The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2507: Yin and Yang 5 body

Zhao Yi’s cloak has been turned into countless pieces, revealing Zhao’s true appearance. That perfection does not seem to have a face in the world. One pair of eyes is seven colors, and one long hair becomes seven colors.

The body is slender, the muscles are even, and wearing a black dress gives a noble, domineering, extraordinary, and has a fairy temperament.

Qingyao and Qinghe had a pair of eyes watching Zhao Wei into the gods. They did not think that Zhao Wei was so perfect, and his heart was beating uncontrollably.

Now Zhao Wei has obtained the Yin and Yang Five Elements and successfully obtained the blood of the Lingzu. This kind of blood is called the yin and yang five elements of blood, which can be regarded as a top bloodline among the spirits.

With this bloodline, Zhao can also be a spiritual family. This is the basis of the awakening of the spiritual star. If the spiritual blood is not available, no matter how powerful it is, it will not be able to awaken the spiritual star.

In addition to having blood, Zhao Wei also mastered the powerful yin and yang five elements of spiritual strength, his physical fitness has been strengthened, and the blood level has been slightly improved.

Finally, the immortal mode, because Zhao Wei obtained the yin and yang five elements, feels several times stronger than before, and is more intimate with the heavens and the earth, easier to mobilize the heaven and earth spirits, and the combat power exerted is even more terrible.

At this time, Zhao Wei also sensed the infinite emptiness of the spiritual empire star. Now it is only the poor gods and the huge spiritual air transport that can awaken the spiritual star.

The huge array of the sky has disappeared, and Zhao’s body changed its appearance, flew down from the sky and landed in front of Qinghe and Qingyao.

Qinghe’s beautiful pair looked at Zhao’s face, and reached out with a jade hand. He touched and touched Zhao’s face and said with a smile. “I didn’t think that your face is so beautiful, no wonder you have to carry a cloak all the time. Otherwise, you can make countless women crazy for you with a face."

Zhao Wei feels like being swayed, and some are uncomfortable. He said, "The second master, we are still leaving here earlier, just causing such great fluctuations, there will definitely be many strong people coming here."

Qing Yao’s cheeks were reddish and he said, “Qinghe! Let’s leave here first, there is something waiting to be said.”

Qinghe thought, nodded with a smile.

The three quickly left here, and there were a lot of strong people coming here in less than a while, and most of them were horrible in the big energy class.

However, they were slightly touched, and they quickly left without any gains, and did not care too much about this.

Zhao Wei three people came to a room in a city pool inn, now Zhao Wei has been replaced with a cloak, or his perfect level of face, will attract the attention of countless people, regardless of men and women.

After coming to the room, Qinghe reached out and took Zhao Zhao's cloak down. He said with a smile, "Let the second master take a good look at your face."

Zhao Wei feels helpless. The average person is absolutely afraid to do this. Even if he does this, Zhao Wei will definitely resist, but this Qinghe is also a large energy level, and the resistance can not resist.

Qing Yao’s red face was on the side and he couldn’t stand it. He said, “Qinghe is good! Don’t be like this.”

Wen Yan said, Qinghe stopped his hand and said with a smile, "You can bring a cloak in front of other people, but privately you don't bring a cloak. I like to look at your face, do you understand?"

Zhao Wei said helplessly, "Understood!"

Qinghe chuckled. "Now we will discuss the next thing well. Now that you have acquired the Yin and Yang Five Elements, is it just a bad spirit and a huge air transport?"

Zhao Wei nodded and replied, "Yeah!"

Qinghe thought for a moment. "I know that there are a few places where there are Tianlingzhu. We will finish the things of Lingzhu first, and finally finish the air transport."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "Yes!"

Qinghe turned to look at Qingyao and said with a smile, "Sister! Do you have any opinions? Or other ideas."

Qing Yao looked at Qinghe, who was more active than himself. He was worried. "I have no opinion on this matter, but you can't like Zhao Wei. I hope that you can keep a gathering with him. I don't want you to be like me."

Hearing the words, Qinghe smiled down. Now, I really like Zhao Wei. She also understands Qing Yao’s fears. She is afraid that Zhao Wei will be killed like other Xianyu. She is influenced by Zhao Wei and will be as lonely as herself. for many years.

"Do you understand?" Qing Yao looked at Qinghe with a serious look.

Zhao Wei stood on the side and was not good at what to say.

Dissatisfied with Qinghe’s heart, he reached out a hand and yelled at Zhao’s. “What do you want to say?”

Zhao Yu’s waist hurts and the body moves to the side. It feels innocent, but after thinking about it, there is nothing to care about. “My current woman is already unclear. If you are willing to be my woman, I will definitely live up to it. you."

When Qinghe heard Zhao’s words, he extended a hand and slammed Zhao Wei, and glared at Zhao Wei. “Do you still have a few unclear women?”

This painful Zhao Wei took a breath and retreated to the side, looking at the angry Qinghe River, feeling what he was saying, might be beaten by Qinghe.

Qing Yao interrupted Qinghe and said, "He will certainly have dozens of women as the twelfth generation of immortals. Now you understand! Or keep a distance with him, you may have been affected by the six desires. ”

When I heard that Qing Yao said that she had dozens of women, Zhao Wei felt a little embarrassed.

Qinghe snorted. "I know, now we are back to Linghe, I know who has a water pearl."

When I heard Qinghe, Qing Yao understood what she meant and said seriously, "He has a water god, but he will not give us easily. If other means are not good, we are all inside a sect. People."

Qinghe’s face did not change, he replied, “Well! I know, let’s try it first, if you can’t go to other places.”

Qing Yao’s face showed a I looked at Zhao Wei’s mouth and said, “Then you will talk to us about Linghe, remember to hide your breath, and don’t seduce our sect. Female disciples and elders, otherwise I will punish you."

Zhao Wei said with a chuckle, "Master, you can rest assured, I am not such a person."

Qinghe glanced at Zhao Wei and said, "If he dares to seduce, I will cut off his things and let him not dare to harm other women in the future."

Zhao Wei feels that the back is cold, and this Qinghe can't cope with it. If you really want to like Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei can't resist it.

Subsequently, the three left the city and came to Linghe.

The location of Linghe Zong is in the center of a large river. The river is very wide. The river has a touch of aura. It is not an ordinary river. The Linghezong building in the middle is like a water city. It is huge and majestic. Mainly.

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