbidden for others to enter. The offenders are innocent. If you want to get this place, you must defeat that kingdom.

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