The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2467: war

They are still thinking, "The Locke State can't help but attack them, but fortunately they have a lot of preparations."

But when they got to the wall, they found that things were a little bit ugly. Looking at the sky, there were countless powerful beasts, and their faces were very ugly.

This is definitely not the Locke country, because the Locke country cannot have so many beasts.

What forces can attack the Leiming country in front of you?

I don’t have time to think about it. There are countless horrible monsters that are rushing to the front. There are eagle with black feathers, fish that can fly in the sky, monsters with human heads and bird bodies...

The horrible momentum is like a flood. These people only feel cold hands and feet, and the body can't help but tremble.

"Quick, open the hood."

A shouting sounded, a few cards on the wall flew out, countless arc wounds, and a huge purple energy cover emerged, emitting a huge thunder.


A long bow was aimed at the sky, and a loud sound broke out. Countless arrows took a force and quickly shot into the sky.

Many fierce beasts emit countless demon gas in front of them, a single arrow shoots out the demon, countless demon gas will weaken the power of countless arrows.

The weakened arrows are shot on a monster and are shot into the body of the monster, but many arrows do not wear the defense of the monster, as if they hit the iron, making a squeaking sound. Falling down in the air.

Seeing that many arrows can't hurt those fierce beasts, many soldiers in Leiming's face are ugly, and they immediately take out a card.


A loud sound came out, and the cards were turned into a huge purple lightning, which hit the sky with terrible power, and the speed was very fast.


These thunders are really terrible. They directly blow up the monsters in front of the monsters and then slam them on the monsters. Many monsters emit electric light, fall from the sky, fall heavily on the ground, and pull out a A big pit.

The terrible cavalry regiment was divided into small teams standing on the wall, injecting a force into the rifle and slamming into the sky.


A purple gunman with a terrible power, and an amazing momentum, fiercely stabbed to the sky, as if the sky was smashed.

This gun is very terrible. It pierces the body of a monster, splashes blood, and a scream screams. The bodies are scattered on the ground and the ground is red.


A sound broke through the air, and countless arrows shot with great force, shot out the body of a monster, and shot a monster.

The terrible momentum of many monsters was resisted, and the people of Lei Mingguo breathed a sigh of relief and felt that they could resist these monsters without worrying too much.


Suddenly a huge burst of air shattered the sky, many soldiers of the Leiming country only felt the hair blowing up, and there was a fear in their hearts. They turned around and saw a huge stream of light, with the power to shoot through the world, quickly came over. .


Numerous people haven't reacted yet. A stream of light hits the defensive hood of the Thundering State, and the defensive hood is inserted through it. A huge arrow is shot on the wall, and the light is shattering the bodies of countless soldiers.

The screams rang and there were numerous bodies on the wall. The blood stained red around and a **** smell spread.

Everyone in Lei Mingguo had a wrong face and did not expect that such a thing would happen.


Countless shouts rang and the sound shook. The soldiers of Leiming were shocked. They turned their heads to look forward. They saw countless black armor, and they rushed over like the tide. They looked at them all at once.

"What happened?" Many soldiers were horrified.


A loud scream rang, the defensive hood of the thundering country was broken, countless monsters screamed, their eyes were fierce, and they looked at the soldiers on the wall, and then fiercely rushed over.

A big bird with a strange mouth rushed over and opened a mouth to bite dozens of thunder soldiers, and then swallowed directly into the belly. A monster like an eagle was used to attack like a steel claw. The bodies of the soldiers were torn apart.

A strong monster flew directly from the sky and landed on the wall, giving off a powerful force, violently rushing over to the soldiers and flying the soldiers one by one.

There is also a huge flying bird that fanns huge wings and fan out a huge storm, blowing the soldiers out directly.

The wall was in chaos, and countless thunderous nations fought back, screams and screams, and the number of dead people increased rapidly.


Through the cover of countless monsters, the Daqin soldiers did not get any obstacles, attacked directly under the city wall, and then quickly attacked the city.

Soldiers quickly climbed the wall through ladders. Some soldiers used flying locks to climb the walls quickly. Some climbed directly onto the wall with their hands and feet.

The soldiers of Leiming State used various heavy objects to smash the soldiers of Daqin, using bows and arrows to shoot the body of the Daqin soldiers. They also used a thunder and lightning to attack the Daqin soldiers and killed the Daqin soldiers.


A loud noise broke out, and the Daqin soldiers also fought back. A root arrow shot through the soldiers of Lei Mingguo, and also projected a spear, releasing a fireball with nowhere to be, and many soldiers of the Leiming country. Kill.

The Daqin soldiers had a large number of people and their strength was very strong. They attacked the city wall very easily and began to kill them with the soldiers of Leiming.

These soldiers of the Thundering State are certainly not the opponents of the Daqin soldiers. Now the Daqin soldiers are wearing dark armor, various forces blessing, and the power of alchemy. The general alchemy soldiers are not the opponents of the Daqin soldiers.

Ah, ah...

Numerous screams sounded, and the soldiers of Leiming State were constantly killed by the Daqin soldiers. The blood splatters, the soldiers are constantly falling down, and the bodies are covered with ground.

In the face of this group of soldiers like demons, the soldiers of the Leiming country could not resist, and there was a strong fear in their hearts, and the body was constantly retreating.

The battle continued for a while.

Thundering soldiers died innumerable. There was no power to resist the Daqin soldiers, and they fled back with fear. This meant that the thundering country failed.

Some cavalrymen of the Leiming National Cavalry Regiment, cold-faced, are still reluctant to retreat, gather together a stock, and launched an assault against the Daqin soldiers.

The strength of these cavalry regiments is really terrifying. They are armed with long guns, angered, radiant, and rushing on the ground. Many rays form an arrow-like thing, emitting a terrible force.

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