The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2827: Blood sacrifice

Volume One Chapter 284

The basic thing that attacks everyone is plants. Every tree, every flower, every grass in the forest seems to be alive and full of danger.

Those who are attacked are not in danger of life. These plants will not kill the witch, but will devour the witch's blood.

This is also the first ritual of blood sacrifice at the Wuji Festival.

Countless plants absorb the blood of previous witch, and witch is the strongest and most potential person in every tribe. The plants that absorb their blood also have the effect of restraining witchcraft.

If they are caught by these plants, they will lose a lot of blood if they don't break away for the first time, and their bodies will be sent out automatically.

咻咻 咻 ......

The originally soft grass on the ground immediately became straight and shot like a sword. Several people quickly used the defensive cover to resist, but the grass sword was very sharp, and each grass sword penetrated the defensive cover, scaring Several people have to back away immediately.


Behind them, a big tree came to life. Numerous branches stabbed at those people. Several people were unprepared. Their bodies were pierced by countless times. The branches immediately absorbed the blood of several people.

Several people hurried to break free and attacked the branches. A stream of cold light chopped the branches and cut them off.

This angered the big tree, and madly grew branches to reach several witches, and several people also fought against this big tree.

A handsome young man, holding a knife, walked carefully in the woods, and suddenly a wall-climbing grass quickly reached out from the ground.

The young man swung out with a cold light, and cut off the grass that climbed the wall.

But the two climbing walls suddenly protruded from the left and right sides, entangled his feet, and the young man immediately waved a knife to spread the vines that bound his feet, but another wall-climbing grass shot out, entwining his arms Live, young people want to break free,

A few more wall-climbing grass shot out, entangled the youth's body, bound the youth in a circle, the youth struggled hard but could not break free,

At this time, the leaves of many climbing grass cut the youth's body like a blade, absorbing the youth's blood, the youth's breath slowly weakened, and finally fell into a coma because of excessive blood loss.

A light sphere in his body spread out, enveloping the youth's body, and the youth's body slowly disappeared in place. That light sphere was the light sphere obtained at the time of registration. In addition to relying on the light sphere to enter the Holy Land It has the effect of protecting the witch.

The youth disappeared, and those who climbed the wall quickly backed away, and the surroundings became calm again.

His eyes turned to Zhao Fu.

Seeing that the sharp black spikes couldn't attack Zhao Fu, the huge black vine quickly grew up, and with a strong force, whipped towards Zhao Fu and brought a strong wind.

Zhao Fu chuckled, and his outstretched hand smashed the ground, smashing that vine to the ground, and the vine quickly climbed up, carrying a powerful force, and continued to shoot at Zhao Fu, Like a biting big python.


Zhao Fu raised a hand, a black sword light appeared in the palm of his hand, and he cut forward, bringing out a terrible black sword light and cut forward.


The black vine was cut by black sword light, countless black liquid splashed, and a fist-sized blood jade floated in mid-air.

Zhao Fu reached out and grabbed, and that blood jade flew to Zhao Fu.

Many plants will absorb the blood of the witch, and also have the effect of restraining witch power. The body will also condense a witch blood jade. This thing can enhance your witch power and improve your physical fitness. The key is that there are no side effects.

Zhao Fu glanced at the Wuxueyu in his hand, then reached out and handed it to Langqing, which had no effect on him.

Wolf Green happily took the Wuxueyu, which had no effect on Zhao Fu, but it had a huge effect on her, and said, "Thank you!"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I have said that I will not treat you badly, and then I am getting something to enhance your potential and strength."

Wolf Green said with a sweet smile, "You are so good to me!"

Zhao Fu said, "Go on! Let's kill a few plants and help the wolf Lulu get some witch blood jade."

Wolf Green nodded with a smile.

Wu Ying was also attacked, and she was also flying in the sky.

In fact, although there are many plants on the ground, they are relatively safe, because flying in the sky will attract the attention of countless powerful plants. They will preferentially attack people in the sky. If there is no strong power to dare to fly in the sky, then there is no doubt Is looking for death.

What attacked Wuying was a flower that was 100 meters high and shaped like a chrysanthemum. It sprayed countless white pollen and flew towards Wuying like sand and dust.

Those pollen are poisonous, only a little inhalation can make a witch fall into a coma.

Wu Ying stretched out a white hand, a silver-white spiral spread out, sucked in the countless flying pollen, and condensed a two-meter flower ball ~ ~ A huge flower, each flower becomes sharp, and the flower hit the Wuying with a force.

Wu Ying stood still, and a silver-white mask appeared on his body.


The petal was cut on the defensive cover. The defensive cover was not damaged at all, but the petals shattered, showing that Wuying's strength is very powerful.

The huge flower was not reconciled, exuded a stronger momentum, and whipped towards Wu Ying as if it could crush a mountain.

Wu Ying stretched out a hand, and a silver-white beam flew out with terrible power.


That silver and white light beam hit the huge flower, shot through the body of the huge flower, and a huge noise occurred. The huge flower collapsed and a fist-sized witch blood jade flew out.

Wu Ying glanced at it and was not very interested in it.

Xuanzang also flew in the sky and was attacked by a huge bamboo. This bamboo has great resilience. The general attack of Xuanzang only caused a little damage to the bamboo. It must be powerful to kill the bamboo. .

What Yuan Mei met was a hideaway giant mushroom, which seemed to have no attack power, but exuded a dangerous fishy smell. This kind of fishy smell can not be blocked by the general defense cover. After inhalation, there will be some mildew on the body It is very harmful to the body.

The frog cow also met a vine, but he did not have the strength as Zhao Fu. It took some time to kill the vine, and the blood blood jade obtained was also collected. This kind of blood blood Jade still has some effect on him.

Almost all the eight witches chose to fly in the sky and were attacked by powerful plants. Others also flew in the sky, some were injured, and some were seriously injured. The blood was absorbed by the powerful plant.

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