The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2481: Sword

"What happened to the public? Is it something we have done wrong?" Several fascinating beautiful men said in a panic, obviously they did not want to be separated from Ziyun.

Ziyun said with a smile on his face and said, "I am going to find my true love!"

A few fascinating beautiful men understood the meaning of Ziyun, his face showed a very lost expression, and did not dare to be stubborn.

Ziyun stood up from the ground and looked at a few glamorous beautiful men. He waved a few rings and flew them in front of them. He smiled and said, "You have been following me for so long, I will not treat you badly, this storage ring is inside. There are some treasures, you can take them!"

A few glamorous beautiful men nodded lightly and took the ring floating in front of them.

Ziyun did not have any thoughts on them, turned into a purple streamer, disappeared into the horizon.

An hour later, Ziyun appeared in a cave, sitting cross-legged on the ground, and the body radiated countless purple atmosphere. Ziyun was the first to do so, so I needed to be very careful and could not have any accidents.

The purple scent of the purple cloud constantly swells around him, forming a purple fog ball that envelops the body of the purple cloud.

Numerous purple breaths continued to emerge, and the foggy ball slowly solidified into a purple ball.

The purple cloud in the ball exudes a breath of just to the yang, and there is a purple flame in the body. This flame is the source of the power of the purple cloud.

The purple flame also radiated to the strength just after the yang, but then Ziyun's hands were placed on the chest, and several gongs were displayed. The purple flame changed.

I saw a little blue flame in the purple flame. A force of yin and softness began to emanate. The blue flame continued to grow, the purple flame continued to get smaller, and the purple flaming power radiated. It is getting smaller and smaller.

Ziyun's body began to change, a long black hair turned purple, a very beautiful face, slowly began to change to the woman's appearance, a pair of purple eyes turned into a pair of blue eyes like a gem.

His slender, muscular body began to change, his muscles disappeared, his skin became white and smooth, and a pair of huge things grew out of his chest.

Finally, the purple sphere splits and countless blue rays are emitted. A woman who seems to be more beautiful than a fairy in the sky.

She has a beautiful face, tall and mature, her chest is very large, extremely attractive, exudes a temperament and feminine temperament, enough to make countless men heart for her.

Now Ziyun’s appearance has changed a lot, as if it were two people. She has not said anything wrong before, so her appearance can definitely rank in the top ten in the human domain, which is better than her appearance as a man. Times.

Followed by the body, her body is more different than before, without a little muscle, snow white and smooth with water, which makes countless women will be heart.

The most surprising thing is that the chest of Ziyun has such a big change, it is really amazing.

Ziyun looked at her changes and chuckled. Now her voice has changed, she has become extremely delicate, and she can make a man's heartbeat speed by saying a few words.

Later, Ziyun put on a light blue robes and chased in the direction of Zhao Wei, and she changed her name to Blue Moon.

After leaving the city, Zhao Wei continued to hurry to the spiritual domain.

At this time, Zhao Yu was flying in the sky and flew to another empire. He wanted to borrow the transmission array of this empire and transmit it to a farther place.

If the transmission arrays of each country are connected together, Zhao Wei feels that the time spent in the spiritual domain will be reduced by seven-tenths, and the main time is spent on the leap-boundary area.

It is a pity that the transmission arrays of one country cannot be connected together. If a country attacks another country through a transmission array, it will be a very dangerous thing and can be transmitted directly to the country.


A huge roar suddenly sounded, and Zhao’s expression slammed and stopped, and his eyes looked to one side.

This roar sound seems to be caused by the battle, and the position is not far from myself. Who is fighting here? The strength of the people who are fighting is not weak.

Zhao Wei thought about it, still did not go, others did not fight his affairs, Zhao Wei is planning to continue to fly forward.


A huge sword suddenly sounded, and a sword light took Zhao from the distance with a terrible power. The speed is very fast, just for a moment.

Zhao Wei extended a hand, a huge force rushed out of the palm of his hand, and a black defensive cover emerged.


A huge sound was emitted, and the sword was smashed on the defensive hood, and it was turned into a huge sword wind. The hood was not damaged.

Zhao Yu frowned. This Jianguang did not actively attack him. Instead, Zhao Wei was affected. He wanted to be attacked by another person. The attack was too big and the people nearby were affected.

This force, Zhao Wei, still feels somewhat familiar. He did not hesitate for a long time. Zhao Wei flew directly to one side.

I saw a Tsing Yi, a woman with a temperament and a beautiful appearance, holding a green sword and fighting a young man in white and looking overbearing.

Zhao Wei did not expect two people to know, but also had some grudges.

That woman named Jian June, is the sister of Jianyi in January. Zhao Wei was almost caught by her sister sword in January. Her sister’s strength is terrible, and she has realized a very powerful sword meaning. It is even stronger than Ziyun.

At that time, Zhao Wei was lucky to escape by fighting with her.

The name of the man named Cangkong, the nine emperors of the Scorpio Empire, the strength is terrible, the strength can enter the top 30 of the new version of the human domain.

At the entrance of the Imperial College, the more empty the sky, because his wife looked at Zhao Wei, the more empty the sky wanted to kill Zhao Wei ~ ~ but was stopped by her wife.

His wife, Zhao Wei, has some impressions. It is a pink palace dress with a seductive body and a beautiful face. The name is Shannon. This kind of terrible charm is cultivated and the strength is equally strong.

"How did the two of them fight here?"

Zhao Wei was a bit strange, and then thought again, he met several students from the Imperial College here, took out the map and saw that he was already in the vicinity of the Imperial College.

When it comes to Emperor Taoist College, Zhao can not help but think of the great power that has helped him a lot. Will you come here to thank him personally?

This can be very dangerous. It is the Imperial College, which has countless strong people. There are nine great powers on the bright side. If there is no chance to escape from identity, there is no chance to escape.

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