The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2475: White

After the Tuwei country destroyed two small countries, the territory they controlled was connected with the territory of Daqin. If anyone met something in the future, they could directly send troops to help.

Other countries around the world are now even more fearful. There were only more than 30 countries in this place. Now they are destroyed four times, and then they are destroyed.

Now they also understand that the two powerful apocalyptic world forces have united, and they understand that they cannot be scattered in that way, or they will certainly be destroyed by the two forces.

Therefore, they took a siege, and the surrounding countries joined hands to surround the two forces of Daqin and Tuowei, and also built defensive buildings.

They are some who want to unite and attack the two forces, but there is no courage.

Because they guessed that Daqin and Tuwei were two kingdom-level forces, they could increase their troops at any time, and they were only a small Houguo and the Principality. It was very difficult to defeat the two kingdoms.

Also, they ask for help from the kingdoms around them, but there is no kingdom to understand. They knew this before, but they are now on the sidelines.

The lives and deaths of these small countries have nothing to do with them.

After the assault of the cavalry regiment, the Tuozu Kingdom also took care of the mind, and did not take the initiative to attack.

Now they still remember the terrible scene. Although there was only 300,000 cavalry regiments, but millions of soldiers were unable to withstand them, countless Tuo soldiers were thrown high and then fell.

The country also began to study various information about the card world.

After they captured the two small countries, they did not kill all the people. They also chose to conquer the people of these card worlds, because the benefits of conquering the people are far greater than killing them.

For this time, Daqin’s help, they are also very grateful, and sent people to send a variety of gifts and beauty.

They are not interested in the women in the card world, because they are three meters tall, strong and heavy, and they can crush an ordinary person down.

They are interested if they are giants or women who are also spiritual.

Zhao Wei took all the gifts. This time, helping the Tuowei Country is equal to the fact that the Tuozu State owes a big man to Daqin. In the future, they will help each other in this place.

In addition, Zhao Wei let the people of the Knights of the country put some Knights in the trade unions, and upgraded the points for Elena. The Knights Union has been releasing tasks to rescue those who are tied in two small countries.

This was a very difficult thing for other people, but it was easy for Elena to help them. They could help Daqin.

Now Daqin and Tuwei are allies, and they have helped them once. They have put some knights in the trade unions and there is no problem.

Later, Zhao Wei was also discussing with the many generals about the future.

Zhao Wei wants Daqin to continue to attack the east, because the east is the location of the cardification place, Zhao Wei wants to get the cardified land, maybe it will help Daqin greatly.

And occupying the place of the cardification is the strongest kingdom of the kingdom in the vicinity. I heard that the royal family there has a strong dragon blood.

The dragons can say that no matter what the world is a powerful creature, having their blood and strength will be of great help to anyone.

If you want to get a place to be stuck, you must definitely destroy this dragon kingdom.

Zhao Long, the dragon kingdom, has collected information about him. The population has reached more than 400 billion, and the number of troops is also 40 billion. It was an old kingdom for more than 620 years.

Their soldiers also have dragon power, which is stronger than the average soldier, and the most terrible is their Knights of the Dragon King.

Ordinary Knights can play very terrible power, such as the thing just happened, the cavalry regiments of two small countries, killing the Tuowei country is somewhat incapable of resisting, mainly relying on the number of people to kill the cavalry regiment.

Those who are still only small cavalry regiments, the cavalry regiment owned by the Dragon Kingdom is a kingdom-class cavalry regiment. The set of spirits on the body is also a high-level ritual, not the intermediate-level ritual that Zhao Wei now has.

The horses they ride are not ordinary horses, but horses with dragon blood. The strength of adulthood is four or five steps. The strength of those cavalry is basically five.

The most frightening thing is that they asked the number of corps to reach 40 million. Nothing wrong is the cavalry regiment with 40 million cavalry.

Hundreds of thousands of cavalry regiments can exert terrible destructive power, and 40 million cavalry regiments can exert much horrible power.

Imagine it, it feels very scary, and relying on this cavalry regiment can easily destroy an ordinary kingdom in the outer world of the Apocalypse.

Now that Daqin has eliminated only a few small countries, it has great advantages, so there is no difficulty, but in the face of the same level of state, the pressure is not huge.

Therefore, it is very difficult for Daqin to destroy this dragon kingdom, not to mention that this place does not know a kingdom, but multiple kingdoms.

At this time, it seems that the pressure of Tuoweiguo and Daqin is not very big, but in the face of those kingdom-level existence, the pressure is very great. Now Daqin’s strength can only choose to defend, and dare not tough.

In a short time, it is impossible to destroy this dragon kingdom. Now the situation is relatively stable. Is it true that Zhao Hao wants to put the card on the side of the world?

Zhao Wei still has the problem of awakening the spirits of the spirits and the exercises. It is not that there is nothing, and these things are very important things, not trivial matters.

There is also a great power to say that in addition to a big world will hit the Apocalypse world, there will be huge catastrophe.

Now that the card world has hit the Apocalypse world, the unknown catastrophe will happen in the near future. Relative to this matter, the card world is a small matter.

Zhao Xin made a decision in mind, first set aside the things in the card world and let the forces develop themselves for a while.

Here, Zhao Zhao intends to hand over to Wei Wei to manage. Hilary and Elena need to form a cavalry regiment. Although Helensha and Haysami can help manage the internal affairs, but also need a Qin Guo general to guard ~www.mtlnovel. Com~ As for Baiqi, Zhao Wei is the most trusted general, can not be guarded in the card world, after Zhao Wei left Daqin, he needs to sit in Daqin.

Briefly explain the things here, Zhao Wei will return to Daqin.

Hilary and the twelve knights also played in Daqin, and were very curious about all aspects of Daqin. Zhao Wei called her back to the Imperial Palace.

"What's matter?"

Hilary stood on the main hall and looked at Zhao Wei, who called her back. He asked strangely that she had not played enough yet and planned to continue playing in the Daqin territory.

Zhao Wei looked at her and asked with a smile. "Now do you know all the things about Daqin?"

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