The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2483: 弑仙剑意

Then, give her the first time to him and give it to the man she truly recognizes.

Unfortunately, in the past few years, she has not waited for this opportunity, she wants to find the mysterious man, but the world can not find the man, then she can not find the man.

After waiting for such a long time, the great disappointment made her heart have to give up, and there is not much hope.

I did not expect that there was such a strong reaction today, which made her somewhat unresponsive, and the opportunity to wait for a few years suddenly appeared.

Toon hurriedly looked at the eyes and looked for the whereabouts of the man. When he found the man, he still looked like that. He always had a cloak, and the breath that came out was more attractive.

I finally saw him, and the eyes of the fragrant scorpion were moist, and now there is a rush to the man’s arms.

"You three killed me!" A voice interrupted the thoughts of Shannon, and the more empty the air, the orders were given to the three emperors.

The three emperors looked at Zhao Wei and immediately released a huge force and rushed to Zhao.

Shannon hurriedly cried, "Don't!"

However, the three emperors are all empty and empty, and will not obey her orders and continue to rush to Zhao with a powerful force.

The speed of the three quickly rushed to Zhao Wei.

An ordinary young man looks like a punch with a huge wind. It seems that he can crush a hair. The middle-aged man takes a palm and shoots a horrible force. The old man has a hand. Like the claws, he grabbed the past and took an amazing power.

Zhao Wei looked at the three emperors who had attacked in front of him. A huge force gathered in his arms, clenched his fists, and ignited a black arrogance.


A huge noise sounded, the two forces slammed together, and a huge gust of wind blew open. The three emperors retreated after a few steps before stopping, looking at Zhao Wei with a look of disdain.

And Zhao Wei stood still in the same place.

Other people were also surprised. They didn't think that Zhao Wei was playing three people alone. The advantage was still great. The strength of this person is really strong.

There was a smile on the face of the toon, and the heart was relieved.

The sword did not hesitate in June, and directly turned into a sword light to shoot at the horizon. Now Zhao has three other emperors to resist, just let her run away. No matter who wins, neither party will benefit him.

Zhao Wei looked at the sword to escape in June, and stretched out a hand, a huge force poured out, turned into a huge palm, and caught the sword in June.

The sword immediately felt a force bound her, and the speed of the original slowed down. The black hand looked at her when she was about to catch her.

She took out a sword and posted it on her body.


A huge sword sounded, and I saw that a piece of paper flicked out countless swords, and a vast sword wrapped the body of the sword in June, quickly shot forward and smashed Zhao’s imprisonment. force. Draw a thin line in the air and disappear into the sky.

This is the life-saving paper of the sword in June. As a powerful force, it is impossible to have no life-saving means.

The more empty the sky, the more uncomfortable the situation was. The hand that flew forward and took the toon, also activated a jade card and turned it into a beam of light.

Zhao Yigang wanted to stop, and the three emperors of the heavenly realm exerted a powerful attack, and Zhao Wei stopped.

Looking at the escaped sword in June and the sky, Zhao Wei feels somewhat boring. I wanted to teach them a little bit about it. It was a sigh of relief for the past.

Finally, I looked at the three tense strong heavenly strongmen in front of me and said, "Give you three seconds!"

Zhao Wei does not want to waste power on the three of them now.

The three emperors hurriedly turned and flew to one side. They knew that Zhao Yuyuan was stronger than them and could easily kill them. They were prepared to be killed if they stayed.

I didn't think that Zhao Wei let them roll, and they didn't plan to kill them. They naturally rolled very happy.

Now the more the sword and the sky fled, the more the Zhao Yi dismissed the idea of ​​going to the Imperial College. The place could not be long, so Zhao Wei quickly flew forward and left the place.

Sword in June, some wretched back to Jianzong just met his sister sword in January.

The sword looked at his sister in such awkward look in January, and asked with concern, "June! How did you get this? What happened?"

Sword June opened the simple thing, and then asked, "Sister! Do you know who the person is? How do you complain with such a strong person, but I don't know?"

The sword was puzzled in January. She didn't know when to complain with such a person. Then she listened to her sister and said that the man had been carrying a cloak, suddenly thought of something, his face changed greatly.

Sword looked at his sister like this in June, and his heart was followed by a surprise. He asked, "What happened to my sister?"

The sword said with a dignified face in January. "You have fought with him. You should have some breath on his body. Give me something now."

"Oh!" The sword should be heard in June, then stretched out to the body and grabbed a few black scent. The black air gathered together into a small group. The sword reached out and handed the small air group to his sister.

When the sword took the breath in January, there was a sense of familiarity. Then she took out a wafer ball, and there was a black-skinned sword in the ball.

The black-skinned sword gas sensed the atmosphere, and immediately became excited and excited, and the crystal ball moved, because it saw its own master.

Sword asked in June, "Sister! Isn't this the sword that you have been comprehending? How do you react so strongly to this breath, do you know that person?"

Sword seriously looked at his sister in January and said, "I know people, and you have heard of them."

Sword June said strangely on the face, "Who is that?"

The sword said in January that that person is the owner of the seven emperors, the terrible figure that makes the three worlds shake. ”

It was said that the sword in June was like a huge wave, and his mind was blank. He did not expect such a terrible horror. The Tianjiao, which was watched by the world, was met by her.

After a while, the sword was nervous and began to speak. "Sister is such a big thing, what do you say we should do? Do you want to tell your father and the elders, who will return to Tianyu?"

The sword pondered for a moment in January. "This is too big. The less people know, the better. We don't want to tell others for the time being. Otherwise, once the news leaks out, the entire Tianyu will be sensational."

"And even if I told my father about it, they would not be able to deal with such a terrible person."

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