The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2472: cavalry

The women in the hall rested for a while and then they regained their strength. They wore clothes and came to the prison. They looked like they were embarrassed. The thundering king with a sorrowful curse felt a bit sad. Soon he was still the head of a country and was admired by thousands of people. People.

King Thunder saw their arrival, and the flush of their faces, naturally understood what had happened, and said with a bite, "How many of you have faces to see me? Let me roll, I don't want to see you."

The cold Yan Wang and the fascinating Wang Hao sighed slightly, and there was a little embarrassment in my heart.

The first Princess, Helensa, had a wet eye and felt very sorry for the King of Thunder, not only the King of Thunder, but also the man who had just betrayed her.

Her sister, Haisami, looked at the thundering king and said, "Sister husband! This is already the case. You and I can't change. If the country is strong, the result will not be like this, but if not, we are now Daqin is gone."

"Now we ask him to let you go. You will live well in the future. If there is time, I will go to see you with my sister. As long as your children have us to take care of you, don't worry."

King Lei Ming screamed, "I don't want to live. You told the **** to kill me, or I will kill him."

Helensa said with tears, "Your Majesty! Don't do this, we all hope that you can live well."

King Thunder looked at the beautiful face of Helen Shah's flush, and yelled, "Roll! I said I don't want to see you."

The enchanting Wang Hao said with some anger at this time. "You know how hard we have been to serve him before you get permission from you. You are now a prisoner. Do you think you have something to remember?"

When King Thunder heard this, the picture of Zhao Wei and his woman’s fierce clouds and rain appeared in her mind. It was almost mad, and shouted. "Roll! I will kill him so that he will not die."

Helensa pleaded with tears, "Your Majesty! We are sorry for you, but you have to think about it for the future."

King Thunder did not hear anything at all, and cried, "I must have him not to die! Just casually all his women."

Haisami’s face was disappointed to see the King of Thunder, and now he is like a wild beast, not the former strong and powerful king.

The mouth advised Helensha, "Sister! Let's go, now my brother-in-law is mad, wait a few days for us to come back, and it's best not to let him see you, because now we are all his women."

Hearing this, Helensha also remembered Zhao's various violations of her appearance, a flush of his face, nodded slightly, then looked at the thunder King, and left with a few people.

The King of Leiming also got the news now, his parents did not die, but was arrested by Daqin, and the thunder kings breathed a sigh of relief.

He also wanted Zhao to die before, but also to enjoy Zhao Wei's woman, but now not only the woman who belonged to him was invaded by Zhao, but his mother and sister were also invaded by Zhao.

After a few days, the situation in the Leiming country stabilized, and the people of all sides accepted the rule of Daqin. The name Leimingguo was officially abolished on this day.

Because this thundering country is a country that was attacked by Daqin, it will naturally not continue to use his name, and continuing to use this name will give those people in Leiming a sense of belonging, so it must be changed.

Zhao Wei wanted to take a few good names, such as 沧澜, day marks, moons, Kunwu and so on.

I can feel that these are not suitable, and it is already the territory of Daqin. It is even worse to take a name that is not related to Daqin, so it is called Daqin resident directly. Those people are the people of Daqin.

After controlling the Leiming country, Zhao Wei directly integrated the Locke State into the country. The two of them were connected countries. Zhao Wei also did not want to manage separately in order to facilitate the rule.

This next Daqin has a large territory.

Others have also reacted. The Locke country has long been controlled by Daqin. The mysterious powerhouse is the Daqin person. The forces of all parties are even more fearful because they understand the horror of Zhao Wei.

There are still some things, the Knights of the Lei Ming Kingdom, Zhao Wei, according to Elena's request, all put them.

The significance of killing them is not great, and it is not good for Zhao Wei.

However, Elena has received a lot of rewards for her contribution to this rescue.

The Knights Union is also a point system that is implemented. The higher the points, the higher the authority, and the higher the level of convertibles.

Although Elena and Eleven Knights are the presidents and elders of a place, but the identity of the Knights Union is not high, but relatively low, so the authority is very small, many things can not be the master.

Zhao Xin thought about helping Elena improve their status in the Knights Union. It should also have many benefits. The Knights Union is the biggest force in the world of cards.

Elena also persuaded the upper level of the Knights Union to let them stay in Daqin and collect intelligence and information about Daqin.

This one thing did not refuse the people of the Knights Union. They were very curious about the power of Daqin and wanted to get information about Daqin.

Of course, the news they got was basically Daqin’s intentional disclosure to them, because Elena had already belonged to Daqin.

In addition to this matter, there is also the case of Hilary. After the integration of the Locke country into the Lei Ming Kingdom, the system of separation was also cancelled, but Hilary still managed the entire Daqin resident as the queen.

However, she has not much interest in managing various things and has been forming her own cavalry regiment.

Now part of the resident affairs is handed over to the management of Daqin, and part of it is handed over to the former ministers of Locke State and Leiming State.

Zhao Wei found that both Herrensa and Haysami had good management skills and handed over some things to them.

Under various management, the lives of the people have not changed much. Gradually, Daqin also has a sense of belonging.

Finally, the National Cavalry Regiment, here is the National Cavalry Regiment, not the cavalry regiment that Zhao Wei asked Hilary and Elena to establish.

Zhao Wei let them establish the top cavalry regiment, but it is difficult to build a top cavalry regiment and it takes a long time, so you should focus on the ordinary cavalry regiment.

The number of Locke cavalry regiments is about 800,000, so there is no loss because there is no participation in any battle.

The Thundering Cavalry Regiment originally had almost one million people died. The treasures on them were all unplugged and used again, but there were still many damages, because a set of treasures was very precious, and there were only 300,000 sets of Leiming countries. storage.

In fact, they did not think that the thunder of the Knights will have a day of destruction.

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